Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1102 This is so idle!

Chapter 1102 This is so idle!

Looking at Lu Haoran's agitated expression, Shen Qiqiao understood something.

Looking back, he seemed to be interested in himself before.

Shen Qiqiao shook her head and corrected her, "Mr. Lu, don't get me wrong. I want to spread this knowledge to benefit the country and society, and to make some plans for the future."

The future she said, naturally, when the little emperor became an adult, Ling Mohan would entrust all the power to him, and after that, the world would not belong to them.

Although it will be handed over sooner or later, Shen Qiqiao and Ling Mohan are not that kind of heartless. Now that the country is in their hands, they will naturally do better.

"Jiangshan Sheji?"

Lu Haoran finally understood what Shen Qiqiao meant, and his expression became sad again.

Seeing him like this, Shen Qiqiao was a little speechless, but she didn't know how to persuade him, for a person who was obsessed with the Venerable... his wife, she couldn't save him.

The only one who can be saved is himself.

Fortunately, these knowledge points of Shen Qiqiao seemed to be very useful to Lu Haoran. After feeling uncomfortable for a while, he also knew that this kind of sadness was meaningless, so he focused his attention on the stack of papers.

Then, he looked through a few of them carefully.

Then, a look of shock appeared on his face, "Princess, you, you, you..."

I was so excited that I couldn't speak for a while.

Shen Qiqiao smiled and said, "How?"

"It's amazing, it's amazing! Haha, princess, you are simply a god!"

Shen Qiqiao, "..."

Halo, what does this have to do with God?

I just wrote some knowledge points in mathematics casually, really!
"Mr. Lu, I have given you all these knowledge points. When the time comes, you can figure it out, sort it out, and write it into a book. Then give it to me, and then I will send it to the Manufacturing Supervision Bureau for printing!"

Lu Haoran nodded, but soon thought of something again, with an unknown look on his face, "Princess, are you really... planning to give me the credit for this?"

"Don't you count your talents? Only what you write can be widely spread. After all, I'm just a woman, and some things really don't suit me!"

This society is like this, patriarchal.

A modern woman can hold up half the sky.

But for women in ancient times, if a woman has no talent, she is a virtue.

It can only be said that it is a purchasing agent of the times!
Shen Qiqiao was a little embarrassed, she had gradually integrated into this society, and she could accept some things, such as patriarchy...

When she came out of Lu's Mansion, Shen Qiqiao felt a lot more relaxed.

As for the mood, I also felt much happier.

Feel a sense of fullness.

Another meaningful thing has been done!
Speaking of which, since her family Xiao Hanhan became the regent queen, she has been quite free.

Occasionally, a few noble ladies would come to her to enjoy the flowers and the moon, but they would not make arrangements every day. After all, women in ancient times were also particular about going out.

It was because I was too free that I wanted to tinker with something.

It's like working hard in the previous life.

Shen Qiqiao stretched out her hand and rubbed the center of her brows, this matter is really a headache, what kind of pee is she?After finally having an indifferent and stable life, I actually dislike being too idle!
"Well, people always have to exercise. If they don't exercise, they will get rusty and then get sick! The so-called life lies in exercise!"

In the end, Shen Qiqiao comforted herself like this.

As soon as she walked out of Lu Mansion, Shen Qiqiao suddenly thought of another thing.

The Empress Dowager's birthday banquet is coming, should I prepare a gift for her?
(End of this chapter)

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