Chapter 369 The Return

At that time, she didn't think so much, and she split up when she wanted to. She even spoke harshly about the other party's entanglement, and after returning to the Yaozu in despair, she never went to the Protoss again.

Especially after she succeeded to the throne, there was no communication with the protoss, which caused the relationship between the two worlds to become worse and worse.

But in fact, so many years have passed, that person may have let go of him long ago, after all, they were not together for a long time at that time.

Qing Li was thinking about whether she should go or not, and the intuition in her heart was still very obvious. After all, only people who are protoss can wear it with her.

I thought that if I didn't go, I might be done with him.The other party has amnesia in every world, and I can't guarantee whether he is still in the world now, maybe he will accompany the next young lady.

Qingli might feel that he couldn't bear it when he met a different young lady in the Three Thousand Worlds.If you die, you will die. Anyway, the other party has become your past.Don't be afraid to see it, at worst, you will be beaten by him.

Qing Li felt a headache again when she thought of the opponent's strength. She was surprised that the opponent's ability was stronger than her. He was obviously the king of the clan now, but if he challenged him, he might still be defeated.


When Xiaochen saw the master who came out in a hurry, she asked her: "Master, where are you going?"

Qing Li didn't answer, but hurriedly walked towards the God Realm.She still needs to find out who it is.

It's just that Qing Li never expected that as soon as she arrived in the God Realm, she would meet the person she least wanted to meet.

What a hell of luck really.

Qing Li didn't have time to think about her little brother, when she saw him, she subconsciously wanted to turn around and run.

It's just that the other party's reaction was faster, he hugged her, and pressed her against the peach tree beside him.

Qing Li looked at him with beautiful eyes, blinked lightly, and said slowly: "Pray for the song...Pray for the God of Songs, long time no see, you..." But it's okay.

Qingli didn't finish her sentence, the other party pressed her down and kissed her. Qingli wanted to do it directly, but found that she couldn't use mana at all.

She wanted to push people away with brute force, but she couldn't even move.

Qing Li was too nervous, she didn't even notice the scent of the other party, and ignored the feeling of heartbeat.

Qing Li looked at the other person's closed eyes, the long curly eyelashes were more beautiful than his, and the fair skin was still flimsy.His appearance is absolutely impeccable, after all, the appearance that made me fall in love with just looking at it back then.

After a long time, the other party stopped kissing, Qing Li thought that she could say something.But I didn't expect that the other party was just to give myself a time to breathe.

It took a long time before the other party let go of Qingli, but Qingli couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north, and south.The whole person leaned against him helplessly.

"Lili, you finally came to look for me." Qi Ge's deep and pleasant voice whispered softly in her ear.


Qing Li looked at the other party's affectionate eyes, and her whole heart was not calm. The other party did not forget herself and her affection remained undiminished.

With only her little brother in her heart, she was in a panic at this moment, and she didn't associate the person in front of her with her little brother.

Qing Li's only thought was to run quickly, not to mess with the person in front of her, she couldn't beat her anyway.Little brother, she will come again next time!
(End of this chapter)

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