Chapter 277
After all, everything in Baichuan City is slowly getting back on track. This human sanctuary will gradually return to the atmosphere of a vibrant big city.

Li Xiaoyu didn't worry too much, what Bai Shuang didn't tell herself, she didn't ask too much.Knowing the things that cannot be changed, it may be futile to do anything, but it will affect your own layout.

In the following days, Bai Shuang took Li Xiaoyu to many places.Li Xiaoyu's two hours in the evening are quite magical.

The 19-year-old girl and the older girl who are at least several hundred years old are getting more and more pleasing to the eye.

Once Bai Shuang is willing to speak, it will be easier to teach Li Xiaoyu to cook. Li Xiaoyu's cooking skills have also been improved quickly, and sometimes he can cook Baishuang's satisfactory taste on a few fixed dishes .

Li Xiaoyu was full of joy, looking forward to Tang Xian's next return.



Mining area, holy mountain.

It took about two weeks for some of Bu Zhougui's soliloquies, about Chaos running away and Qiong Qi dying, to be conveyed.

The main reason for this is that after Qiongqi left the holy mountain, he disappeared without a trace.Xuanniao came to inquire under the order of the judge, only to learn that both Chaos and Qiongqi had died.

Three of the four strongest beasts in the Court of Ten Thousand Beasts had already been lost.

This incident attracted the attention of the entire Ten Thousand Beasts Court.

Not only the monkeys in the holy mountain, but also the humans in the forbidden area.

In the main hall of the Holy Mountain Forbidden Area, at the square table meeting, several judges of the Tribunal of Humans and Beasts started a discussion.

"Can't Bu Zhougui give enlightenment to the enemy?"

The people in uniform gray robes could not see their faces, only their voices could be distinguished. The speaker was very young, male, and his voice was full of magnetism. This kind of timbre instinctively made people think that this was a slow analytical school.

"Oh, that old bastard is dying, I have to find a way to make another one." The voice of the middle-aged man was a little rough.

"Ahem...that's a holy beast, so it's not so easy to get another one. It's still good to raise. There's only one bastard in the pond. It's still a bit old-fashioned, so don't steal it." The old man probably still Have some affection for the old turtle.

The judge didn't speak, it was huge and looked like a giant.

The person sitting next to it did not speak, but judging from the slender fingers, it should be a woman.

The woman's fingers tapped on the table lightly, listening to some unprogressive conversations between several people, she said:
"If I'm not mistaken, it might be the same group that hunted the source of the epidemic and the ember dragon. According to reports from the ancient apes who escaped from the Northwest Holy Land of the Valley of the Dead, they saw humans near the Valley of the Dead."

Seeing the few people around quiet down and slowly thinking about it, the woman said:
"Occasionally, among the humans in the pyramid, there will be one or two mutants, but they are absolutely impossible to be opponents of orange-rank creatures. Although this human is not riding a dragon, I don't really believe that there is such an existence. the second."

"So what's your opinion?" the young man asked.

"We have repeatedly sent powerful creatures to kill this human being, and each time we sent them, they were stronger than the last one. Taotie is already the leader of the beast realm, and Qiongqi has repeatedly broken through in the Beast Prison, and his values ​​in all aspects are still Above gluttony, there is no need to talk about chaos, unless it can turn into almost any beast in a certain period of time. Under such circumstances, they were dealt with one by one. This means that we underestimated the strength of our opponents."

"But according to the previous feedback from some beasts in the Jopela Plain, the strength of that dragon should not be higher than that of Taotie."

"I've said it all, it has nothing to do with the dragon, the focus is on the human being."

"Humans can't be strong enough to compete against orange-rank creatures. That human should have a very special bloodline, maybe..."

The woman's voice paused slightly, then changed her words and said:

"In short, he may have the same terrifying growth ability as Taotie. Our strategy was wrong, because we did not correctly estimate the opponent, which led us to gradually cultivate a powerful monster."

"For hundreds of years, no creature can threaten the court. Perhaps that human being is indeed very powerful, but not as strong as you said." It was still the young man.

The woman did not respond, but the old man said:
"Ahem... the group of puppets trapped in the pyramid may eventually be devoured, but it is undeniable that they have countless gene sequences, and they may really create an ultimate weapon against all beasts."

"Then kill him." The rough middle-aged man said.

"It's just who will be sent this time? Wuwu's strength is not as good as the previous three. Could it be possible to send Xuanniao?" the young man said.

The woman shook her head and said:
"If you still can't predict the opponent correctly and just send out a part of the combat power at a time, then what you are doing is just continuing to feed that monster. I repeat, this enemy has a strong growth potential, this This kind of growth ability may far exceed our expectations, and it may be the same as hundreds of years ago..."

【Stop! 】

The crowd suddenly fell silent, because the judge, who hadn't spoken until the beginning, suddenly spoke.

These people seemed to be able to understand the language of all beasts, just like Tang Xian.

"What do you think, Your Honor?"

[Threats to the court are unforgivable. The strength of this opponent is indeed not to be underestimated. So far, the presiding judges have not yet filled the vacancy. 】

The meaning of the judge's words is obvious.

The woman raised her head slightly, looked sideways, and could already see her red lips.

"If you send out combat power again, you must ensure success. Now the herd is still obedient. After the Jopela Plain, humans are very quiet, and they probably realized the gap with us. So now we have to deal with instability There is only one factor."

Seeing that no one else raised any doubts, the woman continued:

"In the name of the jury, I hope that your lordship will send out Wuwu, Gold Breaker Beast, Sin Bone Spider, Gorgon, Qing Jiuye, and their herd of beasts, commanded by Xuanniao and assisted by Shenyin. The encirclement and suppression will restore peace to the Ten Thousand Beast Realm."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the middle-aged man and the old man with rough voices raised doubts.

"A battle as big as a human being?"

"You are starting a war!"

Even the young man shook his head slightly, thinking that women are making too much fuss. These beast leaders lead their herds of beasts, enough to flatten any territory.This is already involved in the reserves of the court.

Even if humans gather again, there is no need to send out such a powerful formation.

This seems to be the arrangement that hunting creatures above the orange rank should have.

The woman ignored the others, but looked at the judge. Everything had to be decided by the judge. Before the judge made a decision, she added:

"We must assume that the opponent has a strong ability to grow, and is even higher than the Taotie. Not long ago, there was news from the Senluo Domain that the Lei Xiao Group had been destroyed, and only Xiao Wang was able to escape."

"Lei Xiao is an elusive creature. It's hard for me to imagine that there are humans in this world who can hunt Lei Xiao. This means that this human has at least one powerful perception ability. It can even be assumed that his purpose is to capture Lei Xiao. Owl."

There is no objection that the woman's assumption is reasonable.

"I don't think I need to say anything more to you. Some experimental human beings in the pyramid are not comparable to the monkeys outside in terms of intelligence. He can perceive, lay out, and calculate. This is why I sent a genius hidden cause, because it cannot be perceived."

Broken Gold Beast, Sin Bone Spider, Qing Jiuye, Wuwu, Gorgon, Xuanniao, Shenyin.

This is almost the entire general reserve of the court today.

Several people thought that the judge would not agree, but after thinking for a while, the judge actually nodded.

It seemed that there would be a death battle waiting for him soon. It was this feeling that made the judge feel quite uneasy, so he agreed to the jury's proposal.

After a few words of conversation, the judge left.

With the end of this meeting, the holy mountain also ushered in a great change.

It stopped at the holy mountain above the Red Lotus Hell, and the black bird and golden flamingo flock delivered the news.Those presiding judges who consolidated the power of the Ten Thousand Beast Court in various places in the Ten Thousand Beast Realm were recalled one by one.

Gorgon, the Gorgon, an orange-level creature.Different from Medusa in mythology, Gorgon's real face is extremely ugly and huge.

Compared with these huge creatures, the body of the broken gold beast is very small, but it looks bigger than humans.One of his hands has four fingers, with sharp claws.The other hand is like a sickle.Like the source of the epidemic, the gold-breaking beast wears a bamboo hat.

From a distance, it looks like a lonely swordsman.

Qing Jiuye is the only one among this group of creatures that can transform into a human being. Therefore, she has not always been in the group, but she does not need to be in the group. The contempt in the eyes of the new queen of the fox clan seems to indicate that it is not She was isolated by the beasts, but she isolated the beasts.

The sinbone spider and its group are the scariest creatures. This originally fluffy spider seems to have been undead, as if it came from the underworld, with bare bones.

The last one to arrive was Wu Wu.The least ferocious of the four beasts.It is also the least evil among the four beasts.The strength value of Wuwu is much lower than the other four fierce beasts, but it can be listed as the four fierce beasts because it has a very peculiar physique - the more you fight, the stronger you get.

The battle of top creatures is actually a war of attrition.Generally speaking, those who can't play without residual blood are the protagonist's physique.

Wuwu has this kind of physique, and the closer he is to death, the stronger his strength will be.It can even surpass other fierce beasts.

Shenyin and Xuanniao were the first to arrive. Needless to say, Xuanniao is the head of the judge and the owner of the immortal body.

Although in terms of destructive power, it may be difficult to surpass the fierce beast Warcraft, but if you fight to the death with Xuanniao, only Xuanniao will win in the end.

For a long time, Xuanniao was also responsible for guarding the holy mountain, and this was the second time Xuanniao was sent out to participate in the battle.

Shenyin is very low-key, a huge chameleon.When the top combat power of the Court of Ten Thousand Beasts was assembled, Shenyin was actually there all the time, but no one found it.

Compared with other presiding judges, Shenyin is the one who can't fight the least.But it is the deepest weapon hidden in the snow of the Court of Ten Thousand Beasts.

With presence, smell, temperature, sound, and vision all disappear within a period of time, as if... never existed.

Bu Zhougui was at the top of the waterfall, watching the gathering of ferocious beasts in the distance of the holy mountain, and recalled that the last time such a large-scale gathering was already hundreds of years ago.

There was also a battle hundreds of years ago, and anyone with some strength in the world of beasts participated in it.But this matter has not been written into the Code of Beasts.

After that battle, the Ten Thousand Beasts Tribunal lost many masters.As a result, the judge was seriously injured and completely lost one of his abilities. So far, he can only retreat in the altar to recover from his injuries.

The tens of thousands of beasts gathered again, and the scale was no longer the same as before, but presumably the enemy was not as tyrannical as the god-like existence hundreds of years ago.

The Buzhou turtle can no longer move. The future it sees now is a fragmented future. It is difficult to concentrate on seeing a certain segment that it wants to see like it was a hundred years ago.

Because of this, it did not give the result of this rally and crusade, and it is not known whether it is bad or good.



The Western Territory of Senluo.

After Lei Xiao was hunted, Tang Xian, Bai Mansheng and the others continued on their way without delay.

To the west of the extreme west, the four words are the only clues to the ruins of Eden.

After walking for a full three days, they walked out of the vast Senluo domain, and after that it was a long migration.

On the map of the human world, this place is called the Domain of Sin, and the entire area is black.

It was also in this black area, Tang Xian looked up the books and learned that the ruins of Eden were somewhere in it.

But this area is too vast.

After walking out of the Senluo Domain, the number of beasts has decreased, and the creatures encountered are not as tyrannical.

It seems that powerful beasts have occupied the resource-rich forest and drove some weak creatures out.

The land of crimes becomes more and more desolate and desolate.

There is no snow here, and there seems to be no change in spring, summer, autumn and winter, because the whole place is like a dead land, and some trees and vegetation have been dead for a long time.

Stretching for hundreds of miles, it is such a barren scene.

Fortunately, Tang Xian and his group are not worried about food reserves. In such a place, at most, some food tastes unpalatable, but as long as it can fill the stomach, Bai Mansheng has no objection.

Even Tang Xiaojiu didn't speak. The little girl was very sensible and knew that there was less and less food to eat. Occasionally, a vulture flying in the sky could make several people happy.

This trip to the desolation soon came to No. 19 days.But at a glance, it seems that it will only become more and more desolate and dead.

There was less and less food for Tang Xian and his party.

"If the ruins of Eden really exist in this world, it would be quite appropriate in such a barren land." Feeling the cold wind blowing in the wasteland, Tang Xian said suddenly.

"The Ruins of Eden... You have mentioned this place many times." The only person who could have a normal conversation with Tang Xian was Bai Mansheng.

Bai Mansheng said:
"Is there any secret hidden in that place?"

"I don't know, I can't tell what happened in the dream."

Tang Xian really didn't know, but when he entered the eighth floor of the pyramid, he dreamed of some chaotic scenes.

"Speaking of which, why is this place so desolate?" Tang Xian asked.

"I don't know." Bai Mansheng was slightly surprised. Tang Xian sometimes acted that he was more familiar with the mining area than she was, but he rarely asked himself some questions.

"It feels like it was deliberately so desolate." Tang Xian looked at it and said.

Not long after walking out of the dense forest, Tang Xian felt very strange that once he entered the sinful realm, it turned into a wasteland.

It's like a monster devouring life in a huge barren land.

"I've been feeling uneasy these days." Bai Mansheng didn't know how to answer Tang Xian's words, so he shared some of his feelings.

"Tell me."

"The Court of Ten Thousand Beasts fell into your hands again, but it has been more than half a month, and there seems to be no movement from them."

"I'm also thinking that this is not in line with the style of the Ten Thousand Beasts Court. Judging from the previous reactions, the Ten Thousand Beasts Court's style is a bit vigorous, and it shouldn't be silent for so long."

"Aren't you worried?"

"There's no need to worry about experience packs. I'm also waiting for them." Tang Xian smiled.

I still have some doubts in my heart, although my sense of smell should be able to perceive, everything in my nose shows that I am in a safe position.But Tang Xian always had a sense of oppression in his heart.It's just that he didn't show this unfounded worry on his face.

Tang Xian's words gave Bai Mansheng a sense of security, but it didn't go like this.But she didn't let her guard down either.

The sense of crisis is not characteristic of snakes, but of women.

She trusts her instincts.

Walking in this desolate and sinful realm, it was like being targeted by a terrifying monster.

Tang Xian also had a similar reaction, but for him, it was a completely different feeling.

Six doomsday creatures, one in the seabed and one in the human world.

But how many more?

This land is too barren, so barren that people feel like they have entered the kingdom of the undead, and it is too vast. What kind of thing makes such a large area a dead place?
Is there still a corpse of a doomsday creature in this black area on the human map?

(End of this chapter)

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