Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1076 You always leave like this?Is it too unkind?

Chapter 1076 You always leave like this?Is it too unkind?
Shen Qiqiao looked at the back of Chen Xueyun going away, smiled, and looked at Chen Youliang who was beside her: "Teacher Chen is here to mention your daughter's marriage today, right?"

"Ahem, yes, yes! This old minister has already told the prince about it."

Saying that, Chen Youliang looked at Shen Qiqiao with a guilty conscience.

Shen Qiqiao nodded: "Okay, as long as my younger brother is willing, this marriage can be considered."

Chen Youliang originally thought that it would take a lot of verbal effort, but Shen Qiqiao agreed so simply, she was immediately surprised and even very excited.

As long as the marriage with the Prince Regent's Mansion is established, won't he embrace the position of Taifu?
Shen Qiqiao looked at Chen Youliang's excited look and shook her head.

She had reviewed the performance of the other party before, although she was not considered a good official with integrity, but during her tenure, she worked hard and was a little greedy, but she didn't do anything too extraordinary.

Because of this, she didn't intend to punish Chen Youliang to death, after all, the two families would also get married in the future.

Of course, if Chen Youliang was that kind of very bad official, even if Shen Mu and Chen Xueyun really had a deep relationship, she would knock Chen Youliang down a few ranks.

This is a principled style of doing things.

Chen Youliang sat with them for a while, his buttocks were warmed up, when another person came in and reported: "My lord, Cui Zheng, Minister of the Household Department, is here and wants to see you!"

"Shangshu of the Household Department, Cui Zheng? Who is it?"

Ling Mohan has only just dealt with government affairs in the past few days, and he is not really planning to take care of the world in the future when he handles government affairs, but purely, it was his father who said let him learn and exercise, so that others will not give you trouble in the future. When reading the memorial, his eyes were darkened, and he was at the mercy of others.

Therefore, Ling Mohan is completely confused about who is who among the three lords and nine ministers, three provinces and six ministries, and who manages what?
"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Gu Ya is here to visit you!"

"Left Prime Minister Gu Yasheng? Oh, I seem to have a little impression of this. Why is he visiting me?"

"Does it need to be said, it must be related to the official position. You must know that the father is currently cutting and changing the blood of the officials in the court. How many people are worried that the black hat on their heads will not be safe? Although, some people do have the ability to govern the country ,but……"

She rubbed the space between her eyebrows, "This doesn't mean that the people with lower official positions must not be as good as them. Because many good official positions are monopolized by big family members."

Ling Mohan, "..."

Then, "See you!"

"Well, my son, this is not good, is it? After all, they are all important officials in the court..."


"Forget it, shall I see it?"

"Oh, well, just listen to my wife!"

The guard next to him wanted to say, Master Shizi, you called me wrong, you should have called "Concubine Shizi", but after thinking about it, my master didn't like these addressing rules, so I didn't want to get into trouble right now.

As a result, not long after, officials one after another came to the main hall under the leadership of the servant girl Ding.

Shen Qiqiao counted and there were seven officials coming in.

These officials all knew each other and pretended to be high-ranking and powerful people. At this moment, they strode in, greeted each other along the way, and stopped talking.

When they came to the main hall, they saw Ling Mohan and Shen Qiqiao, and immediately bowed: "I greet you, my son, my concubine!"

Ling Mohan glanced at these officials indifferently, and said in a calm voice, "Father hasn't come back yet, the adults should wait here for a while! Zizhu, serve tea and snacks to entertain the adults!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Mohan took Shen Qiqiao and left without waiting for the adults to react.

Everyone: ...Fuck, you just leave like this?Is it too unkind?
(End of this chapter)

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