Chapter 673 The Long-awaited Trip

"By the way, Xia Yuan, since we met, I have always said that I want to take you out on vacation, but either this or that happened, and it was delayed without knowing it. This time, even if the sky falls, we have to Let’s go on vacation together tomorrow, right? What do you think?”

Nangong Toshiyan's words made Xia Yuan feel relaxed and disappointed at the same time.

ah?So it's not a marriage proposal, but a vacation?
"Okay, going on vacation together is also my wish."

Xia Yuan nodded.

But the look of disappointment on his face flashed, but it didn't escape Nangong Toshihiko's eyes.

This made Toshihiko Nangong very happy.

Well, now is the time to tease her. The more disappointed she is at this time, the more surprises she will have, right?
Nangong Toshihiko thought so, and emphasized:
"Yes, go to the island for vacation, let's live happily together for a few days in a paradise."

"But now I'm just taking over the company. Would it be inappropriate if I went out?"

Xia Yuan asked hesitantly.

Although Xia Yuan is now the vice president, in fact, since Xia Zhaoyang fell ill and was admitted to the hospital, she has assumed the position of chief.

Many work decisions have to be made by her.

"Before you became chief, didn't your father take vacations? You have to trust your subordinates, otherwise, there is no need to hire them with such a high salary."

An Yichen interjected at this moment.

He knew exactly what Nangong Toshiyan was up to.

He had stolen Nangong Junyan's limelight just now, so he had to make up for it this time.

Seeing what An Yichen said, Nangong Junyan laughed, this is a good brother!
Someone was helping out, Xia Yuan's thoughts had been shaken, and Tang Tian added at the right time:
"It's so romantic, an island vacation, Ann, when shall we go too?"

"I can't do it now, I have to guard the company for Jun Yan, and we can go when he comes back from vacation."

An Yichen hurriedly flattered Tang Tian.

Although engaged, but not yet married?
That excellent Moses is still eyeing him, so I can't be too careless.

"Okay, then we'll go later. Yuanyuan, don't disappoint Junyan's kindness."

Although Tang Tian didn't know it, she grew up abroad, and she also attached great importance to the right to vacation.

Foreigners defend their annual holidays as much as they defend the human rights they advocate.

Believe that vacation is an important part of natural human rights.

Lazy countries like France and Italy, every year after August, the cities of the whole country become empty cities, because the people in the cities swarm to go on vacation.

For this sake, Xia Yuan could only nod her head in agreement.

The four chatted until midnight, because Xia Yuan and Nangong Toshiyan were going to get up early the next day for vacation, so they were let go.

Back home, Xia Yuan couldn't help asking Nangong Toshihiko:
"You haven't told me the destination of your vacation yet? Where is it?"

"When you get on the plane, close your eyes and go to sleep, you will know when you arrive."

Nangong Toshihiko agreed authentically.

"It seems that Mr. Nangong has other arrangements?"

Xia Yuan said.

"Well, trust me, this time will definitely make you happy!"

Nangong Toshihiko pinched the hard box in his pocket. He wanted to take out this box several times, but finally held back.

What I want to give her must be the most perfect.

Early the next morning, Xia Yuan was sent to the "Oriental Prince" she had been on in the luxury car arranged by Nangong Junyan.

However, this time, the Oriental Prince has been renamed and slightly changed on the surface of the exterior.

The current name of the plane is "Lovesummer", and the entire row of English letters forms a rose shape, engraved on the fuselage in a low-key and noble silver-gray color, shining brightly in the morning sun.

When Xia Yuan saw the name, she was pleasantly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Toshihiko was so thoughtful.

"Is it specially changed for me?"

This is one of the important details of the huge proposal. Toshihiko Nangong wants to ensure that Xia Yuan will be surrounded by his deep love from the moment he boards the plane.

Nangong Toshihiko is wearing a limited-edition casual sportswear today, but even so, he is more eye-catching than ordinary people because of his tall and straight figure and handsome appearance.

Seeing the happy smile on Xia Yuan's face, Nangong Toshihiko felt that all the hard work was worth it, and he said:

"Of course, this flower shape is also specially designed for you. Are you happy, ma'am?"

"Well, I'm so happy! This way, even when you take it on a business trip, it's like I'm with you."

Xia Yuan nodded, and happily stepped on the Aisha.

This time, the three gorgeous stewardesses on the plane disappeared and were replaced by Airber.

The reason why it is called Kong Bo is because the flight attendants this time are obviously older, all over 30 years old. Although they are not handsome, they are better in temperament. I don't know where Nangong Junyan found these people.

Xia Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it might be because the three stewardesses were too competitive last time, which made Nangong Junyan unhappy.

He just couldn't see her uncomfortable.

And this discomfort was also noticed by him.

He changed the three beauties without making a fuss.

But like this, Xia Yuan was really happy in her heart.

Well, when it comes to your lover, your eyes are as big as the tip of a needle.

Xia Yuan made no secret of her joyful expression, and gave Nangong Toshihiko a sweet smile.

The flight attendant stepped back in time, closed the gangway, and the plane officially took off.

"Are you still not telling me where you're going?"

Xia Yuan asked.

"You'll know when you arrive."

Nangong Toshihiko still pretended to be mysterious, and his fingertips touched the hard box in the pocket of his clothes again.

"Well, I'm on a journey anyway, and you won't be able to hide it from me for long if you want to."

Xia Yuan is not in a hurry, she just wants to enjoy relaxation and pleasure when she goes out, and with Nangong Junyan making arrangements, why should she bother herself?

After the plane reached an altitude of [-] feet, with the smooth operation of the fuselage, Airbus also squatted down two cups of hot coffee and some exquisite snacks.

In the high sky, taste delicious food with your lover.

Looking at the white clouds under her feet, Xia Yuan suddenly felt that this moment was heaven.

"Toshihiko, it's good to be with you."

Xia Yuan couldn't help muttering.

It's not where you go that matters.

What matters is where we go together.

"We'll always be together."

Seeing Xia Yuan's happy face, Nangong Toshiyan was also intoxicated.

Holding Xia Yuan's hand, drinking coffee together, quietly looking at the white clouds under our feet, life in heaven is nothing more than this!
The plane flew for three hours, landed in a small country, refueled, and continued flying.

Xia Yuan counted the time and knew that they must have flown out of the country by now. After all, where was their destination?
(End of this chapter)

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