Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 1241 Bandit Den

Chapter 1241 Bandit Den (2)

Under the invisibility technique, Ling Mohan led Shen Qiqiao into the bandit's den.

There are bandits living in this mountain one after another. Rows of houses are built like post-modern row houses. Bandits carrying big knives walk back and forth during the period, as if they are patrolling.

The two cautiously shuttled through these mountain trails. Although they were covered by invisibility, they still tried their best to go to places with shade to avoid showing their shadows.

In the hot sun, it is easy to see through.

"Xiaohan, have you noticed that this wave of bandits is much more disciplined than the group we met back then. Look, there are people patrolling, and their walking posture is so regular!"

Shen Qiqiao glanced at the bandits passing by, then whispered to Ling Mohan beside her.

Ling Mohan nodded, "Well, I don't know where these bandits came from, what is their purpose? But they robbed so many people, but basically did not hurt anyone's life, what is their purpose?"

Ling Mohan's thick brows were furrowed, and his expression was also very strange. On the way before they came, they had already inquired about the behavior of bandits here.

That is, the money is kept, and the person is easy to leave. If you don't hand it over, you will be killed!
So, the purpose of these bandits is only for money?
But laboring and mobilizing so many people, just for money, there is no need to follow the records. According to the general bandit organization, they are all free and loose.

This is completely unscientific!
"There's something strange here, come on, let's go in and have a look."

"Then, be careful, how long can the invisibility last?"

Shen Qiqiao thought that all such spells had a time limit, so she was a little worried about him for a while.

"Don't worry, it's okay, the power in my body is very strong, it's fine!"

Ling Mohan shook his head, signaling her not to worry, took a bottle of space dew and drank it, and took Shen Qiqiao to the depths of the mountain.

In a blink of an eye, he was already inside.

Ling Mohan glanced at a small valley hidden in the deep mountains in front of him, surrounded by lush trees and jungles, with a winding and spreading river on one side, and several winding paths.

His face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "There is a formation!"

Shen Qiqiao really doesn't understand these things, but the man next to her does. She remembers that before Ling Junqi left, she gave him a book, and that book contained many knowledge points that did not belong to this world. .

Formation and so on, naturally also dabbled.

Ling Mohan's eyes were burning like torches, his deep eyes swept around, his face revealed a shocked look, and he meditated: "Strange, this formation is so complicated! Let me crack it, and there is only a [-]% success rate."

"so smart?"

Shen Qiqiao was also secretly taken aback, according to what Ling Mohan said, is it difficult for them to get in?
And if you trespass, you are afraid that something will go wrong. If you are accidentally caught, God knows what uncertain factors you will encounter.


At this time, the three butterflies that had been hovering beside them flapped their wings lightly.

Ling Mohan looked at the butterflies, thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No, you can't go, once the formation here is activated, it will only make us all fall into a passive position."

I wonder if these butterflies can understand?Or, can Yuwen Liuyun over there perceive it?
Anyway, Ling Mohan didn't want to cause any accidents, but the loss outweighed the gain.

Suddenly, Ling Mohan thought of the words his father had quietly said to him when he left, immediately turned around and asked the little woman beside him: "Qiaoer, bring out some branches of the World Tree."

(End of this chapter)

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