Chapter 920 Meeting in a narrow road

Before Doctor Qiu could answer, Tian Niu beside her had already spoken:

"Brother Haizi, don't worry, I have the money with me, it must be enough!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Niu not only touched her trouser pocket, which made a "crash" sound, but also gave Lao Tian a glare.

Only then did Haizi remember the coins that Tian Niu poured out of the glass bottle just before leaving the house. The noise just now must have been those coins?
As for her staring at Lao Tian, ​​what did she mean?

Oh, by the way, I am penniless now, if I want to go to the county hospital to see a doctor, I have to spend Lao Tian's money.That's why Tian Niu deliberately reminded Lao Tian like this?

Haizi suddenly blushed...

"About two hundred or less, it's not very expensive, don't worry."

Doctor Qiu comforted him.

"Hey, I brought enough money, don't worry, I brought 2000 yuan!"

Forced by his daughter, Lao Tian quickly choked out the truth.

"Hey, Lao Tian, ​​when I find my family members in the future, I will definitely pay you back the money I spent."

Haizi felt awkward for a while, he just felt as if he had never owed anyone money in his life, so his face burned instantly.

"It's okay, Brother Haizi, my dad has no place to spend the money he makes, so he can spend what he needs."

Tian Niu was careless, and couldn't help but make Dr. Qiu laugh.

So, the matter was settled like this, and Tian Niu's family will go to the county hospital to see a doctor tomorrow.

"Hey, Dr. Qiu, I didn't expect you to know anything about post-traumatic syndrome. Thanks to you, if it's other doctors in our hospital, they don't know about it!"

The doctor who had been watching Dr. Qiu's diagnosis and treatment couldn't help but admire him.

"Hehe, that's exactly what I'm aiming for in my postgraduate entrance examination. Dr. Qian, who I admire the most, is now engaged in the research of this subject in the most famous Xinyang Hospital in the country. I really hope to work under him in the future."

Doctor Qiu also chatted.

Haizi, who walked to the office door, suddenly heard the name Xinyang Hospital, and some images seemed to flash in his mind. He tried to grasp these images, but found another sharp pain in his head.

Haizi held his head and squatted on the ground. Although it was painful, he had to try hard to remember.

In those pictures, there is a beautiful face of a woman. Seeing her gentle and smiling face, Haizi couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart, as if he was hit by something.

He suddenly understood that this woman was very, very important to him.

who is she?

He was still trying to recall, but his brain was no longer able to bear the burden of these past events, and suddenly his mind froze, and Haizi passed out.

"Help, Haizi has fainted!"

Tian Niu screamed...


A month and a half later.

"Mom, are you sure you want to accompany Dad to America?"

Xia Yuan looked at her mother who was packing her luggage, and asked worriedly.

"After thinking about it, your father is not Qin Rui's opponent at all. Finally, the situation is good now. I can't let Qin Rui, a vicious woman, mess up the situation again."

When Xia Yuan heard what Milan said, she couldn't help smiling, and said:
"Okay, should I send more people to go with you?"

What Xia Yuan meant was to ask the bodyguard to accompany Milan.

Milan smiled and said:

"No, I'm here to attend the graduation ceremony, not to fight. As long as I look at your dad, I don't care about anything else."

"Hey, Milan, don't think that I'm the same as before. I won't be fooled by Qin Rui. Don't worry, no matter how nice she is to me, I won't be tempted."

Xia Zhaoyang couldn't help blushing when he heard Milan's undisguised words in front of him.However, he is still very happy in his heart, which shows that Milan cares about him very much.

Xia Zhaoyang always knew that Milan could start over with him for the sake of the two children.Although she is a strong woman in the business world, she is also a traditional housewife who dares to love and hate.But for a while, Xia Zhaoyang didn't feel love from Milan, being with him was more of a habit.

However, Xia Zhaoyang felt very useful in Milan's case now, so although Milan's tone was critical, Xia Zhaoyang was cheerful.

Hey, as a young man, she couldn't understand the love of the previous generation.

Seeing that her father was happy instead of angry, Xia Yuan could only sigh.

However, the parents are fine.

"Well, if you need anything to go to the United States, just call me in time and we will be fine in China. Don't worry."

Xia Yuan expressed her opinion immediately.

Wang Xiang and Xia Yuan personally sent their parents to the airport.

Watching their parents enter the boarding gate, the two were about to return to the company, but they ran into a woman with an elegant fragrance, wearing a foreign-style hat on her head and the new Chanel fashion on her body. It was Qin Rui.

Not only did she not have the frustration of a divorced woman, but she even looked a little bit beaming.

"Hey, come see off Lao Xia, Yuanyuan?"

Qin Rui also took the initiative to greet her.


Xia Yuan couldn't turn a blind eye to others who spoke up on their own initiative.But it is enough to answer this sentence.Xia Yuan turned to leave.

"I was going to attend Qianqian's graduation ceremony. After graduating, Qianqian said she would go back to China to develop. I didn't expect that. I just sent her out at that time. She really cared about her studies. This time she even got an outstanding graduate. .”

Qin Rui showed off triumphantly.

"Oh? This is a good thing, it means Qianqian has grown up."

When it comes to this half-sister, Xia Yuan can't be completely indifferent.

In her previous life, Xia Qian had been hiding behind Qin Rui and Xie Shaojun, and did not cause any substantial harm to her, so Xia Yuan's dislike for Xia Qian was not very strong.

Xia Yuan was too lazy to talk to Qin Rui, so she turned around and left.

Qin Rui, on the other hand, has been staring at Wang Xiang's face for a long time, and at a glance, she knows that it is Xia Zhaoyang's seed, and her eyebrows and eyes still vaguely resemble Milan.

This brat, I was too kind at the beginning, so I didn't directly strangle him to death.

Qin Rui's eyes shone viciously, then she snorted coldly, turned around and left as well.

"This woman is Qin Rui? She is really evil. The way she looks at me is like a snake, and her back is numb."

Wang Xiang couldn't help sharing with Xia Yuan.

"That's right. Your intuition is right. Qin Rui is a poisonous snake. It's also right for Mom to be so guarded against her."

Xia Yuan fully agrees with her brother's statement:
"If you see her in the future, hide as far away as you can. It's not that you're afraid of her, the main reason is that she has a gold medal for avoiding death. Once something happens, her mental illness will break out."

Thinking of this, Xia Yuan suddenly realized something and couldn't help but stop.

"What's wrong? Yuanyuan?"

Wang Xiang asked Xia Yuan curiously, seeing that she stopped suddenly.

"Brother, why do people from the Third Hospital give Qin Rui a certificate of mental illness? In my opinion, although she is a little neurotic, she is far from being a mental patient?"

Xia Yuan straightened her mind and said to Wang Xiang.

(End of this chapter)

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