Chapter 1001

But when she walked to Lingjun Qifang's gate, she suddenly became worried.

Because she thought that although Lingjun Qi recognized Ye Hanwei's adopted son, in the eyes of outsiders, he was not a real father and son, so she took the child with her. Should she call her grandparents, or prince and concubine?
Shen Qiqiao rubbed her forehead, feeling so irritated instantly!
Sure enough, you can't make decisions based on your own butt!

Ye Han followed up, seeing his little daughter-in-law's hesitation, he felt so funny instantly, stretched out his hand to embrace the little daughter-in-law into his arms, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, let's go!"

A stinky daughter-in-law wants to see her in-laws, let alone her own baby bump?

The two young couples brought their children into Ling Junqi's room. Several guards wanted to stop them, but they were forced back by the look of Chu Yi who was guarding outside, and they all lowered their heads and remained silent.

Shen Qiqiao and Ye Han entered Lingjun Qi's room so easily, and were about to talk, when they heard conversations coming from inside.

"My lord, my daughter didn't know that the couple belonged to you before, so I offended you so much, please forgive me!"

"My lord, this servant realizes his mistake..."

Inside, first an old man's voice came out, and then a little girl timidly responded.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of Lingjun Qi Qingleng said, "This king is not a bloodthirsty person, but if he dares to touch someone he cherishes, then... this king doesn't mind sending him to hell."

Ling Junqi's voice was soft and soft, making people feel that there was no threat, but it was just thinking about it, standing here, I could even feel the chill that pierced my heart and spleen!

It was as if ice scum could condense all around!
"Boom boom boom!"

Immediately, there was a sound of kowtow from inside: "My lord, forgive me, my lord, forgive my sin! My granddaughter is young, and those who don't know it will not be guilty!"

The old man was so frightened that he was shaking all over, kowtowed hard to beg for mercy, and could vaguely hear the little girl's crying.

"Father... Mother..."

The little guy heard the movement inside, and his little paws, like glutinous rice, waved and made a soft sound.

This alarmed the people inside.

As soon as Lingjun Qi heard that his precious grandson had come over, he restrained the cold and plain air on his body, his face became gentle, and waved his hands: "You all step back! This time, let it go!"

The little guy is so cute, he doesn't want his grandfather to do any damage to his heart.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you for your kindness!"

The old man trembled with joy, kowtowed repeatedly, and then walked out holding the little girl's hand. When he saw Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao, there was a hint of panic and nervousness in his eyes, for fear that the two would suddenly change their minds and say to kill them.

But he thought too much, Ye Han wasn't interested in them, so he brought his little wife and baby Qingfeng inside.


After Xiao Qingfeng entered, seeing Lingjun Qi, he stretched out his hands and made a "hug please" gesture.

Today Chuyun was still lying on the bed because he was feeling a little uncomfortable, with Le'er by his side, so Lingjun Qi looked dull by himself, but when he saw Qingfeng, a deep smile appeared on his face.

He opened his hand and took the little guy.


The little guy made a babbling sound, which made people angry and funny.

Ling Jun Qi pinched the little guy's face, and then patted his butt lightly, his doting was beyond words.

(End of this chapter)

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