Chapter 934 Mars Immigration Program
"Master Long, Miss Xia got out of the elevator."

In the luxury box 908, a waiter hurriedly reported to Long Zhen.

Haoyu's privacy is excellent, guests who are not reserved guests can't just enter the box here, it provides an excellent date place for famous stars like Long Zhen.

Otherwise, Long Zhen might not be able to have a good meal with women in his life.

"Get ready to serve!"

The waiter observed Xia Yuan walking in the corridor through the transparent tablet with a strong sense of technology in his hand. Seeing that she was about to go to box 908, he pressed the OPEN button, and the door of the box automatically slid open to both sides.

It seems that Haoyu's sense of technology is reflected in all the details.

Although it's not like she's never seen an automatic door before, Xia Yuan was still a little curious about this kind of detailed design in a box.

"Xia Yuan, thank you for coming to the banquet."

Long Zhen stood up from the sofa and warmly greeted Xia Yuan.

"Long Zhen, I just wanted to say, thank you for the banquet..."

Before Xia Yuan could speak, she saw the waiter walk in from outside the box, and spread several dishes on the dining table like flowing water.

"This is tender stewed mammoth meat!"

"This is stewed dinosaur eggs!"


Xia Yuan was stunned by the names of the dishes that the waiter brought up with each dish.

"A real mammoth?"

She asked Long Zhen suspiciously.

"Yeah, real mammoths, the ones you see in textbooks."

Long Zhen laughed nonchalantly.

"How is it possible? Didn't the dinosaurs become extinct?"

Xia Yuan couldn't believe it. Looking at the pot of meat that was cut as thin as a cicada's wings, why did she feel like beef?
"Hehe, you'll know if you try it. This is a five-star hotel. If it's not real mammoth meat, you can complain to them and ask for double compensation."

Long really laughed.

Xia Yuan hesitated for a while, but sat down anyway, and Long Zhen happily sat opposite her, separated by a table, which gave Xia Yuan a complete sense of security.

If Long Zhen insisted on squeezing to sit next to her, at this time, their relationship would definitely exceed their psychological safety distance, and Xia Yuan would also feel uncomfortable.

But Long Zhen was so far away from her, and he grasped the proportions just right, so that Xia Yuan didn't feel any discomfort.

The waiter took two pieces of mammoth meat and put them in Xia Yuan's bowl. Xia Yuan ate it tentatively. The taste was quite tender, unlike all the meat she had eaten.

"How is it? Does it taste different?"

Long Zhen is considerate and authentic, there is no slight ridicule in his tone, but a kind of joy of sharing.

"However, I heard that there are many ways to use seasoning to make one kind of meat taste like another kind of meat."

Xia Yuan nodded honestly, still not believing that it was really mammoth meat.

"I kid you not, it really is, waiter, show."

Long Zhen is obviously a regular customer of this store, and he is very familiar with the process.

The waiter was holding a transparent tablet computer in his hand. This was the first real thing Xia Yuan saw on the market, and she couldn't help but be a little curious.

Unexpectedly, Haoyu is so advanced that all the waiters are holding this transparent tablet computer with a super-modern appearance.

Although people have talked about the transparent mobile phone thousands of times, so far only the sound of the stairs has been heard, but no one has come down.

Unexpectedly, Haoyu was equipped with a transparent tablet computer, and the operation can also be controlled by gestures.

I saw the service proudly waved a gesture on the tablet computer, and suddenly, a picture was suspended from the tablet computer, which made Xia Yuan feel like a science fiction.

On the screen, what appeared was a carefully edited and soundtracked documentary, which recorded that foreign scientists took DNA from a mammoth corpse found under the permafrost, then sent it to the laboratory for cultivation, and finally cloned it. The process of producing a complete mammoth.

"Unexpectedly, the mammoth elephant actually regenerated?"

After watching this scene, Xia Yuan couldn't believe it.

At this time, she was not in the mood of Long Zhen asking her to have dinner at all, but was shocked by this shocking news.

"Yes, but only the part of the mammoth. The living mammoth died after less than a week. Scientists have not yet solved the complete cloning problem, but is it right to provide the meat of the mammoth? question."

Long Zhen explained and answered Xia Yuan's doubts.

No wonder you can eat the meat of mammoths. It turns out that these meats are also cloned products.

"Uh, it seems that satisfying the appetite of human beings is the biggest force driving technological progress!"

Xia Yuan couldn't help laughing when she thought of this.

Seeing Xia Yuan's smile, Long Zhen's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he suddenly remembered, "Smile like a flower, so this word refers to the artistic conception of Xia Yuan's smile!"
For a while, there was no other movement at the table.

Xia Yuan unhurriedly took another sip and asked:

"Is this the original taste of mammoth meat?"

"No, miss, because the original taste of mammoth meat is relatively fishy, ​​so our chef has adopted some methods to marinate it, and the taste should be better now."

The waiter replied politely.

At this time, another dish was served, which was Antarctic shrimp.

"The sea in Antarctica is the cleanest sea area on earth, and the shrimps produced here are also the most natural and pollution-free, so our chefs just made the simplest boiled, without adding any condiments, and kept the most natural Antarctic shrimps. taste."

The waiter found that Xia Yuan was very interested in the origin of the food, and it was also a pleasure to have such a beautiful lady to listen to her explanation, so she took the initiative to explain every dish when it was served.

As for the stewed dinosaur eggs, as Xia Yuan expected, they should also be made by technical means.The taste is fresh and mellow.

"Who invested in this hotel? The owner is really ambitious and powerful."

Xia Yuan couldn't help inquiring about the situation of this hotel.

"Miss Xia, the owner of our hotel is Mr. Long."

The waiter couldn't help being surprised, unexpectedly, Xia Yuan didn't know that the owner of this hotel was Long Zhen.

"It's you?"

Xia Yuan was taken aback.

In her impression, movie stars rely on their looks and acting skills for a living. She never expected that Long Zhen would have the brains to invest in such a hotel with a strong sense of technology.The amount of investment is still second.

"Well, it's me. I have been very interested in technology since I was a child, and I signed up for the Mars immigration plan before, but I didn't expect to be rejected due to physical reasons."

Seeing Xia Yuan's interest, Long Zhen's eyes lit up.

For a moment, he had the wonderful feeling of finding a common topic with Xia Yuan.

"Mars immigration plan? Is that a journey with no return? Are you willing to leave everything here and go to the desolate Mars?"

Xia Yuan was taken aback, and her interest was completely aroused, because Long Zhen's behavior was too different from his current occupation.

(End of this chapter)

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