Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1064 Oh, Chapter Qiaoer is here!

Chapter 1064 Oh, Qiaoer is back!

This is a tall courtyard with a tall red brick wall, which is as high as two people. At a glance, even the trees inside are invisible.

The gate is a vermilion iron gate, with two gleaming gilt copper handles on it, and the place where the bracelet is fastened is shaped like a dragon's head.

On both sides of the door, there are two stone lions standing on the left and the right, with their bloody mouths wide open, majestic and majestic.

"Is this the Song Mansion?"

Shen Qiqiao raised her eyes and looked at the plaque above the vermilion gate, there were two gilt characters of "Song Mansion" impressively written on it.

This should be Brother Song's home now, well, life is really good.

Jiuniang smiled naturally: "Yeah, it's thanks to you, Qiaoer, you can run the tea shop and poppy shop for our family, and the money is rushing. Now, we don't There are only tea shops, rouge shops, cloth shops, grain shops, medicinal materials shops, etc..."

Jiu Niang knocked on the door, and immediately a housekeeper came out to open the door. She brought Shen Qiqiao in while introducing her.

"By the way, Mr. Mo, go in and spread the word, and say that Qiaoermei and the others are back!"


The old housekeeper looked confused, but soon understood.

His club's current achievements are all thanks to that legendary woman!

Occasionally he also heard that woman's name mentioned, Shen Qiqiao.

Now, Qiaoer...

Yo, isn't this the man of God?
Immediately, the old housekeeper gave Shen Qiqiao a wink, as if he was inspecting a very precious and high-grade treasure.

Ling Mohan was very dissatisfied with the way he looked at his woman, stepped forward, wrapped Shen Qiqiao tightly behind her, and said coldly: "Take care of your eyes, otherwise..."

"Old butler, don't look around!"

Before Ling Mohan could finish speaking, Jiuniang scolded her. She was also worried that the other party would suddenly attack him. After all, he had a bad temper in Xiaocha Village before.

Jiuniang smiled carelessly: "Brother Ye, your temper is still as irritable as before!"

Shen Qiqiao hummed, with smiles all over her eyes: "Yeah, this guy's temper has never changed!"

I still love myself the same as before, hee hee!

Jiuniang: "Brother Ye, you have to change your temper..."

"Don't worry about it!"

"Hee hee, alright, alright, just talk about it, we haven't seen you for many years, and I miss you very much."

"No need!"


Khan, this guy is too moody.

The Song Mansion was very large, with three floors inside and three floors outside. They walked around the winding corridors before arriving at the courtyard where the female relatives lived.

"Jiu Niang, Jiu Niang? Qiaoer is back, really?"

When Aunt Chen's voice came out, she hurried out from the inside, and after saying a word, she saw Shen Qiqiao and his wife coming towards her, and she was immediately overjoyed.

"Ah, Qiaoer, ouch, Qiaoer, you are back, everyone is talking about you!"

Shen Qiqiao, "..."

"Hurry up, go to my house first, my aunt just made some snacks, do you want to try it?"

"Auntie, I came back this time to see the villagers, and I'll be back in a few days!"

Shen Qiqiao explained her reason for coming.

Mainly she was worried about the disaster here in Guangling, but now that the problem is slowly being resolved, she is not particularly worried.

"Oh! I forgot, Ye Jialang is now a general, and he should serve in Shengjing, and it's not convenient for him to be away for a long time."

As Aunt Chen spoke, she sighed leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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