pretend to be a boss

Chapter 272 Exploring the Domain of Senluo

Chapter 272 Exploring the Domain of Senluo
(Thanks to the book friend "Lonely in pairs" for the reward)

From the moment of Qiongqi's death, Tang Xian has been convinced that there will be no more creatures that pose a fatal threat to him in this world. The subsequent battle will probably only have two stages, boring fighting each other, and then becoming his own alone Aspects of massacre.

In other words, from the moment I met Tang Jirou, this world was not much different from the pyramid world, and I had really squeezed into the top of the food chain.

But he was always vigilant. In this world full of monsters, Tang Xian was sure that the Court of Ten Thousand Beasts must still have some background.What he has to do is continue to improve himself.

The place further west after Minggu has always been a large red zone on the human map.

For humans, it is a forbidden land.

It is true that some warriors once formed a team to open up the map, and the predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade.Even though what Tang Xian did was far more in-depth than those of his predecessors, he was not arrogant because of it.My heart is always grateful to the scholars who have summed up various knowledge with their lives for hundreds of years.

"According to what the sages mentioned in the exploration guide, after crossing the Valley of the Dead, you will come to the Senluo Domain. This is a large area, much larger than the Tianque Plain where your people stayed. It is a dense general tree. There are many catastrophe-level and natural disaster-level creatures."

If the journey is boring, Tang Xian will also talk to Bai Mansheng and Tang Xiaojiu to popularize science.

Bai Mansheng discovered that human beings are indeed a very miraculous race. In the stories she read and Tang Xian's narration, this reptile-like race always made many unimaginable great deeds.

It seems that it is difficult to predict where the limit of this race is.

The domain of Senluo.In Tang Xian's view, it is actually a jungle that is more worthy of the word "sea" than the sea of ​​trees, but in this area, the woody plants are very single, only the huge general tree.

This kind of tree meets all the needs of the animals that inhabit the trees, with thick, tall and vigorous branches and leaves.And the countless general trees all over this jungle also make the Senluo domain full of layers.Let the already vast place become even more vast.

Tang Xian and his party traveled smoothly and arrived at the border of the Senluo Domain.

The food eaten on the way is Qiongqi meat.

Cat meat is rarely eaten because the meat is very sour, and cooking cat meat requires a high level of culinary skills.

Qiongqi is not a cat, and its meat is not as sour as cat meat. It looks like a tiger with wings.But the meat was delicious.

Tang Xian compared it and felt that this was the category of tiger meat.

It's just a pity that killing Qiongqi and eating Qiongqi never got Qiongqi's ability to cut everything.

Tang Xian also became more and more anxious. Cleaning up the Ten Thousand Beast Court is actually secondary, and the real purpose is to improve himself.

With unlimited defense, but lack of initial attack ability and response speed.

Even in terms of mind power, he wanted to supplement it.

The expansion of these capabilities has so far progressed to zero.

The black face experience is really bad.Metaphysics Tang Xian also tried.

During this journey, he did a lot of ceremonial kills, such as choosing a specific weather, a specific time, and a specific location, but it didn't make any sense.

Tang Xian felt the malice of this world, but all he could do was continue hunting according to Jumang's list.

After arriving at the border of the Evil Senluo Domain, Tang Xian was not in a hurry to go deeper.

Even his sense of smell couldn't detect the entire Senluo domain, so he first set up camp in a place with few footprints.

Up to now, there is no need for such things as red thread grass. In this place, this kind of plant has disappeared, and for the monsters in the Senluo domain, the effect of red thread grass is already very weak.There are many natural disaster-level creatures here, and Tang Xian even found a few catastrophe-level creatures.

Just within the scope of olfactory detection, I already feel that this place is far more dangerous than the red zone people imagined.



Tang Xian was still very calm. After the tent was built, the first thing he did was to make food, and at the same time let Tang Xiaojiu and Tang very meat study together.

Tang is very fleshy and not stupid. Although his speech is very blunt, but in terms of learning efficiency, probably because of his restrained personality, it is easier to concentrate, and his performance is better than Tang Xiaojiu.

Tang Xiaojiu panicked. There was no one else to study with before. It was up to him whether he was good or bad. Once he had other people, he would have a benchmark and a comparison. Wouldn't it be easy for him to be found out if he was lazy and fished?
"Brother Rourou, can you stop studying so hard?"

"Tang Xian, food, me, reading."

His speech was still broken, but Tang Xiaojiu could still understand it.

Tang Xiaojiu curled her lips, life was not easy, the little fox sighed.

"Brother Rourou, I'll share the delicious food with you later, can you stop reading?"

After a few minutes, Tang Xiaojiu decided to work harder and try not to let herself be the bottom of the class, even though there were only two people in Tang's cram school.

As the saying goes, foxes are cunning in their bones, and Xiao Jiu already has a little wit, so we can't compare with learning from the front, so we save the country from the side.

But Tang is meaty and really a quick rock.

"Read more and eat more."

Tang Xiaojiu's eyes were full of disillusionment. It was too difficult. Brother Rourou had already discovered that the essence of learning is to eat more food, so he didn't move anymore.

Outside the tent, Yuan Wu helped to start. Yuan Wu's ability is to turn matter from the inside to the outside, such as a sphere, and instantly turn the inner layer of the inner layer to the exposed surface layer.

This ability is very destructive, but it is very easy to use to disembowel.

Looking at this scene, Bai Mansheng thought to himself that this person is really... making the best use of everything, or rather overqualified.

But the people who help Tang Xian are all willing to fight and suffer, so she can't say anything.

Bai Mansheng was still very objective. After thinking about it, he realized that Tang Xian had fooled him into doing a lot of things.For example, the High Priest of the Sea God Sect, who has changed from a white snake who has never even been to the southern seas, to the High Priest of the Sea God Sect.

"According to what Tang Mang said, his clansman is actually Lei Xiao. If you really found Lei Xiao in the Senluo Domain, what are you going to do?"

"Pick it clean."

I don't know if the three short words were said to Yuan Wu who was cleaning the internal organs of the food, or to himself, but Bai Mansheng still felt Tang Xian's ruthlessness towards the enemy in his bones.

"That's his clan."

"Have you ever seen Lei Xiao with skin as black as cold iron and ghost horns on his head? He is not Lei Xiao, and Lei Xiao has nothing to do with him. He is now my man and an avenger."

Tang Xian was talking, and the kitchen knife in his hand was neatly removing some unwanted internal organs.

Bai Man paused, and said:
"Where's the fox family?"

Tang Xian's hand hesitated for a moment.

Enemies just stand differently, and betrayers are unforgivable.

Bai Mansheng continued:
"I remember you said that taking back the Fox Clan for Qing Jiuyu is one of your main plans."

When Qing Jiuyu was mentioned, Bai Mansheng's expression was still a little unnatural.

Tang Xian shook his head and said:
"I have to clarify the Fox Clan's attitude towards Qing Jiuyu and Xiao Jiu."

"Why didn't you bring Qing Jiuyu here?"


There was some meaning in these words, and Bai Mansheng could hear it, but he was not unhappy, he just said:
"Lei Xiao is probably not very far away from us, maybe Tang Mang will forgive Lei Xiao in his heart."

Tang Xian stopped the knife in his hand, and said seriously:

"There used to be such a movie about a guy who couldn't be killed. He was used by humans to do various experiments since he was a child. Because his organs are inexhaustible and his vitality is endless, so as long as the good news is blocked, research His organization can conduct research on the most valuable and wasteful experimental subjects.

But then one day the experimental subject escaped and became a complete anti-human being. The whole movie is about how he is anti-human and how the protagonist stops him. "

"Isn't he the main character?"

"Of course, even though this movie is a manga adaptation of an island country, this kind of anti-human existence cannot be the protagonist. His hatred for humans has been distorted to the point that even if he is of the same kind, as long as he doesn't hate humans, he can The same will be executed. But who made all this?"

Tang Xian's hands began to chop meat again.

"You underestimated Tang very meat's hatred for Lei Xiao. The reality is more exaggerated than the story. Do you remember when you first saw Tang very meat, his scarlet eyes and demon-like aura? Some hatred, you can only rely on the enemy washed with blood."

Bai Mansheng didn't say anything more, Tang Xian also knew Bai Mansheng's original intention, and said:

"As for the fox clan, I will give them a chance, but the leader of the fox clan must die in the hands of Xiao Jiu or Qing Jiuyu."



At dusk, the domain of Senluo.

According to the information given by Jumang, Lei Xiao's activity time is mostly before dusk, and they fall asleep much earlier than other animals.This is knowledge that Tang Xian doesn't know. Relying on Jumang's notes, Tang Xian can catch other beasts more smoothly and have more strategies to choose from.

The mining area at night is dangerous, but now the situation has changed.

In the mining area at night, where there is Tang Xian, other creatures are dangerous.

Tang Xian called Tang Very Rou, but this time he did not call Bai Mansheng.

Because Bai Mansheng is too smart, she knows what she does.

Exploring the domain of Senluo is a relatively exhausting task.

Tang Xian and Tang Shirou walked slowly in this vast general forest with a distance of ten feet.

Still the same as before, Tang Xian would still turn the soil or observe some trees once the investigation started, even if the olfactory feedback was obvious.

Tang was very fleshy and watched quietly.

"Lei Xiao's speed is very fast. It seems that you haven't told me much about this group. Do you have any friends in this group?"

Since Bai Mansheng raised his mouth, Tang Xian also wanted to know what Tang very meaty himself thought.

When it comes to Lei Xiao, he seems to be more hateful than those gibbons. Tang Xian obviously felt that Tang's fleshy aura had changed.

His eyes were bloodshot with anger, but he calmed down quickly and just shook his head.

This movement is very common, but it looks very lonely.

"Tang Xian, Bai Mansheng, Tang Xiaojiu, Yuan Wu, friends, all gone."

"If nothing else happens, we will be able to find some clues about Lei Xiao tonight."

Tang very meaty looked at Tang Xian, and said:
"Xiao Wang, very strong."

"Compared to my teaming up with you?" Tang Xian asked.

Tang thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"I can't touch it."

Tang Xian was slightly surprised.

King Xiao is actually not the evolution of Lei Xiao, but the best fighter among Lei Xiao.

Tang's meaty prediction was not wrong. In fact, Tang Xian also found it a little troublesome. The speed of this creature was so fast that even Tang Jifei couldn't keep it.

But thinking of the existing configuration in his team, he wasn't too worried.

The night has become hazy, and there is a strange wind blowing from time to time.

There are beasts roaming everywhere, and there are countless beasts hidden in the Senluo domain. Tang Xian found that the speed of these animals was not slow.Although it is quite different from Lei Xiao, it is obviously faster than creatures in other regions.

It seems that creatures with swiftness and sensitivity are all gathered in one place.

The scene of Senluo Domain is very monotonous, as if a square is divided into a matrix by countless general trees.

People with poor sense of direction can easily get lost.

Tang Xian has no troubles in this regard.Guided by the scent along the way, he slowly walked towards where Lei Xiao was.

There were many creatures on the way, intending to attack Tang Xian and Tang very fleshy, but in the end they didn't attack.

Tang Xian is now like the master of this forest.

He doesn't have a soul crystal, but he can automatically create the feeling of "existence at the same level" for some creatures.

Back then, Qing Jiuyu and Bai Mansheng were deceived by this feeling.

It's just that there has been a slight change now. After killing many catastrophe-level creatures, Tang Xian's aura naturally reveals an aura of "dangerous creatures".

This temperament was not deliberately displayed by Tang Xian, but came from Eden's blood.

In this kind of bloodline, although he didn't drop skills when he killed various creatures because of his black face, he still accumulated something——


The attribute that appeared when the hell three-headed dog was killed.

Today's Tang Xian can be regarded as a great demon king whose hands are covered with the blood of thousands of beasts.

This journey has accumulated a lot of prestige in biology subjects.

His actions were normal and casual, but with every gesture, he frightened all beasts, and he already had the demeanor of a small part of the king of all beasts.

It's just that Tang Xian didn't even realize these changes.

After several hours of exploration, both Tang Xian and Tang Rou came to the canopy of a tall general tree.

The size of the general tree is very large. Many creatures in this woodland are hidden in the crypt, covered with broken branches and leaves of the general tree.

Tang Xian found a lot along the way, but he didn't disturb these creatures, he just walked by silently.

And more creatures live in the tree holes of the huge general tree.

Among them was Lei Xiao.

Guided by the smell, Tang Xian didn't find Lei Xiao's headquarters. He thought it was somewhere in a holy place further northwest, but he did find a Lei Xiao.

It is living in a tree hole at the moment.

Tang Xian was close to 200 meters away from this Lei Xiao.Lei Xiao hadn't sensed him yet, and he was quite sure that this was a Lei Xiao.

Tang is very fleshy and doesn't know how, he also sensed the former clansman, but not as timely as Tang Xian.

Tang's very fleshy reaction was just as Tang Xian thought, and the anger of revenge turned into a sharp light in his eyes.But Tang Xian's very meaty reaction made Tang Xian very pleased:
"Scout, lead the way, don't kill."

Being able to suppress the killing intent in his heart, and then take more rational actions, made Tang Xian appreciate Tang Very Rou, a teammate who seemed dull but was actually extremely reliable.

Tang Xian had flipped through some books in Li Xiaoyu's bookshelf before, about anatomy and execution.

Thinking that there will be a chance to use it soon, he nodded and said:

"I hope Lei Xiao can show some love to Africans."

(End of this chapter)

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