Chapter 666
"It was probably when I was five years old. Anyway, I started collecting when I was sensible. The first time my father gave it to me on my fifth birthday. I liked it very much at the time. I hugged it at night and refused to let go."

Xia Yuan recalled the beautiful past when she was a child, and she couldn't help smiling.

"Do you still remember something so early? You are so precocious."

Nangong Toshihiko's face was full of appreciation.

"That's right, my memory has always been very good. The earliest I can remember is about three years old, but it's just a fragment, and I can't remember the whole thing clearly."

Xia Yuan didn't continue this topic, she carefully wrapped the teddy bear in a plastic bag, and was going to a professional toy store to clean it.

Nangong Toshihiko's eyes flashed, as if realizing something.

Xia Yuan has already sat behind the chair and started to eat breakfast.

After the two went to work separately.

After Nangong Junyan sat down, secretary Wang Xiaoyang came in with a steaming cup of Blue Mountain coffee.

The one who followed in was An Yichen with a smug face.

"Junyan, Tang Tang agreed to my marriage proposal."

"Needless to say, I can tell by your face. Congratulations, brother!"

Nangong Toshihiko stood up happily and patted his shoulder.

"Your trick really worked. I gave her a ring polished by myself, and she was so touched that she agreed."

An Yichen originally expressed his thanks.

"But, you didn't ask Xia Yuan to watch the ceremony, will she care?"

Nangong Toshihiko reminded him.

After all, Tang Tian is her best friend.

"Oh, yes, why did I forget? But to be honest, although I have always wanted to propose to Tang Tang, I haven't set a specific date yet.

We went to the movies together last night, and the atmosphere was really good, so I proposed to her as soon as I got excited in the park. "

"So it was planned for a long time, and it was triggered randomly? That's okay, since Tang Tian agreed, it's a good thing. I think Xia Yuan won't care if she knows the truth."

Nangong Toshihiko nodded.

"Invite you two to dinner tonight to celebrate my successful proposal." An Yichen looked smug, "I don't have to act first. That Moses calls overseas every day, and even said that he will come to China to visit Tang Tang next week. I You can fly thousands of miles away to chase her back, how can you lose her in the country?"

An Yichen started the battle to defend his girlfriend with a righteous face.

"Brat, I don't know your virtue yet. Okay, let's have dinner together tonight. By the way, Xia Yuan told me in the morning that she collected teddy bears since she was a child, but I remember the list you provided last time. , doesn’t have Xia Yuan’s name?”

Nangong Junyan originally wanted to ask An Yichen about this in the morning, but this time he came to his door himself, and it was just right.

"Oh? Is this the case? I'll check it out again."

An Yichen also paid attention to it.

Because he knew that the matter of the teddy bear was a knot in Nangong Junyan's heart.

It's just that he never expected that Xia Yuan is also a teddy bear collector, but it's strange, why isn't Xia Yuan on his collection list?

An Yichen couldn't sit still anymore, he and Nangong Junyan informed, confirmed the time and place for dinner, and left.

Nangong Junyan knew An Yichen's temperament, he must have discovered doubts, and would definitely pursue him, so he was very relieved to hand over this matter to An Yichen.

However, in front of Nangong Toshihiko, a scene that made him suffocate suddenly appeared: darkness, boundless darkness, humidity, and the sound of sand falling down...

Seeing Nangong Junyan sitting on the sofa in a daze, secretary Wang Xiaoyang hesitated for a while, and then called softly:

"Chief, Mr. Liu from Shanhai Foods is here, do you want to meet him?"

Nangong Junyan came to his senses after being called by Wang Xiaoyang, and said:
"Okay, let him come in!"

With the arrival of his partner, Nangong Toshihiko forcibly regained his mind and began to focus on his work.

For so many years, whenever the fear came, it was the busy work that saved Nangong Junyan back.

Xia Yuan just finished handling the business at hand when she received a call from Milan:

"Yuanyuan, your dad has a fever and is talking nonsense now. The doctor said it was because of the rain last night."

"What? Dad has a fever? Okay, I'll go see him right away."

After Xia Yuan finished speaking, without waiting for Milan to reply, she hung up the phone and left the office with her briefcase.

Hurrying to Xinyang Hospital, Xia Yuan came to the high-grade ward where Xia Zhaoyang lived. Xia Yuan saw that Milan was helping his father wipe his forehead and use physical cooling to reduce his fever.

"I just wanted to tell you about your dad's illness. I will take care of him. I was just about to tell you not to come over, so you hung up the phone."

Milan said to Xia Yuan.

"Dad must tell me when he is sick. It is also my responsibility to take care of him. How can you support yourself?"

Seeing the bruises under her mother's eyes, Xia Yuan knew that she hadn't succeeded when she said she wanted to "quiet" last night, so she couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Well, I'm afraid you're too busy with work to get away."

Milan explained.

"It's okay, I just finished my work, and there is no urgent document to be issued now."

Xia Yuan sat by the bed, picked up a towel, and wiped her father's forehead so that her mother could have a rest.

When you have a fever, cooling down physically is the best way. Modern people know that fever is actually harmful to the body.

Although fever consumes energy, the increase in body temperature can also kill many harmful bacteria and even cancer cells in the body.

Therefore, it is a good thing for an adult to have a fever once or twice a year.

Xia Yuan and Milan knew that Xia Zhaoyang's fever was caused by the rain yesterday, so apart from taking good care of him, they were not nervous.

Xia Zhaoyang, on the other hand, kept calling Milan's name in a daze during the high fever. It seemed that remarrying Milan was still obsessed in his heart.

"Mom, look, Dad still remembers you at this time."

Xia Yuan couldn't help but said.

Milan smiled awkwardly and said:

"He's burnt out."

"It's okay, I took his temperature, and it's 38 degrees, which has dropped by half a degree."

Xia Yuan said seriously.

It means to refute the mother's words, and the father is not confused.

"Your dad will think about it. After all, we have been separated for more than ten years. In the past ten years, I have become used to being alone. Besides, now that you have grown up, if there is any uncomfortable thing, I can talk to you Tell me, I don’t think there’s anything missing.”

Milan still sticks to its point of view.

Xia Yuan gave up the futile persuasion and could only nod her head to express her understanding and acceptance of her mother's argument.

After taking care of him until three o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Zhaoyang finally recovered from his fever.

"You've been taking care of me?"

After Xia Zhaoyang opened his eyes and saw his wife and daughter in front of him, he couldn't help but feel comforted.

"Yeah, Mom came to take care of you this morning. Is your appetite better now? Would you like some porridge?"

Xia Yuan asked her father.

(End of this chapter)

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