Chapter 689 Want to escape

I saw Zhao Yinghong walked to the restaurant and began to share the porridge.

Seeing this, Xia Yuan took the initiative to go forward and helped Zhao Yinghong take a bowl to share the food.

"Miss Xia, how can I let you come? Xiangzi, come and help me!"

Zhao Yinghong was polite to Xia Yuan, but she was not polite when calling her son.

But it can also be seen from the words between her and her son that the relationship between her and her son is very close.

Wang Xiang smiled and went forward to take the bowl from Xia Yuan's hand and said:
"Let me do it, it's too hot, you're a girl, be careful that it won't be pretty if you get blisters on your hands!"

"Wang Xiang, how old are you this year? No matter how you speak, you feel as if you are older than me."

Xia Yuan didn't know what was going on, and suddenly asked with great interest.

"Me? I'm 21, what's the matter? It must be older than you."

In the Anxin Welfare Institute, Xia Yuan was completely relaxed. At this time, she didn't have any power in the Xia family, so in Wang Xiang's view, she looked very small. In front of her, Wang Xiang naturally showed the instinct of a boy to protect a girl.

"21? Hey, you're the same age as me. When were you born?"

"Eh? What month was it born? I'm afraid my mother doesn't know about this either."

Wang Xiang sneered.

Only then did Xia Yuan remember, oh, by the way, Wang Xiang is an abandoned child.His inadvertent question stabbed his heart.

"This, Wang Xiang, I'm sorry!"

Xia Yuan quickly apologized.

"Hehe, it's okay, I've gotten used to it long ago. Our entire orphanage is in the same situation as me. Besides, I'm not an orphan, I still have my mother!"

Wang Xiang's laughter was very clear, without any shadow at all, which made Xia Yuan feel relieved.

Only then did she realize that compared to Wang Xiang, she was too cautious.

With Wang Xiang, a healthy and bright person by her side, Xia Yuan suddenly felt that Anxin Orphanage had added a lot of warmth.

When the rice was served, Xia Yuan helped to arrange the spoons.

Director Zhao didn't call the children to eat immediately, but after another 10 minutes, she touched the edge of a bowl with her hand, and then said to Wang Xiang:

"Xiangzi, call the children, the food is not hot anymore."

"it is good."

Wang Xiang agreed, and ran to the entertainment room neatly.

After a while, a commotion was heard in the entertainment room, and Xia Yuan couldn't help but follow her out to have a look. Wang Xiang ran in, holding two children with handicapped legs, one in each hand.

As Wang Xiang bounced up and down, the two children laughed happily, as if they were riding a horse, and one of them shouted: "Drive, drive, run!"

Laughing all the way, Wang Xiang ran to the restaurant, put the children in front of a table, and carefully tied bibs on them.

Xia Yuan couldn't help sighing secretly.

In this era, there are not many people who treat children as carefully as Wang Xiang.

At this time, Xia Yuan received a call from Tang Tian. When she answered, Tang Tian just heard the sound of children playing from her. Tang Tian couldn't help saying:

"Is it because I have children that I tend to have similar hallucinations? Why do you feel like you are among a group of children? When did the Xia family hire child labor?"

"Oh, no, these children belong to the orphanage, and I'm in the Anxin orphanage now!"

Xia Yuan explained.

"Anxin Orphanage? I haven't heard of such an Orphanage in this city?"

"Yes, a private orphanage. By the way, why are you looking for me? Are you planning to have dinner together?"

"Yes, are you free now?"

Tang Tian asked.

"Okay, where to eat? Let's go separately?"

Xia Yuan replied.

Tang Tian gave an address, and Xia Yuan promised to go there in half an hour, and she did not forget to tell:

"You are a mother now, you can't be hungry, pay attention to eat something to fill your stomach."

Tang Tian repeatedly said yes.

Xia Yuan hung up the phone and saw that the children were already having dinner happily.

Their dinner is nothing more than a bowl of porridge, plus one white water egg per person, and tofu mixed with shallots.

Xia Yuan felt sad for a while, and said to Dean Zhao who had been idle:
"I came here this time to talk to you about the establishment of an Anxin Foundation. However, I'll come back to you later. You should finish your work first. When are you free?"

"I'll be free at nine o'clock. I have to arrange for these children to take a bath and sleep. In a day, only when they are asleep can I relax."

Although Zhao Yinghong was happy when she heard about the establishment of a foundation, she didn't see Qian Qian's eyes open, and immediately rushed forward, which doubled Xia Yuan's goodwill.

Seeing that Zhao Yinghong had specified the time for the conversation, Xia Yuan got up first to say goodbye to them. Tang Tian couldn't delay, she had a child in her stomach, and it would be a crime to let her go hungry.

"Yuanyuan, I'm so tangled, I suddenly have a child in my stomach, hey, I'm still a child!"

Tang Tian sat on the comfortable leather sofa in the restaurant, leaned back, and said helplessly.

"Having babies is a very happy thing. When I saw those babies in the orphanage today, I felt a strange feeling in my heart!"

Xia Yuan took a sip of soup and said to Tang Tian.

"Hey, why did you suddenly go to the orphanage?" Tang Tian asked.

"Inadvertently 'broke' in."

Xia Yuan told Tang Tian about her encounter with Ankang on the road.

When Tang Tian heard it, she also said with a flood of maternal love:
"Then I'll go see those children after dinner!"

"Okay, no problem, these children need more people to care about them, even what they ask for is just a hug."

In Xia Yuan's mind, the first day when she was softly begged for hugs by those children, her heart was filled with warmth.

"Hey, the parents of these children are really, how can they be willing to abandon them? Now that I have a child, my whole mentality has changed suddenly. I wish I could give it the best in this world!"

Tang Tian began to criticize bitterly.

"Some people are not worthy of being parents. Whether children are healthy or disabled, they are angels sent by God. When you see their eyes, you know that there is the purest emotion in the world."

Xia Yuan's description aroused Tang Tian's interest even more, and she said that she would also contribute to Anxin Welfare Institute.

"By the way, Tang Tang, you don't just want to have dinner with me tonight, do you?"

Xia Yuan asked Tang Tian.

"Well, I mainly want to discuss marriage with you. Alas, An Yichen wished he could marry me tomorrow, but for some reason, I suddenly became afraid when things came to an end. He was extremely resistant to the proposal, and even wanted to flee back to the United States."

Tang Tian said worriedly.

"I see, you have a pre-marital phobia. After all, marriage is not only about love, but also about responsibility. You even have to lose some freedom. You have always loved freedom, and even I never thought that you would meet so early. The right person gets pregnant so early and even gets married so early."

Xia Yuan had experienced a wedding at least once in her previous life, and she knew her state of mind better than Tang Tian at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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