Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1093 Empress Dowager, You Should Consider More For The Emperor!

Chapter 1093 Empress Dowager, You Should Consider More For The Emperor!

Prime Minister Lu came in soon.

Lu Xiuyuan is a handsome middle-aged man. Although he can't compare with a monster like Ling Mohan, he is still handsome overall.

A beauty that belongs to a grown man.

After Lu Xiuyuan came in, he first saluted the Empress Dowager An, and then the emperor.

Empress Dowager An asked for a seat, and ordered the maid to buy new tea, and sat face to face with Lu Xiuyuan.

"Prime Minister Lu came to the harem like this, if someone else sees him, I'm afraid he will start gossip!"

Empress Dowager An kindly reminded him.His slightly closed eyes revealed a hint of worry.

In fact, Empress Dowager An was also flustered when Prime Minister Lu was welcomed into the bedroom. There was too much eyeliner in the palace, and if she accidentally heard it in Ling Mohan's ears, things would be troublesome.

But rather...

She still couldn't suppress the throbbing in her heart, she wanted to talk to Lu Xiuyuan, and wanted to know why he came here to find her.
Lu Xiuyuan also nodded, and sighed, "Of course I know it's bad to do this, but...

Isn't the emperor here?As long as the emperor is around and the veteran comes to look for the emperor, even if the regent has ideas, he won't do anything to the veteran for a while. "

"That's what you say, but after all, he is the regent, and all the power of the court is in his hands. If he knows that you have other ideas, even if he has nothing to do with you for a while, he will put some shoes on you, Mr. Lu. "

Empress Dowager Ann reminded again.

Lu Xiuyuan frowned and nodded, "What the Empress Dowager said is true."

After a pause, he said again, "Oh, Empress Dowager, forgive me for speaking bluntly, now that outsiders are in power, the royal family and nobles are in danger! The Empress Dowager should think more about the emperor!"

"Sugar palm—"

As soon as Lu Xiuyuan said this, the coffee table in the hands of Empress Dowager An fell to the ground without any warning.

She looked around, but fortunately, there was no one there. After Lu Xiuyuan came in, the maid and eunuch sent them away.

But after all, in this deep palace, the walls have ears, and it's really uncomfortable to be too bold, otherwise I don't know how I died.

"Prime Minister Lu, do you know what you are talking about?"

"My lady, the old minister is speaking from the bottom of his heart! Today, the old minister came here to meet the emperor and the queen mother because of the foreign country's visit to diplomatic relations, just to show his loyalty!
The Empress Dowager, the Emperor, and the veterans are the courtiers of the Mu Family Dynasty. No matter what happens in the future, they will definitely stand by the Emperor. "

Lu Xiuyuan clearly expressed his loyalty.At the same time, it tied the two of them in the same boat in disguise.

Empress Dowager An was silent, just lost in thought.

It was the little emperor at the side, who raised his head and looked respectfully at Lu Xiuyuan: "Prime Minister Lu, the emperor is very kind to me!"

The emperor uncle he was referring to naturally refers to Ling Mohan.

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Lu Xiuyuan, even Empress Dowager An's face changed, looking a little ugly.

"Xuan'er, don't make trouble!"

Empress Dowager An gave the little emperor a look.

The little emperor raised his head and said word by word, "Queen Mother, the regent is really good to me! Moreover, he also said that after more than ten years, when I grow up, I will put everything in order." Give it back to me!"


Empress Dowager An was obviously taken aback, staring at her son in astonishment, seeing his serious face, it didn't seem like he was lying.

Others may not know the temperament and character of her son, but as a mother, she knows it all too well.

Don't look at the son as only seven or eight years old, but in fact, his mental age is no different from that of a child in his teens. Sometimes his vision of some things is even more vicious than that of her mother.

In the eyes of outsiders, this little emperor looks ignorant and ignorant, but in fact, at such a young age, his mind is so mature.

(End of this chapter)

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