Chapter 319 What did he see?
Lin Jingxuan's words did not go on, but the meaning was self-evident.

Hearing this, Li Qiye glanced at him, a sudden light flashed in his eyes, "I know. Is there any problem?"

" problem." Lin Jingxuan reacted, and immediately lowered his voice and said, "I have a problem."

He remembered that his second brother was a clean freak and never drank what other people drank.

Once, when he drank something and was touched by someone, he remembered that Li Qiye asked people to throw everything away together, so that their memory was still fresh.

But now it seems that he was thinking too much and worrying for nothing.

When they were talking about this, Song Xuan happened to be watching the show with her head down. After they had almost finished speaking, Song Xuan raised her head and gave them a look. It seemed that something happened just now, but now she seems to have regained her composure.

She lowered her head and continued to watch TV on her mobile phone.

Not long after, the food arrived.

Several people started to eat.

Song Xuan was already hungry, they were still talking about things, and Song Xuan started to concentrate on eating.

And Li Qiye was talking to others while helping Song Xuan prepare vegetables.

Li Qiye helped Song Xuan peel her favorite shrimp and put them into a bowl.

Song Xuan naturally picked up the prawns that Li Qiye had peeled and put them in her mouth.

When she took a bite of Jizhen and put it in her mouth, she suddenly felt a little spicy.

She quickly took a sip of the tea, but felt that it was still quite spicy.

Li Qiye also noticed her movement, turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Xuan said with some embarrassment, "Spicy."

"Drink tea first." Li Qiye handed the tea in front of Song Xuan to Song Xuan.

After seeing Song Xuan drank it, Li Qiye continued to ask, "Is it still spicy?"

Song Xuan nodded upon hearing this, "Yes."

Li Qiye heard the words and said to Song Xuan, "I'll send someone to get milk tea. Milk tea contains sugar, which can relieve spicy heat."

After the words were finished, Li Qiye called the waiter and asked them to go down to get milk tea.

After drinking the milk tea that the waiter offered, Li Qiye asked, "Is it still spicy?"

"No...not spicy anymore"

"That's good."

A smile flashed across Li Qiye's eyes.

He stared at the teacup Song Xuan drank from.

He drank this tea before, and now Song Xuan drank it again

Does this count as Song Xuan kissing him indirectly?
And Song Xuan didn't know what was going on in Li Qiye's mind at all, seeing the smile on the corner of Li Qiye's mouth, she was a little confused.

Seeing this situation, Lin Jingxuan and Luo Yan thought of what happened before.And saw the smile that inadvertently flashed across Li Qiye's face.

They had a feeling that Li Qiye did it on purpose.

"I'll have someone take that thing away, and I'll get you some food." Li Qiye whispered in her ear again.

Song Xuan nodded when she heard this, "Okay, thank you, Aye."

Luo Yan and Lin Jingxuan looked at the two of them talking to each other as if nothing had happened, feeling like they were being abused.

They felt that Li Qiye wanted to torture the two single dogs to death.

At this time, Luo Yan's phone rang, it was about business.

Luo Yan said sorry, and got up to answer the phone.

Just as Luo Yan left, Lin Jingxuan's phone rang.

After Lin Jingxuan left, only Li Qiye, Song Xuan and Jiang Zhan were left at the dining table.

Li Qiye picked up a piece of beef and said to Song Xuan, "Open your mouth."

Hearing this, Song Xuan opened her mouth, and the beef entered Song Xuan's mouth.

After chewing a few mouthfuls, she said to Li Qiye, "Yes, it's delicious."

"Then try this elbow?"

Song Xuan nodded, "Okay."

Li Qiye took another elbow and put it in Song Xuan's mouth, "How is it?"

"Delicious." Song Xuan nodded.

"Then I will often bring you to this family in the future." Li Qiye said with a smile.

"Okay." Song Xuan quite agreed with Li Qiye's proposal.

When Luo Yan came back, he stopped at the door of the box.

Then, Lin Jingxuan also came in. He originally wanted to ask Luo Yan why he didn't go in.

When I looked inside, I immediately saw the situation inside.

(End of this chapter)

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