Chapter 1041
"Okay, stop!"

Outside, Lingjun Qi's voice sounded.

The carriage gradually stopped.

Ling Mohan slowly opened his eyes.

Five fingers, still pinching the back of Shen Qiqiao's head.

Although I still want to stay tender for a while, but obviously, I can't.

With a light sigh, he reluctantly left the sweetness.

"Get out of the car!"

That's what he said, but Ling Mohan still didn't let Shen Qiqiao get off the carriage, he hugged her small body and jumped off the carriage.

"Strange, we are still outside Changhu Lake, why did we get off the bus? Don't sit any longer?"

After Ling Mohan got off the car, he saw everything around him clearly, and became very curious.

Lingjun Qi said: "Long Lake has become a dead city!"

"Eh? Dead city?"

"Well, anyone who is capable and able to run has left there and gone to other places, and those who can't run are... dead!"

"...So, now there are no living people in Changhu Lake?"


"Ah, that's good, it's much more convenient if we stay in a hotel!"

Ling Mohan was not afraid, he yawned, stretched his waist, and thought about it, well, he wants to find the most comfortable inn for his wife, the best room!

Yun Zhongxian sneered: "Little ghost, your heart is really big, do you know that we will have a tough fight then?"

Ling Mohan shook his head: "Even if there is a hard fight, it's still at your level. I don't even know any fighting skills, so don't worry about it."

"..." Yun Zhongxian.

Well, he was pushed back again, this is to run on him with the previous words!
Ling Mohan didn't talk to Yun Zhongxian anymore, but looked at the old man, young woman and little girl in the third carriage on the other side.

Ling Mohan walked to Lingjun Qi: "Father, what are you doing with them?"

"I will enter the Nine Gates Grotto in a while, and I need them to lead the way."

"Is it reliable?"

What happened last time is still on the mind, Ling Mohan doesn't welcome this young and old couple from the bottom of his heart.

"If it's unreliable, I wouldn't have brought them with me. These three people are responsible for guarding the clansman who raised the fog. However, the guardian clan is all dead, because they were killed by that artifact."


Ling Mohan's thick eyebrows were twisted into a pimple, shouldn't they be more worried about them?
Seeming to see his son's doubts, Lingjun Qi explained: "They are only responsible for guarding the artifact, ensuring that the descendants of the Ji family can find it, and relying on this to regain control of the world, they are not really loyal to that artifact."

"Oh, what is that artifact?"

Ling Mohan vaguely guessed what happened, but he still wasn't sure.

Immediately, Lingjun Qi paused and said: "Chuan, Guo, Yu, Xi!"

"Chuan Guo Yuxi was born with spiritual wisdom and became an evil existence, so their task is the same as ours, which is to destroy the consciousness that was born. First, it is to avenge their clansmen. Second, they also want to Regain control of the Jade Seal of Chuanguo."

"Father, didn't you and the emperor come to look for it back then?"

"Well, but I didn't find it at the time."

Lingjun Qi's expression darkened, and his eyes were a bit cold: "The main thing is that I am not familiar with the terrain, that place is like a maze, and it will change by itself.

It is difficult to enter without a specific token.They have the token in their hands. "

Ling Mohan looked at the three people who came this way after getting off the carriage, nodded, he understood, and did not reject them for the time being.

After they came here, they saluted Lingjun Qi: "Grandpa, shall we go into the city?"

(End of this chapter)

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