Chapter 995
Just when Wang Xiang was anxious, Wang Xiaoshan just called:

"Tonight there is a new blockbuster movie that is quite good, do you want to watch it together?"

Wang Xiaoshan is a modern woman, since she has decided to go with Wang Xiang, she is not passive all the time, and it is not the first time that she asks Wang Xiang to go to the movies like this.

"Not tonight Xiaoshan, I'm in the hospital and my sister is about to give birth."

"What? That's it, then I'll go to the hospital too."

Unexpectedly, after Wang Xiaoshan asked the name of the hospital, she hurried over immediately.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoshan was present, and her presence effectively relieved Wang Xiang's anxiety.

Seeing Wang Xiangyi's affectionate look on his sister-in-law, Wang Xiaoshan was also deeply moved, she said:
"I just found out today that your feelings are hidden and kept deep in my heart."

"What?" Wang Xiang was puzzled.

"I said, you keep your feelings in your heart, but you can't express them with your mouth, can you?"

Wang Xiaoshan asked with a smile.

"Well, it's true. I'm just stupid. My mother said I'm a dumb-mouthed gourd. Although I look very clever, it's useless and I don't know how to speak well."

Seeing Wang Xiaoshan looking at him affectionately, Wang Xiang immediately understood what she meant and took the opportunity to explain.

"Needless to say, I have seen and understood."

Wang Xiaoshan saw Wang Xiang's true love for her family, and immediately felt that this man was trustworthy and dependable.

Since she was a child, she was often taken care of by her sister Wang Xiaotu, so unlike some women who are full of jealousy towards her sister-in-law, seeing Wang Xiang's performance, she felt that this is what a family should look like.

Wang Xiang also didn't expect that after tonight, his relationship with Wang Xiaoshan was soaring, and soon they were talking about marriage. Of course, that's all for later.

"Wang Xiang, your sister gave birth."

Just when the two looked at each other tenderly, Wang Xiang quickly stood up with a shout from Milan. He took Wang Xiaoshan's hand and said:
"Are adults and children okay?"

"Okay, very good, the nurse came out and told us that it was a normal delivery, twins."

Milan cried with joy, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"It's great, it's really twins! Mom, the clothes you prepared came in handy."

Wang Xiang said happily.

Wang Xiaoshan also smiled happily, because she found that even in this exciting moment, Wang Xiang still held her hand and did not let go.

After a while, the nurse came out holding two babies who had stopped crying. Milan and Xia Zhaoyang hurried forward to greet them, one for each, reluctant to let go.

"The boy was born early and is the eldest child, and the girl was born 5 minutes later and is the second child. The boy weighs [-] pounds and the girl weighs [-] pounds. Although the weight is relatively light, among twins, they are considered to be in good physical condition. You can observe it. Into the incubator."

The nurse confessed.

"Okay, got it, thank you."

Milan and Xia Zhaoyang nodded frequently, then Milan looked at Xia Zhaoyang and said:

"Old Xia, this time we can't let the child leave his eyes for a second."

Xia Zhaoyang glanced at Wang Xiang guiltily, and said flatteringly in a low voice:
"Of course, I want to hug such a cute baby and never let go."

In the arms, the two children opened their big black eyes, and looked at the adult's face without fear at all, with a straight nose bridge, a pink and red face, and some blood stains that hadn't been wiped clean.

Milan liked it more and more, and couldn't help kissing the child's face a few times.

At this time, the nurse came out again and said to Milan:
"Families can go into the delivery room, and male family members are not allowed to go in."

Milan understood that now was the time to help Xia Yuan, so he reluctantly gave the child to Wang Xiang, and hurried in.

As soon as he entered the delivery room and saw Xia Yuan with a pale face, Milan couldn't hold back his tears. When he walked to his daughter's bedside, the tears of "Ba Da Ba Da" hit her hands.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Xia Yuan was taken aback.

"Oh, Mom loves you, there is no other meaning. The babies are all very well, one boy and one dragon. It's a good word, everyone is happy."

It was only then that Milan realized that her daughter had just given birth and her body was still weak, so she couldn't be stimulated.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm fine. My stomach is empty all of a sudden. I'm really not used to it. I'm so happy that I can come and go like the wind after a while. Where's the baby? Can you show me?" ?"

Xia Yuan was a little anxious.

"The nurse said no one else would be allowed in. I'll go out and bring it in for you to see."

Xia Yuan had just given birth and had to stay here for an hour of observation before going out. This was to avoid embolism and other postpartum adverse phenomena.

Although giving birth is tiring and physically exhausting, natural delivery is amazing. Immediately after giving birth, the whole body feels lighter, unlike a caesarean section. After taking out the child, although there is no pain in the front, the surgeon must prevent various sequelae.

Xia Yuan was in good spirits and kept urging Milan to bring the child in for her to see.When she just gave birth, although the nurse held her and let her take a look, she was just freed from the intense pain at that time, and her consciousness was blurred, and she couldn't see clearly at all.

Seeing that she was in a hurry, Milan turned around and went out, and brought the child in, one in each hand, quite accommodating.

Putting the two children low on the bedside, Xia Yuan looked fresh and moved.

The two children were flushed red, but now they were asleep, twisting their bodies from time to time in their sleep, raising their hands high up, and making a "hehe" sound from their mouths.

Xia Yuan was puzzled.

Milan said: "This is stretching the waist to grow taller. The old people say that the baby is exercising."

It turned out to be the case.

Xia Yuan looked at the two babies, and saw that one was rounder and stronger, and the other was a little thinner. She quickly distinguished that one was a boy and the other was a girl.

"Yuanyuan, have you decided what to call them?"

Milan baby, baby screamed, but felt that it was still necessary to distinguish.

"The big one is called Dabao, and the small one is called Xiaobao. It's a nickname. It's a big name. Let's take it later."

Xia Yuan didn't think about it for a while, but looking at the children's tall nose bridges and the double eyelids that can be clearly seen now, she knew that her children must be very good-looking in the future, and she felt extremely proud.

Yes, how can a child born to parents with good genes be ugly?

"Uh, well, Dabao, Xiaobao, they are all babies."

Milan didn't think her daughter was trying to save trouble, because in her eyes, she clearly saw the deep and sincere love.

An hour later, seeing that Xia Yuan's physical condition was normal, the nurse pushed Xia Yuan out of the delivery room and into the reserved VIP ward.

Since the two babies were in good health, they stayed in the VIP ward with their mother.

(End of this chapter)

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