Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 180 Hurry up and apologize!

Chapter 180 Hurry up and apologize!

After Shen Qiqiao finished speaking, everyone in the Yang Family Village felt as terrified as being struck by lightning.

As for Shen Xiaoru, she was so shocked that she couldn't believe her ears!

Shen Qiqiao, a little slut, actually called this murderous "my family", could it be that they were having an affair?
Looking at this ugly monster again, the face that was originally as cold and serious as winter, now looks like spring flowers blooming, revealing a smug smile?
Shen Xiaoru was suddenly flustered by the wind, holding her breath in her chest, unable to get up or down, it made her feel so uncomfortable.

When she thought that Shen Qiqiao had such a powerful man to rely on, she gritted her teeth with hatred,
Especially this man had abused them not long ago, which made her even more upset. She always felt like a big slap slapped her face hard, it was hot and painful!
"Oh, it turned out to be my niece and my nephew's son-in-law. This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple. The family doesn't recognize the family!"

Shen Xiaoru was confronting Shen Qiqiao, but second master Ma suddenly jumped up and nodded and smiled at Shen Qiqiao.

He heard clearly the conversation between his mother-in-law and this girl just now. This girl called her "Little Sister", so is she her niece?
Second Master Ma has often heard his mother-in-law talk about a shameless little bastard in her family who likes to hook up with men. He knows that there is some personal enmity between the two aunts and nephews.

If it was a normal day, Second Master Ma would definitely help his mother-in-law teach this girl a lesson.

But now, with such a cruel master behind this girl, how would he dare to find Shen Qiqiao unlucky?Seeing that his mother-in-law was going to do something bad, he quickly endured the pain and apologized.

Shen Xiaoru saw her man making amends to the enemy so uselessly, she was so angry that she trembled, she wished she could slap him to death, at this moment, she wished Ye Han would kick this useless man to death just now, so that she could find him again. A great one!

The couple had their own concerns, so Second Master Ma ignored Shen Xiaoru's livid face and continued to smile: "Master, they are all from my own family. It was purely a misunderstanding just now, hehe, misunderstanding..."

Ye Han raised his eyes, wanting to say that he misunderstood your size, but before he could say anything, Shen Xiaoru suddenly turned his head, and immediately stepped forward with a smile.

"Oh, the co-authors are all a family. It turns out that this brave little brother is the nephew and son-in-law. Really, if I said it earlier, there would be no such big misunderstanding! Nephew and son-in-law, look at it What happened to my man? Hurry up, come over and apologize!"


This time it was Shen Qiqiao's and Ye Han's turn to be speechless.

Ye Han, in particular, had a deep insight into the shamelessness of the Shen family, who was as virtuous as his superb parents.

"Hey, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and apologize to your aunt and uncle!"

Seeing that Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao didn't move, Shen Xiaoru yelled again: "Actually, I don't want you to make any kind of compensation, as long as you apologize and give me some money, it's over, otherwise, hmph, you will definitely be troubled Go to the village!"

"Sister-in-law, is there something wrong with your brain?"

Shen Qiqiao stared wide-eyed, revealing a surprised expression: "It's clear that your man troubled my Xiao Hanhan first, and you should apologize, why should it be our fault? Even if you ran to the village and shouted about it, Throat, no one will support you!"

Of course not, the whole village ate a full meal thanks to Ye Han's blessing, not to mention that it was their fault, even if it was really their own fault, the people in the village would speak up for them.

People are so realistic, if you have milk, you are a mother!
(End of this chapter)

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