take space to eighty

Chapter 98: Being Targeted

Chapter 98: Being Targeted (1)
Zhang Lanzhi felt guilty and relieved at the same time. She reached out to touch the top of Wang Jing's head, but found that the girl had grown taller, a little taller than herself, and her eyes turned red, "It's not that you have flowers on your face. Looks good, mom's daughter has really grown up, this one is taller than mom. That's great." In the future, who will dare to say that Zhang Lanzhi's daughter is short, fat and ugly, like a round ball.

Now that her daughter looks so good, she thinks that her daughter is better than Wangcun's daughters, and she has gathered the advantages of her father and her, so she said why Zhang Lanzhi's daughter is ugly, it turns out that obesity affects her daughter beauty.

Now it's all over, she no longer worries that her daughter won't be able to find a good match, she's afraid that from now on, the threshold of her family will be broken by a matchmaker.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lanzhi unconsciously brought a smile on his face. There was a feeling that I could finally feel elated. I wanted to say something, but thinking that there were guests in the room, I swallowed the words on my lips and looked at Wang. Jing said softly, "Go to the field and tell your brother, let them come back early for lunch, and bring your niece back."

"Hey, I got it." Wang Jing responded, and went out to Jiang's mother, and went to the field before thinking about Zhang Lanzhi's words of praising her.

Mother Jiang's eyes followed Wang Jing's figure, looking at Wang Jing's face for a while, looking at Wang Jing's body for a while, and looked away until she could no longer see her.

"My in-laws, you are really blessed. Your daughter looks so good, and she is very lucky at first glance. If that family married, I don't know how much high incense was burned in the previous life. Look, we are all women, why did you give birth to me?" All the children are so smart, why are they so handsome?" Jiang's mother had an envious face and a sour tone.

If you say she is young, she is not bad at growing up, the daughter we gave birth to is not as beautiful as Zhang Lanzhi's.

"Hey, look at what you said, mother-in-law, if those monkeys in my family heard what you said, you would look at the sky with your tail! Didn't you eat honey before going out today? You have such a sweet mouth that even I Old ladies can't stand it." Zhang Lanzhi laughed out loud at Jiang's mother's compliment.

Mother Jiang waved her hand and said, "I'm telling the truth. If you want your family to be bad, I can marry my daughter into your family to enjoy the blessings." impression.

Jiang's mother said it well, Zhang Lanzhi heard it, and the smile on her face became more real, "My in-laws are too generous, we are all ordinary people, just trying to make food and clothing, that's as good as you said, Xiaohua can arrive Our old Wang family, that is also fate."

Zhang Lanzhi was actually thinking, without the original 100 yuan gift money, you can marry your daughter to my house, how can you cheat ghosts?However, today's in-law's attitude is a bit abnormal. If she came here normally, she wouldn't say so many good things.

It must have been asking for something, or she was just trying to get her family's attention, so did she just say it?Why is this in-law so abnormal?It turned out that there was something ulterior in my heart.

After figuring this out, Zhang Lanzhi became vigilant. Although she was smiling, if you look carefully, someone who knows her must know her changes.

I have to say that Zhang Lanzhi guessed the truth by mistake.

Jiang's mother smiled, "It's not fate. Today I told Hua to be filial to you, to be diligent and not to be lazy in doing things, and not to be satisfied with such a good husband's family. It is best to give birth to a son-in-law and be consummated. You don't know how many people in our village envy us for finding a good husband's family, and I am also happy as a mother?"

Jiang's mother spat all over the place, the more good things she said, the more Zhang Lanzhi doubted what this man was doing.

(End of this chapter)

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