Chapter 11

Bai Xiaoqi felt that he underestimated Zhang Lan.

Being able to persist for three years without letting the lie be shattered fully shows that Zhang Lan is a person with a brain and a tough heart.

The lie was exposed yesterday, if it were anyone, at this moment, I am afraid that I would like to find a place to hide, and I will not go to school at all.

But Zhang Lan does not.

Not only did she not ask for leave, but she came early in the morning.

Even though the whole class was talking about her and pointing at her, she didn't explain, and she didn't dodge anything.

Her forbearance made Bai Xiaoqi interested instead.

In her previous life, Bai Xiaoqi didn't know what school Zhang Lan took the final exam. At that time, she had already given up the college entrance examination and went to the imperial capital to meet relatives.

Now, experience again some things that you have not experienced in your previous life.

Bai Xiaoqi was really interested.

She kept writing, writing something all the time, at least in the eyes of outsiders, she was no different from usual.

However, only she knows that she is not writing anything, but drawing something very interesting and interesting.

Zhang Lan's experience this day can be imagined.

However, she endured it until 9:[-] p.m. after evening self-study before leaving.

The way home went smoothly, no one blocked Bai Xiaoqi.

As for what happened to Zhang Li that night, Bai Xiaoqi didn't need to know the follow-up at all, he just knew that they must be squatting in prison at this moment.

But the more this happened, the more Bai Xiaoqi looked forward to what Zhang Lan would do.

It's just a pity that the two of them didn't have the chance to get along alone, otherwise, they could [communicate, communicate] properly.


When Bai Xiaoqi came home and saw the wound on his aunt's forehead, Bai Xiaoqi's emotions, which he had managed so well all along, swept over like a flood breaking its embankment at this moment.

"So, you mean that Director Zhang wants you to sell the house to him, and only give you 2 yuan?"

"Yeah, that Director Zhang was too ruthless, so I said I wouldn't sell it, but his nephew said that I would not eat a toast and take fine wine, so he pushed me.

I couldn't stand still and hit the corner of the wall.

Don't be afraid, Yu'er, my aunt won't sell the house. This house is reserved for you to heal your legs. They dare not steal it openly. I don't believe they dare to kill people. "

nephew?Is it Zhang Lan's brother Zhang Ming?

It turned out that Zhang Lan was holding back this matter.

No wonder, no wonder it would make him die ugly.

Another murder with a borrowed knife, she really underestimated this Zhang Lan, she thought it was just some students' little trouble, but she didn't expect to dare to play such a big guy thing.

Bai Xiaoqi looked at the injury on his aunt's head, thought for a while and said:
"If they come back tomorrow, you say you agree to sell, but you have to wait until I'm on vacation to sign."

The aunt was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise:

"You are too old to confront them head-on. Don't worry, they won't be able to take the house away."

"Yu'er, there are a lot of people in the village of Zhang's family in this city, I thought that as soon as the KF dealer finds me, I will sell the house immediately.

No matter what, we have to give 10 yuan to this house. "

Bai Xiaoqi smiled, one hundred thousand?
My aunt is so kind.

"Auntie, I can let you add a zero after the compensation, do you believe it?"

"Ah? are you going to do?"

Bai Xiaoqi smiled, the old lady looked at the smile on her face, and for some reason, she always felt that this girl was really different.

She actually felt that the girl was not talking big.

She believes her!
"Auntie, just trust me, don't ask me anything else, within a week, the KF Chamber of Commerce will come to you and ask us to sell the house."

(End of this chapter)

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