Naruto's balanced ninja

Chapter 249 Devil?

Chapter 249 Devil?

The thunderstorm restrained its wildly swinging minions, because there were no living beings under it.

Mingyan lifted the secret technique, and the world was immediately shrouded in moonlight, and all the thunder arcs disappeared at this moment.

After being baptized by Thunder, no corpse was left, eliminating the need to dispose of the corpse.

Yahiko and the others slowly walked out from behind the huge rock, their hearts were already so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked. Just now, Mingyan staged an epic drama for them.


Ming Yan let out a foul breath, but he felt a little proud in his heart, Wan Lei Tian Prison was stronger than he imagined, it can be said that even if 100 people came today, no one could escape from the thunder storm.

It's a pity that they couldn't keep all of them here, and one person ran away. At that time, he could only stay in Thunderclap, and he would be torn into pieces when he went out, so he could only watch that person leave.

But it’s also good, leave someone alive and let him go back, let him talk about what happened to them that night, and let them know that Mingyan is not a soft persimmon to be manipulated, but a weapon that can pierce the sky sword!

If you mess with him, there is only one end, and that is death!

咣 咣 咣!
"it's me."

The waiter heard a familiar voice, opened the door and said with a smile, "You got it?"

That life shook his head unrequitedly, with a face full of fear, his voice was a little trembling: "Dead, all dead."

"What's dead?" The waiter felt a little wrong.

"Except for me who escaped and came back, they are all dead."

"What! You three organizations joined forces, but still failed to kill those brats?"

The receptionist couldn't keep calm anymore, he was a little excited, it's fine if 'Nighthawk' missed, this time they spent a lot of money to hire the three major killer organizations, but they still couldn't complete the task, let the boss know how angry they are, don't worry His tone didn't come up and he was so angry to death.

"What kind of brat, it's clearly a devil, hahaha...the devil, it has eaten so many people without even a trace of fear, and even enjoys it."

The man was in a state close to madness. Thinking of the horrible scene just now, he couldn't help shivering. That little devil is the spokesperson of the devil, it must be like this, it must be like this.

"Tell you, don't mess with that devil again, be careful that he kills you all, all of you, hahaha..."

The man pushed open the door, as if he was drunk, and swayed left and right on the street, laughing out loud from time to time, the laughter was so sad and terrified.

He didn't know what happened tonight, he only knew that they had provoked a devil who ate people without spit out bones, a devil who could kill them all in an instant.

The waiter sat on the chair and didn't recover for a long time. He rubbed his temples and shook his head.

He didn't know who that little devil was. Last night 'Nighthawk' missed and only one escaped back. Tonight, the three major killer organizations teamed up and ended up repeating the same mistakes. 57 people were killed, but only one escaped. Is it true? Is that kid a devil?

Thinking back to the first meeting that day, those few children who were clearly ordinary and a little emotional, how can there be superfluous, why even these killers who have been accompanied by death all year round, are so frightened, afraid to see them again.

At this moment, even he couldn't help being afraid. In the dark night, there seemed to be a figure dormant outside the window...

Is it really the devil?

Sweating profusely, he pinched himself hard so that he could control his body freely. Just now, he was so frightened that he couldn't move.

After taking a few sips of water, the sweat dripped down his cheeks, which made him feel better.

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night...

"What's wrong with being absent-minded?"

The shop owner came to the shop very early, and saw the waiter pouring water for him, and it was still pouring when it was full.

"Ah, uh, I'm sorry boss, I didn't sleep well last night." The waiter quickly took out a rag to wipe the table.

"Well, is the Luoshui courtyard clean?"

The waiter swallowed his saliva, sliding his protruding Adam's apple up and down, and said with great difficulty: "They also missed."

"What did you say?!"

The shop owner was a little excited, his whiskers were trembling wildly, the three major organizations joined forces, the number of people was almost three times that of 'Nighthawk', how could they still miss?

"Same as last night, only one escaped back, and the others all died." The waiter couldn't help but shudder.

"Where is the person who escaped? Find it for me. I have to ask them how they did it. There are nearly [-] people, and they can't even deal with four little ghosts. A bunch of trash."

"Don't look for it, I'm here. Apart from me, the other two organizations have also sent representatives here, just to clarify this matter with you."

The three came, and the one in the middle was the man who was a bit crazy last night. Today, he seems to have adjusted his state. He must have been frightened last night and had some mental problems. Fortunately, the killers have relatively high psychological quality. Otherwise, it is not impossible to go crazy like that.

"Last night, our three major organizations dispatched a total of 57 people. Except for me, everyone else died. After discussion, our three major organizations decided not to take over this order. This is compensation." The man calmly explained, and took out a wad of money ticket.

"Hmph, thanks to the fact that you are still a well-known killer organization in the country of rain, you can't even deal with four little devils, pack your bags and get out as soon as possible, what kind of killers, what kind of organization do you want to go home and get a few acres of fertile land to grow vegetables How nice."

The shop owner was in a fit of anger, and he didn't save any face in what he said, and the contempt in his tone was even more undisguised.

The waiter quickly winked at the boss, offending these people is not a conscious choice.

"Well, you are the boss, you can say whatever you want, we don't matter, we are trash, trash, as long as you are happy, I don't know what kind of hatred you have with that kid, it is worth you to do this, of course, I am not qualified to ask these things, But I advise you, don't mess with that kid again, otherwise, those brothers who died will be your fate."

The man was still calm, and he didn't get angry because of his words. As a killer, failing to complete the task is indeed unprofessional. I just hope that his words can make the boss put away all thoughts of cleaning up the kid, and don't do it for others. Yes, just to save some innocent people from dying.

His killer brothers had their own families, and the whole family lived on the bounty they worked so hard for. When they died, the pillars of the family were gone. He didn't want more tragedies like this to happen.

"You, you, get out of here."

The shop owner was so angry that he couldn't even hold the teacup steadily, the tea splashed out, and his face turned red.

Now that things have happened, he is actually a little confused. Who can give him an answer to whether what he has done is right or wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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