Chapter 922 Leave
"Hey, men don't rely on their appearance, they rely on their ability. Like me now, helping your father fish without a tile on the roof, I'm not handsome at all!"

Haizi smiled, seeing that there was already a light nearby, which could be vaguely seen on the road, he let go of Tian Niu's hand.

"Brother Haizi, what you said is so profound, I don't understand. But we fisher girls have only one personality: straight temper. To be honest, I like you! Whether you have tiles or not, I just like you handsome!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Niu suddenly pulled Haizi over, and when he had no time to guard against, she pressed a kiss on his cheek.

After the kiss, Tian Niu panicked when she saw Haizi's staring gaze and no response. She blushed and ran back quickly.

Haizi touched the cheek that Tian Niu kissed just now, feeling a little hot.Uh, is that what I like?
Will you become so bold if you like someone?

He touched his cheek, smiled, and didn't care.

His identity is unknown, his origin is unknown, he is just passing by here, it is impossible to make any promises to Tian Niu.

What's more, his feeling for Tian Niu is just like that of a big brother for his younger sister.

Haizi walked back to the old farmhouse and saw that everyone was waiting for him to eat, and Tian Han even booed:
"Brother Haizi, have you bullied my sister? Otherwise, why did she blush like a big red cloth when she ran into the house just now?"

"No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

Tian Niu was so angry that she hit Tian Han on the head with her chopsticks.

Haizi smiled, he reached out to pick up the bowl, and started to eat neatly.

Laotian's family are kind people, and now he gets along with them very closely, and doesn't want to spoil the atmosphere, but as Tianniu's attitude becomes more and more obvious, Haizi feels that it's time for him to leave.

"Uncle Tian, ​​there is something I want to tell you. My injury should be fine now. I want to leave the island and take a walk on land. Maybe it will remind me of who I am."

Haizi tried his best to pretend to be calm and authentic.

But he clearly felt that the atmosphere at the dinner table changed suddenly.

Tian Niu stopped eating, she put the bowl on the table with a "touch", turned around and left.

Lao Tian smiled awkwardly, and said:

"Yeah, you're not from a small island, you're going to leave one day, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. Hey, well, you can leave if you want!"

"Uncle Tian, ​​once I find my family, I will come back. Without you, I would be a dead soul in the sea now. How could I live as well as I am now? I will remember this kindness for the rest of my life."

"Brother Haizi, do you really want to leave? I really miss you."

Unexpectedly, Tian Han would also be reluctant.

"Don't worry, I'll come back to see you as soon as I find my family!"

Haizi was very moved.It seems that he has experienced this feeling of being remembered and cared about by others.

"Okay, I know you are a person who values ​​love, alas, there is always a difference, just remember to come back and see us."

Lao Tian feels general.

Although he is a fisherman, he also knows that this small island cannot keep Haizi, and judging by his spiritual temperament, he is not an ordinary person either.

Tian Niu didn't go far, she secretly guarded outside the door, listening to what Haizi said.

Hearing him say that once he finds his family, he will come back to see them, and she couldn't help but ignite the flame of hope again in her heart.

That's right, finding family members is of course important, but didn't Brother Hai Zi also say that?As soon as you find your family, come back and see them.

Who is the most important thing to look at when looking at them?Of course it was her.

Thinking of this, Tian Niu couldn't help feeling elated, and for a while, her resentment towards Hai Zi also decreased a lot.

"Haizi, these are the clothes you were wearing when you were rescued by us at sea. However, I tried to search, and there was nothing in it to prove your identity. I let Tian Niu wash it, and the style is not bad. You can make do with it. You can’t go back to land and still wear my old clothes, right?”

After the meal, Lao Tian took out a plastic bag from the house and untied it, revealing some clothes inside.

Haizi picked up these clothes and put them on. Not to mention, they really fit well. Although they had been soaked in sea water, the lines of the clothes were not out of shape at all, and the material was even better.

"Wow, Brother Haizi, you look so handsome in these clothes, you really look like a big star."

Hearing Tian Han's exclamation, Tian Niu couldn't bear it anymore, and walked in from the door.

As soon as she entered the room, Tian Niu's eyes lit up when she saw Haizi in a handsome outfit under the light.

What my brother said is true, Haizi in fashion is far more handsome than those movie stars.

"Haizi, you must bring more money when you go out. Take these first!"

Lao Tian took out a stack of banknotes and put them in Haizi's hand.

"Uncle Tian, ​​thank you so much."

Haizi knew that he didn't have a dime, and he couldn't even get out of the town, so he could only accept it first and thanked him repeatedly.

He knew that although Uncle Tian had saved some money, the fishermen went to and from the sea all day long, and what they earned was hard-earned money. It was not easy for Uncle Tian to spend so much.

"Hey, take it, money is a man's guts."

Old Tian made a general statement.

Early the next morning, Haizi followed the big boat to the town, and then went around the town. After asking the people in the town, he knew that the only way to the outside world was to take a long-distance bus.

So Haizi came to the long-distance bus station in the town under the guidance of the enthusiastic fellow villager.

Fortunately, the long-distance bus station does not require ID cards, but when the conductor asked him where he was going to buy, Haizi was in trouble.

He doesn't even know where he came from, where is he going now?

Just when he was hesitating for a moment, a big hand patted his shoulder:
"Hey, Haizi, where are you going?"

Haizi has no acquaintances in the town, who would recognize him?
When he looked back, it was a coincidence that the person who called him was Dr. Qiu, his only acquaintance in the town.

"Oh, I want to buy a long-distance bus ticket and want to go outside. Where are you going, Dr. Qiu?"

Seeing that Dr. Qiu was carrying his luggage and seemed to be buying a ticket, Haizi asked casually.

"I'm going to Jiangnan to take the postgraduate exam, how about you? Where are you going?"

As Dr. Qiu said, he first took out the money and bought his own ticket.


The name is so familiar.

Haizi seemed to have flashed some fragments in his mind, he said:

"Then I'll go to Jiangnan too."

For this familiar feeling, he must have been to Jiangnan. Perhaps, seeing familiar scenery there may not necessarily stimulate his own memory.

Haizi made up his mind and bought a ticket to Jiangnan, but he happened to sit next to Dr. Qiu.

The two got into the car, and Dr. Qiu asked:

"You should be fine when you go back to the county hospital for an examination, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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