Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1107 I really want to hit the wall in the first day of junior high school!

Chapter 1107 I want to hit the wall on the first day of junior high school!
Ling Mohan returned to the palace with his little sweetheart in his arms.

The supper kitchen is ready.

Ling Mohan carried Shen Qiqiao to the main hall for dinner.

Behind, the first day of the junior high school followed with a bitter face.

Fifty sticks, alas!

Luluo came out to meet her master, and after the two entered, she looked curiously at her friend's pitiful expression.

"First day, what's wrong with you?"


"Why is it so difficult to answer, you must have something to hide from me! Are you looking at girls from other families outside?"

Luluo looked at him warily.

I have followed Lingjun Qi since I was five years old in the first day of junior high school. This time, it has been 23 years, and now I am 28 years old. The eldest is not young. When Lingjun Qi left, I specifically told him to find someone who is suitable for me. Women have a good time.

So the first pair of Luluo, a girl who is ten years younger than him, cherishes very much.

How could she be willing to see other girls and hurt her heart? |
Now shake your head vigorously.

Luluo was even more upset, she must have done something bad if she refused to tell her so much!
Luluo looked uncomfortable, "You don't even tell me, bad guy! I won't play with you anymore!"


On the first day of the lunar new year, she wanted to cry, "Luluo, it's not like that, it's like this... The Lord will punish me with fifty army sticks!"

"That must be because you did something bad! Huh, you deserve it!"

Luluo snorted softly, then twisted Xiaoman's waist and ran away.

On the first day of junior high school, "..." Can he cry?You people, do you still have sympathy?

Just when the first day of the lunar new year looked extremely depressed, Ling Mohan's voice suddenly sounded, "The first day of the new year, fifty army sticks, go and get them!"


"Well, if you didn't say it just now, I forgot."


At the moment of the first day of junior high school, I really really want to hit the wall!
Forget it!

For a moment, he missed his previous master so much, he was so talkative, oh no, he was much more talkative than this master.

This master must have been abused often when he was living outside when he was a child, so a dark side was born in his heart, and he wanted to torture and kill you again.

On the first day of the junior high school, I went to receive the penalty depressed.

"Uncle Chuyi, do you want me to talk to my sister so that my brother-in-law will not punish you?"

Shen Lanzhi bounced past and saw Chu Yi who was being punished, couldn't help but stop, blinked her big watery eyes, and asked like a curious baby.

Chuyi smiled wryly and shook his head: "No need, I...I can afford these fifty sticks, eh! Aw—ah——"

"Oh, how pitiful is Uncle Chuyi!"

Shen Lanzhi looked at him pitifully.

Alas, it's so pitiful. It takes fifty blows with such a heavy stick.

With an idea, she said, "I'll go find Elder Sister Luluo and let her comfort you!"

"Oh, don't, don't...Miss Shen, don't..."

Haha, he looks very embarrassed now, okay, let my sweetheart see him in such an embarrassed look, it's... very bad, how can he save his face?

He is a man, so he has the face and self-esteem of a man, okay?

He shook his head vigorously, but unfortunately it was too late, Shen Lanzhi had already run away and disappeared!
On the first day of junior high school, "..."

Damn, can he swear?


In the study room, Shen Qiqiao rested her cheeks and looked at the man writing on the desk.

Youyou said, "Fifty sticks, can he bear it? If I get injured, who will drive me in the future!"

"It's fine if you don't go out!"

"Xiao Hanhan, don't be like this! I'm going to the Academy to see my younger brother, and I'm going to the Construction Supervision Bureau to see my invention!"

"Don't worry, I've ordered you to hit me very lightly."


(End of this chapter)

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