Sky-high pillow: the chief domineering substitute bride

Chapter 961 The Arrival of the Male God

Chapter 961 The Arrival of the Male God
"It's okay, for someone like me who has made ten films, all new films are just routines, and there is nothing new.

Perhaps, after this drama, I will consider quitting the screen and stop acting. "

Long Zhen had already inserted the flowers, and then placed the crystal bottle in a suitable place in front of the window sill. The soft light from outside shone in, making this place full of life. The spirit is refreshed.

"Stop filming? Then you plan?"

Xia Yuan couldn't help being surprised.

Long Zhen is now in the entertainment industry, although he is not the absolute leader, but he has developed according to this trend, and male stars have a long life in acting. For example, some foreign male movie stars are over 70 years old and can still play the leading role. Therefore, it is too early for Long Zhen, who is in his 20s, to withdraw now.

As long as Long Zhen does not quit the entertainment industry, there is no doubt that there will be one among the leading brothers with a detached status in the entertainment industry in the future.

Could it be because of the influence of interacting with oneself?
As soon as Xia Yuan thought of this, she couldn't help but apologize to Long Zhen:

"Are you under pressure from Nangong Group?"

Xia Yuan has no doubts that Long Zhen pursued her in a high-profile way, and she directly attacked counterfeit goods several times because of her association with Long Zhen. If the other party did not launch a counterattack, it would appear abnormal.

Could it be that Long Zhen made such a choice under the pressure of the other party?

"No, this is my own choice."

Long Zhen was sitting lazily on the sofa. If any boy used the word lazy, he would definitely be suspected of being a bitch, but Long Zhen was different. His appearance itself was full of masculine stunts, whether it was rigid With a strong chin and a toned body, the perfectly fitted and smoothly tailored suit is on him, he is simply a 360-degree male god with no dead ends. The word "sissy" has nothing to do with him.

However, in front of the handsome man, there was no enthusiasm in Xia Yuan's eyes, even Long Zhen could feel that Xia Yuan was full of perfunctory towards him.

This stimulated Long Zhen's self-confident heart. In addition, the news that he would quit the big screen didn't shock Xia Yuan much. Long Zhen couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

However, it was this loss that stimulated Long Zhen's desire to conquer as a man.

Since Long Zhen often dealt with media reporters, he knew from which angle he would make the other party look more perfect, so he slightly adjusted his sitting posture on the sofa, with one hand resting on the back of the sofa, and the other Inserting it obliquely into his trouser pocket, he looked up at Xia Yuan at a 45-degree angle.

The soft light outside the window hits Long Zhen's face like a reflector fills in the light, making every detail of his face stand out.

His outstanding temperament, affectionate eyebrows...

At this time, no matter what angle you shoot him and Xia Yuan, it is completely like the image of the hero and heroine confessing affectionately in an idol drama.

However, Long Zhen was disappointed again. Xia Yuan glanced at him and said unmoved:
"The movie you are currently starring in is popular before it is released. The search index on the Internet has already ranked in the top ten among all the movie search indexes. The behind-the-scenes stories about this movie are flying all over the sky. Instead of chasing after the victory, you are rushing Retire bravely, are you sure you won't regret it?"

"I don't regret it, really. As an actor, my life is not stable. In order to film, I often have to travel outside. To be honest, although I am under thirty, I also feel tired. I really want to be able to settle down and be with myself. family."

Long Zhen's sincere eyes enveloped Xia Yuan, and when he talked about being with his family, he was even more affectionate. Any ordinary girl who encountered such a gaze would have surrendered to Long Zhen long ago.

But Xia Yuan turned a blind eye, but a trace of guilt flashed across her face.

Long Zhen hated Xia Yuan's expression very much, as if his love for her was a burden, he was about to speak when Xia Yuan spoke again:

"Long Zhen, I'm not your best choice, you know, I already have someone in my heart."

"I know that you used to be Nangong Junyan's fiancée, the Nangong Group is as rich as a country, a woman like you deserves such a family background.

But what I can give you will definitely not be less than Nangong Junyan, not to mention, he has become your past now, let me put it bluntly, there is another woman beside Nangong Junyan. "

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Xia Yuan's lips:
"That woman, don't mention it."

Seeing that Xia Yuan didn't regard Shu Zihan as his opponent, Long Zhen's heart stopped for a while, and a sore pain rose from the bottom of his heart, wanting to swallow him whole without thinking.

Long Zhen suppressed this uncomfortable strange feeling. He had never tasted jealousy before. Since he was young, because of his good looks, only women were jealous of him. He had never been jealous of other women. , So, when this feeling struck, Long Zhen was suddenly inexplicable.

"But he is the one standing next to Nangong Junyan, and judging from his performance that night, I don't think Nangong Junyan is worthy of respect in terms of your relationship."

Long Zhen had no choice but to point out Nangong Junyan's arrogance and rudeness. Even if he retreated to the perspective of an ordinary friend, he would still be willing to hurt such a beautiful Xia Yuan.

That night, Nangong Toshihiko was arguing with Xia Yuan like a beast, not even the slightest gentleman.

Apart from being rich and beautiful, Long Zhen couldn't see what point Xia Yuan should fall in love with Nangong Junyan.

And these two points are also possessed by Long Zhen.

Now he is an idol of the whole people, and he is here to let her get whatever she wants, but he is not too fond of him by nature.

Long Zhen couldn't help feeling a burst of internal injuries.

But in the blink of an eye, seeing the bouquet of flowers in front of the window, the bright and beautiful flowers made his heart agitated, at least the gift he gave has entered the room, hasn't it?

It is said that the flowers he sent before are not allowed to enter this office, at least Xia Yuan is willing to accept his gift, isn't it?
A woman's heart needs to be grinded slowly.

Back off the big screen, he has more time to do it.

"This is between me and him, so don't be too sad."

Xia Yuan lowered her tone, obviously wanting to deal with this matter in a low-key manner.

"Okay, forget about the past and start over, okay?"

Long Zhen stood up, his body was also above 180, he was a head taller than Xia Yuan in a short while, Xia Yuan stood in front of him, it was a very comfortable height difference, if he lowered his head and raised her Chin, just enough to comfortably kiss her.

But Xia Yuan took a step back and hugged her shoulders with both hands. This was a defensive posture. It seemed that Xia Yuan was very wary of him.

Long Zhen couldn't help being depressed for a while. It seems that Xia Yuan was able to hold him up to his waist that night because he was in front of Nangong Junyan?
(End of this chapter)

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