Chapter 523 Self-evident
"Then how is it enough?" Song Xuan stopped, blinked her eyes, and looked at him, "How about I add more?"

Hearing this, Li Qiye hugged him and approached her.

Looking at the person approaching her, Song Xuan felt her heart tremble, and a strange emotion rushed through her heart.

She whispered, "What do you want? What are you doing so close?"

Li Qiye hugged her a little closer, and Song Xuan felt that she was almost pressed against him.

"It's enough to add you."

Song Xuan's face turned red when she heard Li Qiye's words.

Then, she sat up straight, collected her expression and said to Li Qiye, "The money in this card is the dividend of the drama you invested in, and you deserve it. Here it is for you."

"Take it, I don't need such a little money."

Li Qiye returned the bank card to Song Xuan.

Song Xuan held the bank card that Li Qiye put in her hand, looking a little dazed.

Just as she was about to speak, Li Qiye's voice came over her one step ahead, "Hey, keep it safe for me."

Song Xuan's mouth twitched when she heard this, she couldn't continue talking.

Put the card away.

Turning her eyes, Song Xuan thought of another happy thing, and said to Li Qiye, "Aye, my new movie is available, you must go when the time comes."

Um. Li Qiye nodded, "When will it be?" "

"The new movie is still early, and the shooting has not started yet. However, I have already passed the audition, and the starring role has confirmed me. After a while, I will be able to join the group after signing the contract."

Hearing this, Li Qiye's eyes flickered, and finally nodded, "Well, I see, don't be too tired, if you don't want to take pictures, you can come back anytime."

"After the filming started, how can you come back casually?" Song Xuan shook her head seriously, "That would be too irresponsible."

Li Qiye looked up at her and said seriously, "I just want you to be happy. If filming makes you happy, then continue filming. If it makes you unhappy, then stop filming."

"OK, all right."

Song Xuan knew that Li Qiye was thinking of her, so she responded slowly.


In the afternoon, Song Xuan received a call.

It was good at first.

However, at the end, Song Xuan's expression became serious.

The people over there didn't know what they said. Song Xuan said to the people over there seriously, "Isn't this a deal? Why did you suddenly go back on your word?"

The person over there said apologetically, "Miss Song, I'm really sorry, I can't decide this matter, it's decided by the people above, and you haven't signed the contract yet, to be precise, it doesn't count."

Song Xuan was silent, pondered for a while, and asked the person over there, "Since I was replaced, I should know the reason, right?"

"Miss Song, this matter was originally discussed, but two days ago, someone called and said very strongly that you would be replaced, that you could not be the heroine of this show, otherwise, let this TV film No. The man's back seems to be very powerful, and the people over there dare not offend, so..."

The man didn't say anything more, but the meaning was self-evident.

Hearing this, what else does Song Xuan not understand?
That is, someone deliberately targeted her, so the role she had agreed upon was changed.

Even if she is popular now, it is no exception.

Holding the phone next to her ear tightly, the coldness in Song Xuan's eyes flashed, "Who is the other party?"

"I don't know about that." The man shook his head, expressing that he didn't know either.

"Is there no clue?" Song Xuan asked again with a calm expression.

"I vaguely heard someone calling her Miss Jane, but I don't know anything else."

Hearing the words, the man pondered for a while, and then told the truth.

Miss Jane?

Hearing this, Song Xuan vaguely understood.

If she guessed correctly, that person was Jian Xi.

Sure enough, she knew she would not give up so easily.

Sure enough, he was making small moves behind his back.

She answered the phone, "Okay, I see."

After speaking, Song Xuan hung up the phone.

The movie was changed, and Song Xuan didn't bother to worry about it.

Although the one she talked about before was pretty good.

However, it's not just that one movie that can make money. After all, there are many movies made every year.

She just needs to change one.

Her eyes inadvertently turned to the latest cast announced for the movie.

She found out that the female number three played by Sun Yue had also been changed.

Replaced by a new complete stranger girl.

Song Xuan narrowed her eyes, she was replaced, and it was fine, but Sun Yue was also replaced!
She still remembered that Sun Yue had prepared more than a month in advance to get this role.

She knew how important this role was to Sun Yue.

But now it has changed.

With Sun Yue's current fame, it's not easy to get a third female lead in a big production, so she has always paid special attention to it.

Now that she is suddenly replaced, she must be very sad.

The more she thought about it, Song Xuan felt that she should settle the account with Jian Xi!
Jian Xi sat leisurely on the recliner.

Although, she only had a small cameo role in the play.

However, because of her special status, even if she is not the leading role, she is still more famous than the leading role.

After all, the starring role was decided by her.

And the reason why she has the right to decide is because her father invested in the show.

The people below helped her cut her nails, and Jian Xi stood up.

At this time, she saw Song Xuan who appeared at the door.

She smiled leisurely, "Miss Song, what brought you here, I'm really flattered, did you come to see me?"

What does this man want?
Song Xuan said straight to the point, "You're thinking too much, I'm not here to see you, I have something to ask you."

When Jian Xi heard this, her eyes flashed. Although Jian Xi hadn't said anything yet, she already had a rough idea of ​​what Song Xuan wanted to do. "What do you want to ask?"

"Sun Yue's role was changed, did you do it?" asked the person in front of Song Xuan.

Hearing this, Jian Xi didn't deny it, she smiled lightly, "Not only did I change her role, but I also changed your role, because my dad is an investor in this drama, I think you are not suitable, so I put you Change it, replace it with what I think is appropriate, do you have an opinion?"

Seeing that Song Xuan didn't say a word, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Why, do you disagree?"

Seeing that other people around didn't notice you, Jian Xi lowered her voice and whispered in her ear, "I'm very happy to see your movie being robbed. I haven't encountered anything that makes me happy for a long time."

"In the future, if you make one of your movies, I'll grab one." Jian Xi lowered her voice and whispered in Song Xuan's ear, her eyes full of pride.

Song Xuan looked at her, "Really?"

Jian Xi said with great certainty, "That's natural."

"However, for your unlucky sake, I can help you apply for a small role, what do you think?" Jian Xi smiled, with a smile in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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