Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1221 tied into a string

Chapter 1221

"Go, catch people!"

Naturally, those few residents would not sacrifice themselves for a stranger. Speaking of the new residents, they naturally thought of Ling Qingfeng and pointed in the direction of Yu's house.

Immediately, several officials in coir raincoats and bamboo hats came towards this side.

"Bang bang bang! Open the door, the government is arresting people, open the door quickly!"

"Anyone who dares not to open the door shall be deemed as defying official duties!"

"Bang bang bang-"

The knock on the door was very loud, especially in this late night, it was quite clear.

The voice of the loudspeaker pierced even the eardrums.

Just as Ling Qingfeng was about to fall asleep, he was woken up by this noisy voice, and suddenly, he was furious!
He admits that his temper is not very good, he probably inherited it from his father, but if he is provoked, he is not afraid of anything, even the emperor dares to be dismounted, let alone a group of officials!
"Hey, it's here, sir, don't worry, I'll open the door right now, old man."

The old man Yu was old and had a light sleep. He was woken up when the group of officers and soldiers came in. Now that the other party came to knock on his door, he naturally ran to open the door immediately.

As soon as the door opened, an official kicked over, kicked the old man hard in the chest, and kicked him onto the desk opposite.

There was a bang, and even the table trembled.

"Ouch, ouch..."

The old man was rolling on the ground clutching his chest, and the officials didn't even look at him, and one of them kept cursing, "Old man, you deliberately delay the time to open the door so that you can give the criminal time to escape, right? If He ran away, and you and your family don't want to get rid of the relationship!"



As the official's voice fell, a stone suddenly flew towards his front, hitting his forehead hard, and he screamed in pain.

"Which little bastard dares to..."



The officer who kicked the old man Yu and was still cursing had just been stoned, and before he could swear a few words, he felt a tightness in his chest, and he flew back.

It fell to the ground with a "bang", smashing a wooden stool in the yard opposite.

"Dirty mouth, and hurt people, this is the so-called official? Ha!"

Ling Qingfeng appeared, and he glanced at the old man Yu who was lying on the ground. He was a little annoyed why he was so lazy and got up so slowly. If he was faster, the old man Yu would not be hurt at all!
This matter was his own negligence, so now, he wants to seek justice for old man Yu!
"Stinky boy, how dare you beat someone from the imperial court, you are looking for death!"

Several other officials were stunned for a while, and then immediately shouted, and some of them rushed towards Ling Qingfeng with a big knife.


Ling Qingfeng shouted angrily, releasing a bit of cold air all over his body, and with a few bang bang bangs, several people who rushed up were blown away!
"Dad, Daddy!"

In the back, there was Mingzhu's miserable cry. She was in a relatively deep sleep, but she was still woken up. When she saw the mess in the house and her father lying on the ground, two strings of tears fell down.

Ling Qingfeng frowned, someone unknown, annoyed at the sight of a woman crying for no reason, immediately rushed up and punched the group of officials one by one, turning heads one by one.

The rain was still falling, with no tendency to stop, and it was even getting bigger and bigger. Ling Qingfeng also got a lot of rain on his body, and his clothes were adjusted, but he still braved the thunderstorm angrily, and tied the group of officials into a string one by one.

"you you……"

Seeing this, Yu Mingzhu was shocked and speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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