Chapter 664
"So, you ran out secretly because you wanted to divorce Qin Rui?" Unexpectedly, after hearing Xia Zhaoyang's "affectionate" confession, Milan was very angry, "Because of this, you said nothing Running out, do you know how anxious my daughter and I are? We ran into Qin Rui's ward, and we almost dug three feet to find you, and were laughed at by Qin Rui!"

Seeing Milan getting angry, Xia Zhaoyang drooped his head, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and said with aggrieved expression:
"Milan, I know that I must have done a lot of things that you can tolerate in the past, so you are not willing to forgive me easily. Believe me, I will use the rest of my life to prove my words. Please marry me again, okay?"

Xia Zhaoyang's expression of sincerity made Milan seem to see the young man who passionately pursued her on the university campus back then!

However, all these are just good memories after all.

Between him and her, too many years have passed, and too many stories have been experienced.

Now his memory is missing, so he can do it all over again.

But she can't.

She couldn't forget Qin Rui's arrogance when she entered the room with her belly outstretched, she couldn't forget the heartache of wanting to see her daughter but being deliberately blocked...

And all of this was caused by the weak will of the man in front of him.

He once betrayed his oath and overdrawn all his integrity with her, so it is impossible for her to trust him now.

Seeing the firm expression in Milan's eyes, Xia Zhaoyang's mind was confused for a while, and hot water flowed out of his eyes...

Xia Yuan is helpless, she has given her parents enough space and time, but it seems that even if it rains here for another night tonight, her mother will not compromise with her father.

It can't be drenched anymore, and the three of them will get sick if they drench again.

Xia Yuan deliberately cleared her cough, appeared from the shadow of the invisible corner of the wall, pretending to be nonchalant and said:

"Dad, Mom, I brought the car here."

The sound of dad and mom sounds like a complete and warm family?
How good would it be if it were true?
Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help thinking.

Milan didn't know if she was touched, her face was expressionless.

Xia Yuan still carried her father on her back, walked a dozen steps, came to the parked Audi, opened the door, and moved her father into the car with difficulty.

Milan also sat in the back seat, and Xia Yuan could only sigh when she saw that she was still taking care of her father as usual.

Because now Xia Yuan could clearly feel that her mother took care of her father only out of past friendship.

Or, for Xia Yuan's sake.

Because, only if Xia Zhaoyang lives well, Xia Yuan will not appear lonely and helpless, and can gain a firm foothold in the Xia Clan faster.

The current Xia Yuan is still too immature, if Xia Zhaoyang is gone so soon, those competitors lurking in the dark will definitely rush out one by one, eager to chew Xia Yuan into pieces and swallow them in their stomachs.

Xia Yuan thought through all this, so she could only sigh and continue driving.

Half an hour later, Xia Yuan finally parked the car at the gate of Xinyang Hospital. Dean Li, who received the call, had already asked someone to prepare a wheelchair. Two strong nurses lifted Xia Zhaoyang out of the car and put him on the wheelchair , and then pushed to the advanced ward.

"Mr. Xia, you're all soaked, why don't you go to our hotel and change?"

Dean Li said politely.

Xia Yuan considered that her parents also needed to use the bathroom in the high-end ward, so she nodded, and found a set of sports clothes from the Audi's trunk, which were usually placed for convenience when she went to the gym with Nangong Junyan. The one in the car, it just comes in handy at this time.

Xinyang Hospital has an in-hospital hotel for family members of patients. In addition to ordinary rooms, there are also deluxe rooms.

Dean Li helped Xia Yuan open a luxurious guest room, and respectfully went back to his office to obey orders.

After all, President Xia is a young woman, and he is her subordinate, but it must be inconvenient for him to change the laundry.

Xia Yuan took a hot shower comfortably, put all her wet clothes into a storage bag, and put them back in her Audi car before going to the senior ward to visit her parents.

With the help of the nurse, his father had already taken a bath and changed his clothes. At this time, Dr. Liu was checking his physical condition.

Seeing Xia Yuan coming, Dr. Liu happened to have finished his examination. He walked out of the ward and said to Xia Yuan:
"Mr. Xia, Mr. Xia is fine. It's just that his mood is not stable now, which has a certain impact on his injured brain. Your family members had better let him keep a peaceful mood, so as to prevent him from having a heart attack. In addition, Mr. Xia's legs are fine. , Let the physical therapist treat it tomorrow and you will be able to recover."

Xia Yuan nodded, and after thanking Dr. Liu, she returned to the ward and saw her father's gloomy face, as if he had lost something, lost his soul.

Of course Xia Yuan knew in her heart what her father was depressed about, but as a daughter, there was nothing she could do about it.

The palm of the hand is flesh, and the back of the hand is also flesh.

She can't make her mother sad for her father's happiness, can she?
Just when Xia Yuan was hesitating what to say to her father, Milan came out of the bathroom. She also took a shower and changed into dry clothes, looking more energetic.

"Mom, Dr. Liu said that Dad is fine."

In order to break the dull atmosphere in the room, Xia Yuan had no choice but to say something.

"Oh, that's good." Milan said lightly, without showing any particular concern, and then said, "It's getting late, Lao Xia, you should rest. I'll ask Yuanyuan to drive me back."

"Milan, you, will you come back tomorrow after you leave?"

Xia Zhaoyang looked like a child who had done something wrong, with a timid expression on his face, Xia Yuan couldn't bear to see it.

"Yes, I will come back tomorrow. You can sleep peacefully."

Milan's answer made Xia Zhaoyang's face relax immediately, perhaps because he was afraid that his obsession would make Milan angry, Xia Zhaoyang nodded and said:

"Okay, I'm going to sleep now."

In the advanced ward, Xia Yuan hired several nurses to take care of her father around the clock, so even if the mother and daughter were away, they could still receive good care.

Seeing that her mother insisted on going back, Xia Yuan said to the nurse next to her:
"Please take care of my father to rest."


The tall nurse stepped forward, pushed Xia Zhaoyang's wheelchair to the side of the bed, and carried him onto the bed.

Seeing her father being settled, Xia Yuan said goodbye to him with peace of mind, and walked out of the hospital with her mother.

She got into the car silently, and Xia Yuan couldn't say that she didn't have any regrets in her heart.

Selfishly thinking, if father and mother walk together again, what a happy ending it would be for her!
Alas, even fairy tales dare not write like this.

Xia Yuan could only look at her mother helplessly, then started the car and drove towards Times Square.

"Mom, I'll go home and sleep too."

Nangong Junyan was not there, Xia Yuan wanted to spend more time with her mother, so she said.

(End of this chapter)

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