She's acting like a spoiled brat to the bigots again

Chapter 315 Ms. Song, please ask for blessings

Chapter 315 Ms. Song, please ask for blessings
Wei Chenze faintly had an answer in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Is he right?
The maid at the door saw that Wei Chenze was about to stride out, so she couldn't help but said to Wei Chenze, "Young master, didn't you say that you want to wait for Miss Tang to come? Why are you leaving?"

"I have something to do now." Wei Chenze said without hesitation.

"Then what do you say when Miss Tang is here?" the maid asked.

Wei Chenze said to the person in front of him, "Just say that I have something to do temporarily, let her go back first."

After speaking, Wei Chenze got into the car and drove away.

As soon as Wei Chenze left, Tang Shihan came back.

The maid standing at the door saw Tang Shihan, saw her calling Wei Chenze's name, and said to her truthfully, "Miss Tang, what a coincidence, the young master just went out on business, the young master must have encountered something important, for a while You won’t be able to come back, so he told you to go back first.”

Hearing this, Tang Shihan frowned her pretty brows, today is her birthday, Wei Chenze promised her before that he would definitely help her celebrate her birthday.

However, in the blink of an eye, something left.

What is more important than her birthday?
She immediately took out her mobile phone and called Wei Chenze.

But I found that the phone was in the middle of a call, and I couldn't get through. I tried several times in a row, but it was the same.

Putting away the phone, Tang Shihan asked the person in front of her, "Then, did your young master say when he will be back?"

The maid shook her head, "The young master didn't say anything."

Tang Shihan didn't ask any more questions, turned around and left.

the other side

Li Qiye returned home, opened the door and went in, called Song Xuan's name, but no one answered.

Li Qiye asked the maid, "Where is she?"

The maid said, "Mr. Li, Miss Song was taken away by Mr. Lin."

"Where did you go?" Li Qiye continued to ask.

He thought of Song Xuan's not yet fully healed feet, and couldn't help frowning.

Her feet are still not fully recovered, where will she run?

The maid shook her head, "I don't know either, but Young Master Lin took Ms. Song away not long after she left. I vaguely heard them talking about a traffic jam."

Go racing?
Li Qiye's eyes darkened in an instant, and he ran to race with others before his feet healed?
I really can't stay at all.

And that Lin Jingxuan dared to take her out at this time.

Seeing Li Qiye's displeasure, the maid hurriedly lowered her head, hoping that the anger of the person in front of her would not implicate herself.

"Why didn't anyone come to report?" Li Qiye asked again.

"Miss Song... don't let me tell you." Since the butler wasn't around, they didn't dare to say anything.

Hearing this, Li Qiye only felt angrier.

Really good!
He even threatened the servant!
Dare not to let him know, the more courageous.

See if he doesn't catch her back, take care of her!

Li Qiye didn't say anything more.

He already knew where Song Xuan was going, so he turned and left.

He drove straight to the place where Song Xuan and Lin Jingxuan were going.

While driving, he called Jiang Zhan with his earphones on and asked what Song Xuan had been doing during his absence.

Hearing Jiang Zhan say that Song Xuan was competing with others today, Li Qiye's expression became even worse

Silent without saying a word.

Feeling the silence over there, Jiang Zhan looked embarrassed.

Thinking about what to say next.

If their president knew that Miss Song not only competed with others, but also chose the most dangerous path, and almost ran into him, what would happen?He dare not imagine.

"President, that..."

Jiang Zhan wanted to say more, but Li Qiye had already interrupted him, "I see, I'll talk about it later."

Then, he hung up the phone, because he saw Song Xuan's figure from a distance.

Looking at the hung up phone, Jiang Zhan had a vague feeling that Miss Song seemed... to be miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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