Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1067 So it was her!

Chapter 1067 So it was her!
"Shen Qiqiao! Bitch, you bastard! It's you, it's you, who made me like this! I've become like this, how can you live so well?"

Under the shadow of the tree, a thin figure trembled slightly.

Her hands were tightly kneaded into a ball, viciously, and her nails were embedded in the flesh, but she didn't even feel it.

She just cursed over and over again, cursing Shen Qiqiao to die immediately, immediately!

But everything looks so ridiculous and funny.

There is nothing wrong with them, and they are still doing well, talking and laughing there, with gentle smiles on their faces.

"Ahhh! Shen Qiqiao, bitch, why are you so happy? And I, not to mention ruining my body, also suffered from a whole body of illnesses?"

Hate it, she really hates it!

Shen Qiqiao, that bitch, took everything from her!

Her body, her happiness, her health are gone, all after that night, gone!
And she was lying on the bed in a daze, and no one took care of her. Therefore, even if she woke up later, she was also suffering from the root of the disease, and she was plagued by illness all day long, and she was in pain.

How could she be so happy when she was in such pain?
No, absolutely not!
She has been staring at those sinister eyes, staring at her all the time!
Until, the night gradually deepened.

On the field ridges of the village, lamps were lit one after another, and round tables were pulled out of the house, placed on them, and then served with various prepared dishes.

Today is a banquet to welcome the wind and cleanse the dust.

It was their tea village, a feast of thanks to Shen Qiqiao for bringing them a good life.

People were very happy, talking and laughing, jumping up and down, and many people even took the initiative to perform on stage, such as rap, allegro, storytelling, playing the piano...

Once people have enough food and clothing, this day will start to be colorful. Parents will give their children a better life and let them learn various skills...

Here in the whole open air, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Shen Qiqiao was a little stuffed, and wanted to make it easier, so she asked Lizheng where the toilet was, and then groped for it by herself.

However, when she left the banquet, a sinister gaze followed her.

"Oh, the hut has also changed!"

Shen Qiqiao looked at the brand-new, well-built public huts in front of her, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this is really... When people become rich, their tastes go up.

She smiled and was about to open the door and go in.

The moonlight is very good today, the starry sky is bright, and the lights are flickering not far away, so the light is very good.

At this moment, facing the door of the hut, she saw a cold light, which disappeared in a flash behind her!
A dangerous breath rushed towards us!

Shen Qiqiao's eyes were sharp and her hands were quick. When her figure turned around, she immediately squatted down and threw herself forward.


It was the sound of metal piercing into planks.

Shen Qiqiao turned around and rolled on the ground, and saw a person appearing where she was originally standing.

That person was holding a dagger in his hand, because when he swooped over, she was smashed into the wooden door, and then the wooden door opened, and she rolled into the latrine...

Being attacked by such a sneak attack, Shen Qiqiao's eyes turned cold, showing a chill.

Who is going to deal with her?

She carefully looked at the man who fell into the latrine, the figure was too thin and out of shape, but with the help of the moonlight, she could still clearly see the resentful face.

Oh, she remembered, this is... her cousin, Chen Xiangxiang!
It turned out that it was her!
(End of this chapter)

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