After hugging my thighs, I'm doing heaven and earth

Chapter 707 Is it her fate that your wife died?

Chapter 707 Is it her fate that your wife died?
As the people responsible for handling the corpses, Bai Xiaoqi and Fu Chenyi became 15 and 16, so after everyone left, it would be their job.

Bai Xiaoqi looked at the corpses floating on the sea.

Some are for kids, some are for sharks.

She hadn't seen such a bloody scene for a long time. The last time was in the desert, and this time, it was in the sea.

Human nature is inherently evil. Sometimes, even children are really not spared.

"Come on, let's get to work."

Bai Xiaoqi didn't raise his voice, and followed Fu Chenyi into a yacht and began to salvage the sea.

"It seems that you are familiar with such scenes?"

Such a mocking tone did not make Bai Xiaoqi angry, but instead made her sigh.

"Under such circumstances, you can still focus on me. It's not surprising, it's you, not me!"

Fu Chen was taken aback for a moment, but soon he said again:

"Sura, you really surprised me."

"Pay attention to your tone and attitude, otherwise I will think you have a problem with your orientation."

This kid is really tricky.

"You are so eloquent at such a young age, you can speak so well, you must have killed those people."

Only then did Bai Xiaoqi look at this childish man, was he joking with himself?

Also eloquent!
He won't be the elder looking at the younger, right?

Haha, Bai Xiaoqi is really right.

Fu Chenyi now sees that Shura is really no match.

Perhaps because of the cooperation agreement reached, he had an inexplicable liking for this Asura.

As for where this favor came from, Fu Chenyi said he didn't know! (Anyway, it was written by the author. The author said that if you like it, you will like it. No refutation or explanation will be accepted!)

"What's wrong, don't look at me like that, keep working, don't forget, there are cameras all around."

Fu Chenyi's rare expression relaxed a little, he took a look around, before, they came from the opposite reef.

Now, looking at the tragedy of the distance between the reef and Island A, he said to Bai Xiaoqi:
"We carefully slid the yacht over there to get the oil out of the yacht."

When Bai Xiaoqi heard about this arrangement, his eyes lit up.

That's right, why didn't she think of this? She planned ahead. When someone was rescued, she couldn't run out of gas halfway.

This Fu Chenyi was rare and careful.

Moreover, since the two of them acted here, it could be said that there were corpses floating on the reef, so they could successfully avoid the attention of the camera.

This method is really excellent.

The two moved very slowly, perhaps because they knew that Xiaodouzi would not be in danger for the time being, so Bai Xiaoqi stopped worrying so much, and started to work seriously.

These children died so pitifully that they were artificially fed to the sharks.

"These beasts, such a small child will not let go."

"When did you become so sympathetic?"

"I've always had it!"

"Then you also have to remember, it's not that these bastards don't let the children go, but these children deserve it!"

Fu Chenyi's words really made people feel disgusted.

"You are so indifferent."

"No, it's not that I'm indifferent, it's the parents and family members of these children who are indifferent, if they look after their children, they won't be abducted here.

Of course, it is also possible that some children are orphans and have such a fate. What if it is not their own fate? "

Bai Xiaoqi was actually powerless to refute, she just looked at Fu Chenyi and said slowly:

"According to what you said, you can't blame your wife for killing her. It's her fate?"

(End of this chapter)

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