Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 144 You Bunch of Tricky Women!

Chapter 144 You Bunch of Tricky Women!
Zhao was dumbfounded, her man dared to drag her home?This made Zhao, who always said one thing at home, couldn't stand it.

"Well, you Zhang Da Niu, you dare to drag me, and you dare to call me a crazy woman? Oh, hey, I will fight with you, I can't live through this day!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his big paws and scratched Zhang Daniu's face.

Zhang Daniu was beaten and scolded by his wife who called her by his name in public. In the past, he would have kept silent at most, but for some reason, since he went down the mountain with Ye Han that day, his sentence "a man should live like a man" "The words directly touched his heartstrings.

He is also a man, and he also has the pride of being a man.

In the past, he was cowardly in front of his wife because he hadn't activated the self-esteem that belongs to a man!
But it's different now, when he met a tiger yesterday, he thought he was going to die, but Ye Han appeared out of nowhere, and slapped the tiger flying away, which greatly touched his thick nerves.

He thinks this is too handsome, only in this way is a real man!

He really can't admit it anymore!
So Zhang Daniu plucked up his courage, and slapped his mother-in-law directly: "Bitch, you...you..."

As a result, Zhang Daniu stuttered and couldn't say a complete sentence, and this slap blinded him too.

He actually beat his wife!
As for the others, they all showed expressions of shock. Zhang Daniu, who is afraid of his wife, has had a hard time today!

Mrs. Zhao, on the other hand, went straight to the point, and rushed forward with a wow: "Good old Zhangtou, I beat you as a wife because of an ugly broom star, I will fight you, this house is nothing!"

"But it's nothing, I'll go back and divorce you!"

Zhang Daniuniu got angry, pouted his hooves, pushed Zhao Shi away and said angrily.

"You, you, you, you... want to divorce me? Oh, you have no conscience. For 15 years, I took care of your father and son with a lot of snot and tears. There is no credit but hard work. Now you actually Are you going to divorce me? Ah——I'm dead, I'm going to die!"

Zhao cried and slammed into a tree.

The nearby villagers immediately came up to persuade the fight, grabbed Zhao who had hit the tree, and some persuaded Zhang Daniu to give up quickly and let the old woman stop making trouble.

It doesn't matter if you don't talk about it, Zhang Daniu will explode when you talk about it, he is subdued every day at home, this time he will never!
"If she wants to bump into it, let her bump into it! Marry a wife and a virtuous man, and if I marry a tigress, I might as well be a widower!"


Mrs. Zhao was dumbfounded.

She didn't really want to die, she was just trying to frighten him. Zhang Daniu would definitely give in when she was so noisy before, but today it doesn't work.

Zhao was at a loss for a while, she had never seen such a tough husband, she was not used to it.

The villagers on the side were still trying to persuade them to fight. There was a family of the Shen family who was making a fuss here before, and now Zhang Daniu and his wife were added, as well as the Zhang family and the Zheng family who added fuel and vinegar from time to time.

As a result, the entrance of Shen Qiqiao's house became as noisy as a vegetable market.

Just when the scene was about to get out of control, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

"What are you doing? What are you doing, you bunch of scumbags, blocking people's gates?"

"Oh, Lizheng is here, Lizheng is here!"

With a clatter, the crowd exploded and stepped aside one after another. Wang Li, supported by his daughter-in-law, came walking with his hands behind his back and an expression of anger on his face.

When he saw the noisy scene here and the messy vegetable garden, his complexion immediately became black and smelly, and he said angrily: "What are you trying to do? Rebellion? Hurry up, everyone! Go home for me, and then kneel in the earth temple at the entrance of the village!"

(End of this chapter)

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