Chapter 992 Not a Coincidence
After Xia Yuan walked out of the bathroom, she had already taken off her white coat, and turned into a pregnant woman with a pot belly in the blink of an eye.

She walked out of the bathroom with her stomach full, but was covered by a shadow.

Xia Yuan looked up, but there was a counterfeit in front of her.

"Yo, your belly is so big, when did you give birth? Why are you so pitiful? No one came with you for the birth checkup? If you had followed me and had my child, you would not have been treated like this!"

The counterfeit blocked Xia Yuan's way, with a displeased look on his face, and he said sarcastically.

Xia Yuan sneered:
"What's my business to you? Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of the way."

Hearing that Xia Yuan mocked him as a dog, the impostor was furious. He took a step forward and stretched out a hand, as if he was going to pinch Xia Yuan's neck, but then his eyes narrowed, and he gently dropped his hand on Xia Yuan's neck. Yuan's shoulders, said:
"Don't be too strong. When your child is born, if you can't afford it, I can help you raise it."

"Joke, go away."

Xia Yuan didn't want to listen to his nonsense at all, and felt sick whenever she saw him. She pushed his paws on her shoulders away and let out a yell.

"Hmph, do you think it's a good thing to be pregnant before marriage like you? Why don't you beg me? Let me have a good time? Maybe, I will tell others that this child is mine, hehe, it's about the same time. "

The counterfeit deliberately disgusted Xia Yuan.

"Go away, if you continue to harass me with words, be careful that I will record your words and make them public."

Xia Yuan took out her phone and turned on the recording button.

When the counterfeit heard it, his face changed so wonderfully that he smiled and said:
"Mr. Xia, why bother? We're just old friends, why don't we just say hello?"

After finishing speaking, he left Xia Yuan behind.

Judging by the direction he was going, he went to the emergency department, probably to see Shu Zihan.

Xia Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Today is in a public place, the impostor doesn't dare to go too far, but if you meet him in private, I'm afraid it will be bad.

Since I have a big belly, I will definitely not be able to beat him.

By the way, you need to equip an anti-wolf electric shock baton. If he dares to harass him again, he will hit him hard.

Xia Yuan made up her mind, looked around and walked out of the hospital.

What Xia Yuan didn't see was that behind the big pillar in the hospital hall, a tall and handsome figure had been following her secretly...

Seeing Xia Yuan wittily "beat back" the counterfeit and retreated completely, the tall man left the hospital in a relaxed manner.

When Xia Yuan walked out of the hospital, she realized that there was a delay. It was the rush hour for getting off work. She waited for a long time, and the taxis passing by were all carrying customers.

Reluctantly, Xia Yuan was about to take out her mobile phone and ask Wang Xiang to send someone to pick her up, when a Cadillac stopped in front of her, the window was rolled down, and Xia Yuan's familiar face appeared inside:
"Get in the car, come for the birth checkup, right? Why don't you let me take you here?"

When Xia Yuan saw him, she was also happy. She slowly climbed into the back of the car and said with a smile:
"I don't want a big star to be on the gossip page again, and accompany a pregnant woman to a maternity checkup. How scary is that title?"

"No amount of horror could be more horrifying: a big star's courtship was rejected by a pregnant lady?"

Long Zhen smiled. For Xia Yuan, he couldn't forget it. Even when he saw her with a big belly, he felt that she had another kind of tough beauty.

Therefore, even at the risk of being included in the scandal, he is willing to accompany him all the way.

"Okay, don't make this kind of joke anymore, where are you going? Such a coincidence?"

Xia Yuan is quite at ease in front of Long Zhen.

How can there be so many coincidences in the world?It's not acting in an idol drama, Long Zhen said silently in his heart, but said on his mouth:

"Yeah, what a coincidence, I happened to be passing by."

In fact, Long Zhen called Xia Yuan's house, and Milan told him that Xia Yuan had gone out for a pregnancy test, so he rushed over.

Since Xia Yuan became pregnant, her mobile phone was often turned off, saying that she was afraid that the radiation would be harmful to the fetus, so Long Zhen wanted to contact her through the landline.

Just arrived at the hospital, Long Zhenxin was very happy to take Xia Yuan home.

"What did the doctor say? Is the baby okay?"

"Very good, but the doctor said that because it is twins, it may be born prematurely, so I need to be mentally prepared."

"Hey, it's okay. Now that medicine is so advanced, if you give birth prematurely, you can stay in the incubator at most and go home. Don't worry, I will definitely accompany you when the time comes."

"I don't want you to accompany me..."

If people who don't know the inside story hear the warm conversation in the car, they must think that this is a young couple.

"You really don't want me to accompany you? I have the power of an idol, and I will definitely transform into your energy."

Long really made a joke.

After chatting and laughing with him, Xia Yuan forgot for a moment the anger she felt at being humiliated by counterfeit goods in the hospital just now.

Long Zhen sent Xia Yuan downstairs and then went back. Long Zhen always treated her with such an attitude, which made Xia Yuan unable to refuse his overtures.

It was too tight, maybe Xia Yuan had already moved away from him because of fear.

Long Zhen watched Xia Yuan walk into the elevator slowly, with a smile on her lips, she was already willing to joke with him easily, sooner or later, he would plant his shadow in her heart.

When Xia Yuan came home, Milan was waiting for her. Seeing her, he asked:
"Dragon really went to pick you up?"

"Yeah, I wonder how he knew it. So you told him? I said it was such a coincidence."

When Xia Yuan heard Milan's question, she immediately understood.

"He called, and I told you to go to the maternity checkup. However, it's good to have him pick you up. If he doesn't pick you up, I will let your brother pick you up. Look, the society is in chaos now. What's the matter, there's another murder case."

Milan pointed to the TV.

Sure enough, a newly discovered murder case was being reported on TV.

The deceased was a woman. According to analysis, she was a bad practitioner, also known as a prostitute. The deceased was strangled to death and then thrown away.

The reporter analyzed at the scene: This body throwing case should be related to several serial murders that occurred in the past few months, because the methods of the crimes are similar, and the worst thing is that the murderer desecrated the body after death. .

"Uh, we have a serial killer here?"

Xia Yuan usually also watches criminal investigation dramas, so she naturally matched up with a serial killer.

"Yeah, it's terrible. You don't want to go out alone in the future. It is said that the killer has no shadow yet, and the police don't know how to handle the case. Everyone is really in danger."

Milan looked worried.

"Don't worry, the police don't spend taxpayers' money in vain. Murder cases in our country must be solved, and they will give a result sooner or later."

Xia Yuan comforts her mother.

However, when a close-up shot of the deceased was inserted into the TV screen, Xia Yuan couldn't help being stunned.

For the sake of vision and respect for privacy, the face of the deceased was processed, but the part below her neck was exposed...

(End of this chapter)

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