Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 172 What happened back then!

Chapter 172 What happened back then!

"What are they going to do?"

Suspicious, Shen Qiqiao poked her head out to look around, but she was already far away, and it would be troublesome to catch up.

She thought for a while, then let him go, come back later to ask, if she doesn't say anything, she will close the small black room.

Ye Han and Wang Zhihuan left the noisy crowd and came under a willow tree by the river. Wang Zhihuan saw no one in front of him and said, "Boy, if you have any questions, just ask!"

Ye Han pondered, organized his words, and said, "Grandpa Lizheng, do you still remember what happened in the village the year I was born?"

Wang Zhihuan was taken aback, and looked at him in astonishment, not understanding why he asked this?

Ye Han stared at him with deep black eyes, did not urge him, but just waited silently.

After a long time, Wang Zhihuan said: "That year, bandits invaded and many people died in the village. We said to the outside world that bandits came to rob the village, but in fact, they were a group of mysterious people who searched from house to house as soon as they entered the village. People said they were looking for a young man holding a child.

Alas, pitiful and hateful, those executioners killed three young couples in this village who had just given birth. At that time, the blood was splattered three feet in the house, and there were corpses everywhere. Tsk tsk, I still remember , still panicked. "

Wang Zhihuan shook his head and sighed.

Ye Han turned his black eyes slightly, digesting Wang Zhihuan's words.

"What happened after that?"


Wang Zhihuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then there will be a dry season, and there will be no rain for a year. The crops in the fields will be dead and dry, and there will be no snow in winter, which will lead to a plague of locusts in the coming year. Some of the bookmakers also ate up.

After two years of natural disasters, many people died in this village.Originally, there were 120 households in our small tea village, but now there are only 67 households, which is exactly half! "

Ye Han's expression became more and more strange: "Because of this, why do the big guys treat me as a disaster?"

"That's right, in the year you were born, there were three other families who also imported children, and in the end, those three families died. The killers let you go because your parents are old."


Ye Han was speechless for a while, he didn't know what to say, it was fine if he caught up with the robbers who entered the village, but the drought and locust plague later on, this luck is out of luck.

But in the next second, Ye Han seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed. He thought that his parents had treated him badly since childhood, and even said that they had a bad attitude. It stands to reason that even if he is a disaster star, he shouldn't be so thoughtful. Off?
Didn't you see the attitude of Ye Dahai and his wife towards Ye Jing? It's as good as a golden ingot?
There can be only one reason for this: he is not their own!

Could it be that he was the one the killers really wanted to kill?
But since those killers killed so many innocent people in order to kill him, why would they care how many more people were killed?

There must be other reasons why they let the Ye family go.

As Ye Han thought about it, his eyes became colder, and his face was very ugly.

"Brother Ye family, what's the matter with you, your face is turning blue, maybe something is wrong?"

As soon as Wang Zhihuan looked up, he saw Ye Han's expression was rather bad, and couldn't help but care about him.

"Grandpa Lizheng, I'm fine."

Ye Han said in a low voice, trying not to let his emotions leak out.

"Then, does Grandpa Lizheng still remember the midwife who delivered my baby?"

Before, Ye Han had doubts about his identity, and he often used the tricks of helping the villagers to make excuses, but he did it many times, and the final conclusion was: he was born in October of Sun's pregnancy, and the villagers all saw him. Let's look at Sun's pregnant belly.

It stands to reason that Ye Han can rest assured, but as time went by, he felt more and more unreliable, so he took the opportunity to ask Li Zheng today, to see if he could find out the woman who gave birth to him back then?
(End of this chapter)

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