Chapter 43

At the west gate of Wancheng, Sun Jian led his troops and horses without any resistance, and easily seized control of the city gate.When inquiring about the surrendered Yellow Turban Army, I learned that there was an internal struggle between Hanzhong's troops and the original Xiaoshuai under Zhao Hong, and other ambitious people were waiting and watching, trying to reap the benefits of the fisherman.As the saying goes, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, but now the oriole has become a praying mantis. Even if Han Zhong killed him, he would never have thought that his own people would lead the army into the city.

On the street not far from the west gate, several young generals killed by Han Zhong's troops backed away again and again, half an hour later all those who resisted Han Zhong died on the spot.At this moment, Han Zhong's expression was extremely gloomy and cold. If he hadn't made arrangements, they might take his head one day.The other people are not good birds either, at this moment they stand by and watch, hum, they just don't do anything and even clean up with the others, that's the case.
"The anti-thief Han Zhong, today is your death day next year." The sudden sound woke Han Zhong up, and he followed his reputation, oh my god, why did this guy Sun Jian enter the city?No, why did Ximen think of this? Han Zhong's back was sweating coldly.

"Boys, follow me to kill!" Sun Jian rushed out one by one.

It turned out that Sun Jian was not in a hurry to attack after entering the city, but kept sending people to inquire, and did not lead his troops out until the civil strife in the Yellow Turbans was about to subside.

In the camp of the Han army at the north gate of Wancheng, Zhu Jun was studying military books in the big tent, "report, general, there is internal strife in the Yellow Turban of Wancheng, and General Sun has captured the west gate." A soldier rushed to report.

"Okay, the plan is done! Immediately send an order to the whole army to attack Wancheng." Zhu Jun ordered excitedly.

"Nuo"'s personal guard led the order and left.

"dong dong dong"


The continuous sound of war drums and low-pitched horns resounded through the sky, and the Han army swept in like a tide. The banners of the Han army fluttered in the wind, and as the flow of people kept moving forward, they exuded the breath of death.

"No, the Han army is coming!" Seeing the Han army rushing suddenly, a young yellow scarf general on the top of the city was shocked.

He was aware of the internal strife in the city, but at the moment there were less than 1000 soldiers around him, and he couldn't hold it at all, so he didn't dare to think "quickly, report to Han Shuai".


Under the city tower, the archers of the Han army fired together, and the bowstrings stretched and made a deep trembling sound. With the cover of the bows and arrows, a ladder was built on the city wall.

"Kill!!!" Shouts like landslides and tsunami shook the sky, the number of yellow scarf soldiers on the top of the city gradually decreased, and Wancheng fell in an instant.As time passed, more officers and soldiers climbed to the top of the city, and some of them immediately rushed down the city wall and opened the city gate.

Seeing that the north gate was wide open, Zhu Jun drew his sword and pointed: "Soldiers, follow me to kill!" Then he rushed out first, the guards behind hurriedly followed, and the rest of the cavalry rode up.

"Wancheng is broken, Wancheng is broken, brothers, run for your life!" The terrified yellow scarf soldiers ran around while shouting.

Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the flames of war were raging everywhere. The mighty banner of the Han army finally stood on the top of Wancheng. Zhu Jun climbed to the top of the city, feeling filled with emotion: "God bless you, Wancheng has been broken, and you can return to your majesty!"

Looking around, there were no yellow scarves at the north gate, but the sound of fighting from the east and west was still heard, "Come here, gather the soldiers and horses, and I will go to the west gate to punish the thieves."

"Nuo" took the order to go, and ordered the soldiers to follow Zhu Junzhi to kill Han Zhongchu.

The march was no more than a kilometer, which was convenient for the defeated tribes in Hanzhong to encounter: "Soldiers and soldiers, slaughter all the rebels for this general, and avenge the people of Wancheng."

"Revenge, revenge" the Han army shouted slogans, brandished their weapons, and rushed towards the defeated Yellow Turban army.



On the narrow street, the crowded streets made the street even narrower, and the fierce fighting broke out suddenly, with waves of weapons intersecting, and the sound of knives and spears piercing the body was mixed with heart-piercing screams.The blood inspired the fighting spirit of the officers and soldiers. The blood was burning, and spears and knives swung like lightning, killing all the thieves who stood in the way.There was no way out, no way back, and the defeated Yellow Turban army was fighting bloody battles to the death. Wrapped in sackcloth, they still swung their knives and spears with all their might, stabbing at the Han army with all their might.

Fearless means not knowing what to fear, and the Yellow Turban soldiers who are originally outlaws only hold the idea of ​​​​mortal death in their hearts.Some Yellow Turban soldiers saw that their weapons could not do harm to the thickly armored Han army, so they abandoned their weapons and used their bodies to knock down the deadly enemy in front of them, and started fighting.

Hit the opponent's head with fists, claw around with hands, what's more, directly bite the opponent's throat with mouth, and drink the enemy's blood.The fighting became more and more chaotic, and the cruelty of the scene could not be expressed in words. The hand-to-hand combat soon turned into a meat fight.

The unpleasant smell of blood filled the entire street. In less than a quarter of an hour, hundreds of soldiers from both sides had their throats bitten, their ears bitten off, and their eyes gouged out during the scuffle. Those who lacked arms and legs were not there either. few.

As time went by, the Han troops at the east and south gates gradually surrounded them.The fierce battle is still going on, but the Yellow Turban is retreating steadily, and it is at the end of its strength.Han Zhong has been stared at by Sun Jian, no matter where he hides, he will be found.Who is depressed in Hanzhong, Sun Jian is brave, no one dares to be his subordinates, and it is only a matter of time before he is killed.

"...Ah..." Han Zhong, who was stared at by Sun Jian with hairs in his heart, let out a loud roar, venting his anguish.It doesn't matter if you don't roar, as soon as the roar comes out, another person will stare at it.This person is none other than Huang Zhong who is beside Nanyang prefect Qin Jie.After discovering Han Zhong, Huang Zhong picked up his bow and arrow and shot two arrows without saying a word.

After venting, Han Zhong suddenly felt a murderous aura coming from his back, and immediately dodged sideways. Unexpectedly, the arrow was too fast and still hit Han Zhong, and then the second arrow passed through his throat.

Han Zhong said "Gulu, Gulu". Because the battlefield was too chaotic, the guards around him didn't know what happened. Han Zhong was already dead when he realized it.

"Han Zhong is dead, why don't you surrender?" Huang Zhong's deep voice appeared on the battlefield.

When Wen Wen, the Yellow Turban Army found out that his commander-in-chief had been shot by an arrow and died.As soon as the morale of the Yellow Turban was lowered, the Han army immediately launched a fierce attack. After a quarter of an hour, there was no one to resist.Poor Sun Jian, after chasing half of Wancheng in Hanzhong, he was finally shot by Huang Zhong. After Zhu Jun arrived, he immediately ordered: "Take all the captives to the north gate and behead them, and then gather in Beijing to watch and avenge the people of Wancheng .”

Qin Jie, the prefect of Nanyang, heard the words and immediately remonstrated that it would be ominous to kill the prisoners, but Zhu Jun had made up his mind and it was irreversible.Huang Zhong even shook his head secretly, it was all the people of the big man who worked hard to kill them all! !
(End of this chapter)

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