Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1085 Protection

Chapter 1085 Protection
"Princess, why are you here?"

Just when the students in the classroom were clamoring for the sweet potato and the strange solution, a magnetic and slightly deep voice sounded from outside the classroom.

Immediately, the next second, all the students turned their heads.

At first, the students were very calm.

Is a princess.

Although she is a concubine, she is different from a prince. Women are not allowed to be in politics. As long as they are courteous, there will be no problem.

There are even some self-proclaimed high-minded students who think that they are disciples of a great family, or a student of a university scholar, or have a family background behind them.

Yes, yes, yes...

However, just when everyone casually raised their heads, the next second!
All stunned!
Even Shen Mu, who had been talking eloquently, was speechless and absent-minded for a while at this moment.

Sis, she actually came!
Shen Qiqiao didn't think of hiding at first, she actually stood at the door of the classroom, watching quietly.

In fact, at that time, as long as someone was a little distracted, they could notice her.

However, everyone was so engrossed in Shen Mu's topic and sweet potatoes that no one noticed her at all.

As a result, the teacher who came in saw it first.

Shen Qiqiao turned around and smiled calmly: "I was bored at home in summer, so I went out for a walk to relax, and ended up coming to Hanlin Academy before I knew it, so I simply came to see my brother."

Shen Qiqiao knew the bachelor who came here, he was Lu Haoran's father, Lu Bin.

Lu Bin is a gentle and elegant middle-aged man. He looks about forty years old, but from the appearance, he is still about 30 years old. I have to admire the maintenance skills of this group of literati, which is really good to the extreme.

Shen Qiqiao just stared at Lu Bin's face.

I watched it for a long time.

Lu Bin was a little ashamed, embarrassed to be stared at by her, he looked away from the other party, but saw that she was still staring at him.

Lu Bin is a person with a strong mental cleanliness and doesn't like many women, so he was very dissatisfied with Shen Qiqiao staring at him like this, but he couldn't say anything.

He coughed lowly and said, "Princess! Please... please pay attention to your identity!"


It was Shen Qiqiao's turn to look confused, but fortunately seeing the other party's red ears and embarrassing expression, as an old driver, she immediately understood.


She laughed straight away, "Haha, hahaha... Bengong remembers that you are in your forties? Haha, but you are well maintained!

It looks like a 30-year-old who is at the right age. Hey, Lu Bin, how did you get this maintenance technique?Teach me, I will also do maintenance for my Xiao Hanhan! "


Shen Mu, "@#¥%..."

Sister, don't you say such funny things, although no one will expose you, and no one knows how to expose you, but my younger brother knows, you are a first-class skin care expert, you still need him to teach?
For a moment, Shen Mu wanted to despise Shen Qiqiao.

Fortunately, Lu Bin felt relieved, and breathed a sigh of relief, "So that's the case, it's my fault! Please forgive me, Princess!

In addition, if the princess wants to maintain the method, I will write it down for you in a while, and send it to your house in a while. Is it okay? "


Shen Qiqiao does know about skin care, but it's not comprehensive. In addition, she is good at women's skin care. Maybe there are other methods for men's skin care?

Anyway, the more the better, she has to protect her man's prosperous beauty!

(End of this chapter)

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