Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1239 Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head!

Chapter 1239 Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head!

"Hey, let me tell you guys, can you stop dawdling and hurry up!"

In front, Yu Chiheng saw a group of people dawdling behind, quite speechless, turned around and shouted.

Only then did the group quicken their pace.

In front, it has entered the vicinity of Diancheng.

Diancheng is a very large city, the capital of Qingzhou. Although it is not as prosperous as Guangling and Yongling, it is more or less the main city.

They came to a mountain.

At this time, a string of fluttering butterflies flew from a distance and landed beside Yuwen Liuyun.

Yuwen Liuyun took the butterflies and put them near his ears. Immediately, his face changed slightly.

"Ayun, what's the matter?"

"There is an ambush ahead, we have to be careful!"

"Who ambushed us?"

"It looks like bandits, but I don't know the details! Cough, are we going there?"


Ling Mo coldly sneered, looking at the direction the butterfly was flying in, "Since someone wants to break ground on Tai Sui, let him do it, and move on!"

"Well, let's go! Anyway, we are here to suppress the bandits, what are we afraid of?"

Yu Chiheng laughed heartily, and led a group of people to the mountains.

In fact, there were not many people from Ling Mohan and the others, they were all in casual clothes, no one knew that they were the army, but everyone's aura was very majestic and their martial arts were superb, not something ordinary people could provoke.

As the saying goes, people with high skills are bold, but instead of the slightest fear, everyone entered the mountain with enthusiasm, ready to see how capable these bandits are!
A group of people entered the mountain like traveling in mountains and rivers.

Before he had gone far, there was a sudden rustling sound from all around.

"People are coming!"

Ling Mohan's deep voice sounded, signaling Shen Qiqiao to protect Yi'er and Le'er.

Ling Anle refused, and went straight into Yuwen Liuyun's arms.

This scene made everyone dumbfounded. The originally serious atmosphere instantly became much lighter under her disturbance.


"Surround them all. This group of people looks like rich people. They captured all their finances and looted them!"


The rustling sound gradually increased, and finally a lot of bandits rushed out from the dense forest, holding big knives in their hands, and besieged them desperately.

"These bandits are ordinary people!"

Ling Mohan glanced at this group of bandits, and shook his head. They are not people with special powers, just like Qingfeng's letter said.

At this time, Yuwen Liuyun's pupils shrank suddenly: "Everyone, be careful, there are Gu worms on these people!"

"What Gu?"

"Heart-eating worms can infect normal people!"

As soon as his words fell, the faces of the soldiers who were calm and calm all of a sudden turned ugly. Even Yu Chiheng felt that he didn't dare to show his air. At the same time, he became serious.

"Keep a distance from them!"

He roared loudly, turned around and drew his bow to shoot arrows!

"call out--"

An arrow feather flew out, shooting and killing the bandits who rushed up first!


Immediately afterwards, countless arrow feathers flew over.

"No, this group of people are not ordinary people, the wind is blowing!"


As soon as the two sides fought, the group of people on the opposite side realized the disparity in the combat power of the two sides, and turned around and ran away!

"Marshal, shall we chase?"

If it weren't for Yuwen Liuyun's words, these people would probably have chased him straight away.

But people cherish their lives, who would rush forward foolishly after knowing the danger?

(End of this chapter)

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