Chapter 403
Chapter 434


Zhi Yuner also wanted to say, "Why don't you stay here, go home..."

But who knows, An Chen let go of her in the next second.

Then An Chen tilted his head and his eyes fell on a certain place, and said to himself: "'s not the time yet..."

Immediately afterwards, she took Zhi Yun'er's hand and walked outside the mall.

Zhi Yuner followed with a confused face, and finally went home and asked An Chen what was wrong, An Chen pressed her on the bed without saying a word, changed many places, various positions...

Zhi Yun'er: "..." With your volatile personality, that's the only way I can see you.


Within a few days, An Chen went to the filming crew of "A Prosperous Dream" by himself.

And Lin Can's solo concert was held in Xingyue Plaza.

There was a huge flow of people that day, and Xingyue Square was surrounded by crowds of fans, and the scene fell into chaos for a while.

Security controlled the scene, and Lin Can sang a few of his best known songs.

After the intermission, some fans collectively clamored to listen to "Zhu Meng".

After the sound engineer communicated with Lin Can, Lin Can got into the mood and sang "Zhu Meng".

The boy's exquisite appearance is unique in the world, his unique voice is deeply loved by the public, and his profound singing skills express the strong emotions of "Zhu Meng".

Many people cried when they heard it.

It's as if you were on the scene, trying to die and then reborn, the feeling of being reborn from the ashes of a phoenix.

One song is over.

"so perfect!"


"another one!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The fans yelled hoarsely, shouted and cried.

It was as if she remembered how difficult it was for Lin Can to get to where she is today step by step.

Lin Can held the microphone with a blank expression on her face and said, "There is also the last song for today, which is also my new album."

Fans secretly speculated:
"Cancan releases new songs so frequently during this time, is there something good going to happen?"

And there is:

"The new song must be particularly good. Since it is a bottom-of-the-box song, it must be unique!"

Lin Can heard the few female fans at the front discuss secretly, he closed his eyes, pursed his lips and continued, "It's the theme song of Golden's upcoming new movie - "Red Burial."

This sentence is like knocking on the apex of the hearts of the audience.

"Its name is..." Lin Can paused at this point, and then said blankly amidst all the fans' expectant expressions, "I'm sorry, I forgot."


"The little brother who is serious and tells jokes is so cute!"

"God, don't make trouble!"

"Close the door! Let's sing!!!"

"Weld the car door shut, no one can leave!"

"Just kidding, the title of the song is "Nian." Lin Can's slender fingers rubbed the microphone in his hand, and said word by word: "Please close your eyes and listen carefully."

The fans stopped making noise and screaming, and the entire Xingyue Square was instantly quiet, even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

Lin Can raised her hand to signal the sound engineer to play background music.

Nian Bai: "Actually, there is one sentence I haven't had time to say, and that is—"

Skip the prelude in the middle,

Climax part: "I miss you, your smile, your troubles, every minute of your time with me."

Nian Bai: "It's you who are in love with each other, you who are never forgetting, and you who are in love for life. I am your guiding light, you are my whole world. You are the person I love the most. Spoil yourself."

Climax part: "It is you who taught me how to love, it is you who let me experience love, it is you who make me no longer lonely, my heart is connected, my thoughts are never forgotten, my whole world."

Nian Bai: "I love you forever and ever."

"I love you, do you hear that?"


All the fans fell silent after hearing this.

When the trailer of "Red Burial" was released yesterday, they all watched it. What kind of mood did they feel at that time?

Sad, distressed, hate bad people.

And now after listening to the theme song sung by Lin Can, they...

The collective wants to send blades to the screenwriter! !

How could you be so cruel!
Even the theme song is so cruel!

The hero loves the heroine deeply, but the heroine is gone!

How hot and bloody is this f*cking plot!

Fans secretly wiped their tears.

"It's over." Lin Can's clean voice came out from the microphone, and all the fans stared at Lin Can in a daze, their eyes were red, obviously the signs of crying.

Lin Can was silent for a moment, and advertised, "In three days' time, the movie theater has an appointment for "Red Burial". We'll see you there."

After he officially finished speaking, he flicked his bangs and was escorted away by the bodyguards.

Fans wanted autographs, but no one wanted them. When they came out, they found a few bodyguards with a lot of things that looked like autographs.

Someone stepped forward to take a look, and the bodyguard stuffed a sheet for her and said. "Lin Can signed for free..."

Before he could finish his sentence, many fans who hadn't left crowded forward to get their autographs.

Although it looked like a lot, more than 10 signatures were taken away in less than 5000 minutes!

The bodyguard kept smiling.

The fan was so crazy that he almost dragged his clothes away.


"Beep beep..."

"What's wrong?" Zhi Yun'er ate a popsicle, and clicked on the video call on WeChat. It was An Chen, the tortured little fairy, who called her.

An Chen ignored her.

On the other side, An Chen was wearing a silver suit, his hair was meticulously combed behind his head, and his expressionless face was a bit similar to Fu Hanting in real life...but it was too tender.

It was so tender that if you pinched his face, water would come out.

Zhi Yun'er looked at it in a daze, her thoughts drifted away...

What to do, I kind of want to throw the little goblin down... oh oh oh oh...

An Chen stretched out his hand to block the camera, and Zhi Yun'er could only see something dark, and then heard An Chen lower his voice on purpose, and said in a provocative tone: "I want to go in."

Zhi Yuner has a big '? ’, asked unresponsively: “Where are you going?”

An Chen chuckled, his tone was indescribable...

Zhi Yuner thought for a second.

"Open the door." An Chen let go of the hand that blocked the camera, and then Zhi Yun'er saw a familiar figure appearing on the monitor in front of the room where she lived.

She's already staying in a hotel, how can An Chen still find her?
No, this little bastard dared to miss work to come to her?Or come to the hotel?
Zhi Yun'er thought inexplicably, then dropped the phone, trotted over and opened the door.

He raised his head, and as expected, he saw the figure she was thinking about.

"Honey, you... um..."

Zhi Yun'er brought him in, and after locking the door, she was about to ask An Chen what's wrong again, but she didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and suddenly came to her.

But as soon as he opened his mouth to say a few words, his lips were blocked tightly by him.

"I miss you so much." An Chen said.

(End of this chapter)

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