Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1236 There is no feast that lasts forever in life!

Chapter 1236 There is no feast that lasts forever in life!

Shen Qiqiao waved her hand, indicating that everyone can make a choice.

At first, no one moved in the yard.

Shen Qiqiao coughed: "You guys don't make a choice, the princess can only dismiss you all!"

After these words fell, everyone began to line up.

About [-]% of the people chose to leave and received a sum of money.

Another [-]% chose to stay.

Shen Qiqiao looked at the three adults, these people were really loyal to them, even if they left, they would still guard this palace.

Shen Qiqiao smiled in satisfaction, and stretched out her hand to let the people who received the money leave. After everyone left, there were only 30 people left in the yard.

She scanned the 30 people and said with a faint smile, "Are you all planning to stay and guard the palace?"

"Yes princess, we are willing!"

There are young maids, servants, and old mothers left behind.

Shen Qiqiao was satisfied, "Okay, then you guys stay here! Mama Zhang!"


"This bunch of keys is the key to the warehouse!"

"Wang... Princess..."

Zhang Ma was obviously taken aback, a little unbelievable.

This key is the key to the entire storeroom, and it's just given to her?
This is too...

Mama Zhang felt her heart stop beating for several beats, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

Shen Qiqiao slightly raised her eyebrows: "Mother Zhang, help me take good care of the things in here. As for the expenses of the whole house, I have two shops here, you, and you, you can run them and collect them. The money is the expenses of this palace!"

As Shen Qiqiao spoke, she pointed to the two young servants, both of whom were very capable people in the mansion.

When the two servants heard this, their eyeballs almost fell out.

Especially when they saw Shen Qiqiao hand over the two shop title deeds to them, they almost stopped breathing.

The two top stores on South Street, one is a cloth store and the other is a beauty store, and they are actually handed over to them?

That income can definitely support 30 of them, even if they eat, drink and congest, they still need a lot of wealth!

Now, the concubine actually said that it was the entire expenditure for the palace?
Doesn't that mean that the extra expenses can be...


Both of them gasped at the same time, and looked at Shen Qiqiao with grateful and excited eyes.

Shen Qiqiao smiled and said, "Why, can't it be done?"

"No, no, no! Little one, thank you for your love, princess!"

Anyone who has money but does not make money is a fool, everyone understands this truth.

"Well, that's good, I will leave this palace to you for the time being, maybe we will come back someday!"

Probably not, Shen Qiqiao just said casually.

"It's the princess, the servants will definitely take care of the palace!"

After finishing these things, Shen Qiqiao let them retreat, looking at the familiar figures leaving one by one, Shen Qiqiao sighed softly.

There is always a banquet in the world, that's what I'm talking about, it's going to end after all!

A few days later, in front of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Many people came to see him off, most of them were soldiers who had killed Northern Turks with Ling Mohan.

Of course, some people came to see off Yuchiheng.

The crowd was indistinct, filling up the gate of the mansion, and finally, the emperor came in person.

"Uncle Huang, Uncle Huang!" The little emperor Mu Yuxuan jumped out of Jinluan's car and ran to Ling Mohan: "Uncle Huang, are you really not coming back?"

"Well, almost! Shouldn't the emperor be happy? No one cares about you anymore!"

Ling Mohan smiled lowly, teasing the little emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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