Naruto's balanced ninja

Chapter 326 The Actions of All Parties

Chapter 326 The Actions of All Parties (Two in One)

The seemingly peaceful world is actually preparing for a storm.

Naruto Namikaze Minato discussed with the other three countries about Konoha's Mitsuo, Kyuubi, and Yunyin's Hachio, and the Renzhuriki of the Land of Earth and the Land of Wind were all taken away by the "Eye of the Moon" and stripped of the tails in Qi's body Beasts, except for Gaara who was rescued, the rest of Jinjuriki died.

The three major powers are also aware of the seriousness of the problem, and feel that they should keep the remaining three tailed beasts as much as possible, so that the "Eye of the Moon" cannot gather all nine tailed beasts.

The original meeting of the five shadows has become the meeting of the four shadows, and the country of water, Wuyin, has already become the territory of Zed.

Iron country.

Hokage Namikaze Minato, Raikage Ai, Kazekage Gaara, and Tsuchikage Ryo Onogi sat around a table with guards standing behind them, protecting Kage's safety.

And Naruto, at this moment, is taking on the duty of guarding Hokage.

Facing the so-called strongest ninjas, Naruto seemed very relaxed. Except for Tsuchikage, everyone else had dealt with them before.

"What is the intention of 'Eye of the Moon' to collect nine-headed and tailed beasts in such a high-profile manner?" asked Onoki, a two-dimensional scale.

"It is said that the nine-headed and tailed beast is derived from the ten-tailed beast, and the 'Eye of the Moon' probably wants to revive the ten-tailed beast." Minato said, Mingyan told him about this, this is the most likely and most reasonable sex.

"Ten tails?!"

Hearing this term, the other three shadows were a little bit stunned. Obviously, they were a little bit surprised by this thing that existed in legends.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems quite reasonable to connect with the 'Eye of the Moon' plan.

"If this is the case, it is even more necessary to stop the 'Eye of the Moon', otherwise the ninja world will burn all living beings." Onogi said.

"Ten-tails is another existence of the sacred tree, and it is the source of all chakras. It has endless chakras. Once it is resurrected, we, the so-called strongest people, have nothing to do with it, so Be sure to stop the 'Eye of the Moon'." Gaara said slowly, the chakras with one tail guarding the crane are so huge, let alone a collection of nine-tailed beasts.

"It's useless to talk so much. If this is the case, let's form a ninja coalition and unite to deal with the 'Eye of the Moon'. I don't believe it. A small organization can still fight against the five...the current four major powers."

With a grumpy face, Ai had a fierce look on his face, as if he wanted to smash the "Eye of the Moon" into pieces.

"Don't forget, there is Shadow Stream..."

Mifune, the General of the Iron Nation, who has been silent all this time, has a gloomy expression on his face at this moment.

This speech caused the temperature in the meeting room to drop a bit, and all parties were silent for a while, surprisingly quiet.

The word "Yingliu" is too sharp, making the shadows who have been on the battlefield for many years avoid it.

Because Kageliu has developed too fast in recent years, and no one can stop it, it has already occupied half of the ninja world, and the remaining half is the territory of their four major kingdoms. Digest slowly, take this to recuperate, and sit on the mountain to watch the tigers fight.

But Yingliu's next target is likely to be on their four major powers.

"That's why we need to form a coalition to tie the four major powers into one, so that we can deal with the 'Eye of the Moon' and the shadow stream who doesn't know when it will attack. For the sake of escaping, don’t forget that we are the four great powers that have existed for a long time, and we have developed enough foundations until now, while Yingliu has just sprung up suddenly. It looks powerful on the surface, but it is actually nothingness inside.”

Minato tapped his finger on the table, speaking slowly, everyone should not lose their fighting spirit because of Kageru.

Mingyan knew that Minato wanted to stabilize Sankage, but, was Kageliu really just a sudden emergence?
As far as he knew, Zed used countless shadows to spread the teachings of the shadow stream and the way of shadows within the scope of his jurisdiction, and conducted intensive training for the existing ninjas.

In addition, Jie also selected some excellent and obedient ninjas, and personally cultivated a group of powerful shadow ninjas in the Shadow Stream Hall. The untapped shadow energy is used to exert greater and more powerful power with the ninjutsu mastered by oneself.

As Zed's direct unit, Shadow Ninja only obeys Zed's orders and goes out to do errands for Zed. It is extremely efficient and rarely encounters difficult things.

Jie stays in the Shadow Stream Palace all day long, eating, drinking and having fun. It looks like he doesn't hear anything outside the window, but in fact everything is under control. Through the shadow, he can understand the big and small things within the shadow stream's rule. Through the shadow forbearance, he can Understand the trends of countries other than Shadow Stream.

The continent of Valoran, where multiple civilizations exist, is much crueler than the ninja world. Zed can survive in such an environment and establish a force strong enough to fight against the Kinkou sect, which is enough to prove his excellent leadership skills, but his methods are too cruel .

"I agree with Hokage. No matter how strong Kageri is, he can't fight against the ninja coalition. The four major powers are the overlords of the ninja world. A mere Kageru is not qualified to bring us down!" Ai said domineeringly.

"Then, please express your opinion, and raise your hand if you agree to form the Ninja Alliance." Mifune, as the host of the meeting, spoke just right.

Seeing that the four kages all raised their hands, Mifune smiled: "Since this is the case, the Ninja Alliance has been established, so who will be the commander?"

Siying thought for a while, and was silent for a while.

No one expressed an opinion, Mifune glanced around, and then continued: "First of all, I express my opinion from a neutral point of view. The commander is the mastermind of the coalition forces. Withstand the pressure and not be distracted by the war, personally, I think Hokage can be the commander in chief."

As soon as the words fell, Sankage's eyes turned to Mizumon. Hokage, known as the yellow flash, was brave, and as for the plot, it seemed to be justified.

Minato felt the pressure. In fact, he preferred to fight on the front line instead of hiding in the office to coordinate the overall situation.

"No, anyone can be the commander, except Hokage. Konoha has three tailed beasts and nine tails. When Hokage is the commander, he will definitely lean towards Konoha." Ai jumped out to object.

"Allied forces have been formed, don't you even have the most basic trust?" Gaara said.

"Trust is built on the basis of fairness and justice. Anyway, I am the first to quit when Hokage is in command."

"I also don't think I'm the material to be the commander. If that's the case, then let Raikage be the one." Minato quickly shied away, it's better not to be.

"Lei Ying? That guy has a simple mind and well-developed limbs. If he becomes the commander, he will ruin the entire coalition army." Tiantianping Onoki laughed.

Hearing Tuying make fun of him like this, Ai suddenly frowned, rolled up his sleeves and his eyes were spitting fire, "What are you talking about, old boy, do you want to fight?"

On the other hand, Tsubo Onoki was happy and unafraid, raised his chin, and tried his best to suppress Lei Ying with his aura.

"Hey hey hey, this is a meeting, Lord Raikage restrain yourself, too much temper is not good, it will hurt your health." Mifune persuaded from the side.

"I think it's okay for Raikage to be the commander-in-chief. Don't forget that there is also the position of the general staff. At the same time, I recommend Nara Shikohisa from Konoha as the staff..." Minato said.


After some discussion, it was finally decided that Ai would be the commander-in-chief, Minato would be the general staff, Nara Shikahisa and Yunyin's Azabui would be the staff, and Gaara would be the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces.

The Four Shadows talks ended here, and the four major powers gathered their troops one after another, and then dispatched Mitarai Anko to lead a reconnaissance team to search for the location of the 'Eye of the Moon' and his party.

Another place is also undergoing pre-war preparations like a fire.

Hundreds of thousands of Baijue gather, at first glance it looks like a sea of ​​white.

Jue controls Bai Jue, and can launch an attack on the ninja coalition at any time, but the time has not yet come, because the pocket has not yet dealt with it.

"Why is this woman still alive?" Jue looked at the bag that was one body with a snake.

Dou glanced at Hongdou behind him, and said: "Her body can adapt to Master Orochimaru's curse seal, and there is still Chakra of Master Orochimaru, so we can't kill her."

Just to be on the safe side, he said sharply, "No, she must be killed immediately. She has already discovered the location and entrance of our stronghold."

"It is necessary to recover Master Orochimaru's Chakra while ensuring that he is alive. My body is equivalent to Master Oroshemaru's body. Doing so can enhance my own strength."

Dou helped his eyes, and said again: "The binding force of the reincarnation of the dirty soil will also be strengthened because of this. The most important thing is... this technique requires a living person to be a sacrifice, so she must be kept alive."

"If you increase your combat power, it will benefit you a lot, won't it?"

I can never believe that this man who is so deep in the city, after Orochimaru died in Konoha, the latter actually got into Konoha and got part of Orochimaru's body, so he made the current picture of neither human nor snake .

"If the reincarnation of the filthy soil really needs a living person as a sacrifice, unless you prove it to me, you must tell me everything about this technique, including the method to remove it."

"What if I refuse?" Dou asked with a serious face.

"You can try it, as long as you think about the consequences." Jue Shi smiled but said.

After a moment of silence, he shook his hands, "Okay, okay, it's okay to show the charm of this technique, but I need a living person as a sacrifice, and this woman can't move for the time being."

"It's really troublesome."

Absolutely bring two captives for experiments.

Draw out the operation formula, and explain everything about the operation while doing it...

At the same time, in the magnificent Shadow Stream Hall.

A black-clothed ninja was half-kneeling on the smooth marble floor. He wore a shuriken-shaped forehead and carried a long sword, exuding a cold air all over his body.

This person is the most powerful eagle dog in the robbery-King Ninja!
On the top of the hundred steps, there is a golden soft bed. On the soft couch, a person is lying lazily on his side. If an outsider looks at him, he will think that this person is Jiaodu, but anyone who knows him knows that he It's not Jiaodu, but Jie, just wearing Jiaodu's coat.

"I tell my lord that the four great powers have gathered recently, and there seems to be some big action. At the same time, the guys from the 'Eye of the Moon' disappeared from our field of vision. I don't know what they are doing."

Jie seemed to laugh, and said: "Could it be that you are going to deal with me?"

"It doesn't look like, they have no intention of approaching us, they seem to be waiting for something." Shadow Ninja said.

"What are you waiting for?" A hint of doubt flashed across Jie's eyes.

"If my subordinates guessed right, they should be waiting for the 'Eye of the Moon'. The Eye of the Moon has already gathered all six tailed beasts, and Konoha holds the three tails and nine tails, and Yunyin holds the eight tails. There must be a battle for tailed beasts."

After such a long time, Jie already had an impression of the structure of this world and some important things, and after listening to it, he just said with a playful smile: "The battle for tailed beasts sounds quite interesting."

This world is not as good as a corner of the Valoran continent, and its power level is also very low. The so-called strongest tailed beast in the ninja world, in the Valoran continent, at most plays the role of a battle pet.

When that idiot was fighting Nine-Tails, he had a feeling that the tailed beast's chakra was indeed huge, but it was still not worth mentioning in front of the more advanced shadow energy, otherwise the idiot would not be able to defeat the tail with his forbidden secret beast.

Therefore, he never intervened when the 'Eye of the Moon' collected the tailed beasts, because he wanted to know why the 'Eye of the Moon' collected the tailed beasts, and why other countries were so afraid of them.

This is his only pleasure in this world, nothing can threaten him, but when he thinks of this, the face of a fool emerges in his mind.

Then he roared ferociously in his heart: "There is always a way to cut off the connection between you and me, and then I will be truly invincible."

"Then we..."

"Snipe and clam fight, fisherman wins, we just need to wait." Jie's tone was light, "By the way, 'Eye of the Moon' collects tailed beasts, why?"


Shadow Ninja froze for a moment, he didn't know why, but he had heard a legend since childhood.

So, he told this legend to Jie.

"It is said that in the Warring States Period, there was a mysterious woman named Otsutsuki Kaguya..."

Jie listened with great interest, and finally murmured: "Ten Tails, what kind of existence is that?"

"It is said that when the ten tails reappear, this world will be destroyed and return to the era of the rule of the sacred tree."

Shadow Ninja's tone trembled. Obviously, he felt that the legend was likely to be true, otherwise the actions of the 'Eye of the Moon' would not have a reasonable explanation.

"Oh? Really?" Jie Senran smiled, "Ten tails? A divine tree? I want to see, a beast, or a tree? How can it rule the world."

"In my eyes, everything here is as weak as an ant. If there is an existence that can ignite my blood, it is really my wish."

Jie then sighed and said: "Oh, I can't find a comparable opponent. It's really boring. I'm decadent in this hall all day long. I can't find anything that can raise my fighting spirit. I live like a dead person."

Shadow Ninja looked at Jie and said to himself, and hurriedly flattered him with all his strength, "Even if the ten tails reappear, my lord can subdue them. In this world, my lord is the real lord of the world. Those people are just my lord." It’s all about showing mercy and not dealing with them.”


In the resplendent and resplendent hall, the arrogant laughter lingered for a long time.

 Thanks to the book friend "Green Mia" for rewarding 200 starting coins again, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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