Chapter 668
"Hey, well, you can take care of your own affairs, and I won't urge you. It will happen naturally, and you can't urge this kind of thing."

After listening to her daughter's words, Milan thought it made sense, so she waved her hand and asked Xia Yuan to go home and rest.

The parents told Xia Yuan to rest, but when she came out of the hospital, she drove to the company without stopping.

How is it possible to let her sleep at home in broad daylight?There are still a lot of things waiting for her to deal with in the company.

Just now when Xia Zhaoyang was asleep, secretary Zhao Xiaohua had already called several times to ask her for help.

The car was about to arrive at Xia's, when Xia Yuan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Xia Yuan forgot to turn on the bluetooth of the mobile phone, so the car phone did not prompt. She took out her mobile phone and took a look. Seeing that it was Zhao Xiaohua's call, she didn't answer it, because she was almost at Xia's.

Xia Yuan drove the car to Xia's door, and saw a large group of people surrounded by the office building, and some people were wearing white cloth strips.

"How is this going?"

Xia Yuan parked the car, got out of the car and walked there.

Obviously, these people are targeting the Xia family.

That being the case, as the leader of the Xia family, she cannot back down.

"Severely punishing murderers is a game of the rich! Power is in the hands of the rich. The wife of Mr. Xia's boss killed our daughter, but now she is identified as mentally ill and is hiding in a mental hospital. There is no way! Pity our family for losing their beloved daughter!"

It turned out that it was Wang Feng and Qiulin's family who came to make trouble again.

It seemed that they didn't think they got enough benefits, and Xia Yuan was considerate of their loss of daughter, and tried to meet their demands, but unexpectedly, they grew their appetites.

A few days ago, they attacked Xia Yuan and Nangong Junyan in Times Square, and today they simply came to the Xia family in broad daylight. It seemed that they were going their own way to make matters worse.

Xia Yuan supported her forehead.

Such a family is really helpless.

The bones of the second daughter are not yet cold, and the family has repeatedly taken them out to mark the price!
It seems that even if they are alive, life will not be easy, and they will not stop until they are squeezed out of the last bit of benefits.

You only need to see that they can still be sold for money after they die.

Don't look at how sad Wang and Qiu's family are now, but the counting of money behind their backs must be full of joy.

Xia Yuan thought to herself, it seems that her mother was right in thinking, if she rashly agreed to her father's request to get back together yesterday, Qin Rui would definitely not agree to divorce Qin Rui at this juncture.

Moreover, Xia's directors would not agree.

Because, this is against Xia's reputation.

The chairman has always been chaotic and finally abandoned. If such a hat is put on, once it is hyped up by people with ulterior motives, the life of the parents after they get back together will also be cast a shadow.

Xia Yuan pondered for a while, then walked forward, and said to the person who was jumping on the high platform made of wooden boxes:

"If you have anything to say, please say it well, don't make trouble in the company, and affect the normal business of the company."

"Let's take a look, this is the vice president of the Xia family, and the daughter of the Xia family's chief daughter. She died in her house, and she is still so nonchalant. This is a cold-blooded rich man! Everyone take this ruthless Take a picture of your face!"

This person is quite capable of instigating, not to mention, now hatred of the rich is also a classic subject, and suddenly, people who don't know the truth pick up their mobile phones, or record videos, or take pictures.

With just a swipe of the finger, the pictures of these scenes will be posted on social media, which is very fast and there is no need to notify reporters at all.

"Mr. Xia, you are advanced to the company. I will handle the affairs here."

At this moment, the company's old security guard squeezed into the crowd.

Because these people chose their position very carefully just now, it was just on the edge of the Xia Corporation's territory, and they did not rush into the Xia Corporation's gate, so Lao Yan and the others under the leadership of the Minister of Security also exercised restraint and did not make any further moves.

But now seeing that Xia Yuan was trapped, Lao Yan couldn't stand anymore. She didn't tell the Minister of Security and immediately rushed into the crowd to protect Xia Yuan.

"It's okay, it's better to be clear about this matter."

Xia Yuan said calmly to Lao Yan.

Then, she also stood on the high platform step by step, and said to the crowd below:

"Regarding the murder of the two daughters Wang and Qiu at my house, the police investigation has made it very clear. The details of the case have been published on the Internet, and we have also paid civil compensation according to law. For a case that has been settled, the family members of the parties repeatedly pointed out The hype, I think, will make Wang and Qiu feel uneasy walking on Huangquan Road.

The dead are gone.

No amount of money or comfort can replace the pain of losing a daughter in the two families.

But if the two parties have any objection to the court's handling result, please submit a complaint to the court, otherwise, I will also take legal means to resolve this matter. "

Xia Yuan's words also caused onlookers who didn't know the truth to search the Internet one after another, and everyone soon understood the truth of the case.

Since this is a case that the police have already concluded, and the Xia family has also paid a huge amount of compensation, and looking at the very excited parties on the high platform, the crowd is not stupid, and everyone can't help throwing out cold words:

"Really, I'm not satisfied after taking tens of millions! Do you want to write again after seeing the prosperity of the company?"

"Nowadays people are really shameless, even dead relatives can be sold."

With the defection of public opinion, the parties involved in Wang and Qiu's family on the high stage could not stand up anymore, and they went down the stage with red faces.

Xia Yuan had already seen Zhao Xiaohua in the crowd, gesticulating at her, and Xia Yuan nodded at her.

Sure enough, those "crowds" who spoke in support of the Xia family were all employees of the Xia family.Although not all of them were called by name, Xia Yuan also recognized their faces.

It seems that these people were recruited by Zhao Xiaohua to help out.

Xia Yuan secretly praised, and then said:
"Everyone, that's the way it is. Please leave! As for the family members of Wang and Qiu, I sympathize with what happened to you, but please don't make trouble here in the future, otherwise, the hat of disrupting social order will be indispensable. If you don’t believe me, you can consult your company’s legal counsel.”

Hearing that what Xia Yuan said was reasonable, some people clapped their hands.

Xia Yuan got off the high platform and watched the two parties take their own troops and left in a desperate manner with their own white cloth strips and other props.

"Xiaohua, you did a great job today."

Xia Yuan patted Zhao Xiaohua on the shoulder and praised her.

"Mr. Xia, I called you just now, but you didn't answer, just to remind you not to come over, for fear of meeting these people."

Zhao Xiaohua said nervously.I'm afraid that Xia Yuan will say that she is not qualified as a secretary.

"If they don't solve it head-on, they will come again. Next time you encounter this situation, you can call the police directly. You don't have to be polite." Xia Yuan said, "By the way, did you come up with this idea?"

Xia Yuan pointed to the Xia employees who were pretending to be a crowd and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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