Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1109 Heart Hurts!

Chapter 1109 Heart Hurts!
Bureau of Manufacturing Supervision.

Zhou Yu has been waiting for Shen Qiqiao for the past few days.

Because he had already finished what Shen Qiqiao had ordered him before, and was waiting for her to come to claim credit.

Living up to expectations, Shen Qiqiao made him wait for more than half a month, and then came back to the Supervision Bureau.

Zhou Yu immediately came out to greet him, and was surprised to see Lu Haoran also coming.

"Nephew Lu Xian, you are..."

The other party was obviously taken aback.

Lu Haoran smiled, and called "Uncle Zhou", which meant that he had dealt with him.

Shen Qiqiao signaled him to take out the compiled book and give it to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu took the book and was about to claim credit at the moment, so he didn't read it, and took Shen Qiqiao into it in a hurry.

"Please look, princess! The copper movable type you asked for before has been finished. There is a whole set here, with [-] commonly used characters, which can almost arrange ninety-nine percent of today's literary works."

Shen Qiqiao followed his guidance and came to a desk, which was densely packed with neat copper movable type, with Yang carved Chinese characters on it, and the workmanship was very meticulous.

Shen Qiqiao nodded, as expected of the royal family's own manufacturing supervision bureau, the craftsmanship inside is really good!
She pointed to a place on the side for typesetting: "You compose an Analects, and then try to print a few pages."

"Oh good princess!"

Zhou Yu immediately went to the inner room to find a helper to start typesetting.

Taking advantage of this period, Shen Qiqiao took Lu Haoran's book to read carefully. There were not many mistakes in it, and she obviously understood all the knowledge points she gave.

Shen Qiqiao looked at the man in front of her in shock, she really didn't realize that he was so smart and had such a strong understanding.


Lu Haoran saw Shen Qiqiao looking at him with a faint gleam of light in his eyes, and was immediately overjoyed. He wanted to say something, but when he turned around, he saw the other party's serious face.

Can't help being stunned, "Why does the princess look at me like this?"

"Master Lu, how old are you this year?"

"Cough, it's 21!"

"Oh, not too young, do you have a wife at home?"

Lu Haoran's face turned pale, and he had a bad feeling, "Why is the princess asking such a question?"

"Ah, it's nothing, I suddenly thought of asking. Mr. Lu is so talented, I'm afraid there are very few women who can fall into Mr. Lu's eyes, right?
However, since ancient times, a woman's lack of talent is a virtue. As long as she can prosper, support her husband and teach her children, and be a solid backing for her husband, and give you a lot of children in the future, then it will be fine. "

Lu Haoran looked at Shen Qiqiao in shock.

He wasn't stupid, he was even said to be extremely smart, and he couldn't hear such an obvious hint from Shen Qiqiao.

This is to let him stop putting his mind on her, and let him find a girl from a peaceful family and live a good life.

Lu Haoran was self-confident that he was very talented, just as Shen Qiqiao said, very few people could catch his eye, so even if Lu Haoran didn't meet Shen Qiqiao back then, there might not be a woman for him to fall in love with.

But at that time, perhaps under the order of his parents and the words of the matchmaker, he would still marry a wife.

But ever since he met Shen Qiqiao and learned that she was such a legendary woman, he could no longer rub his eyes on other women.

In fact, he really wanted to tell Shen Qiqiao - you don't have to worry about me, as long as I can watch you silently in the corner.

It's a pity, I'm afraid I can't say these words.

Shen Qiqiao's words had already blocked the road.

She showed her attitude and asked him to give up on her.

Lu Haoran's heart hurts so much!

It hurts so bad I can't breathe!

(End of this chapter)

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