Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 184 Give Tiger Whip!

Chapter 184 Give Tiger Whip!
"Oh, um, what?"

Yang Lizheng, who was eating meat with a meat jar, was so frightened that he almost knocked over the jar, and stared at Ye Han in shock!

Tiger meat?Did he eat tiger meat?Go to hell!

Is it that easy to beat a tiger?Not to mention this young man who looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, even a few young men in their twenties going up the mountain together may not be able to take down a tiger!
Yang Lizheng didn't believe it, and the others didn't believe it either.

Shen Xiaoru directly jumped three feet high, and exclaimed: "Impossible, who are you going to lie to? Just get some pork and say it's tiger meat, you think we are all fools? If this is really tiger meat, I'll tell you!" "

"That is, what evidence is there to prove that it is tiger meat? What if it is rabbit meat or dog meat, who knows! If you have the ability to come up with convincing evidence!"

There are villagers nearby who like to make noise when nothing is wrong, and now they are directly attacking Ye Han, thinking that he is lying.

Yang Lizheng didn't speak, just closed his eyes and thought about it. Seriously, he has never eaten this kind of meat in his life. It is definitely not pork, let alone mutton or dog meat. Could it be really tiger meat?
Impossible, that young man really has such great abilities, can he fight tigers with his bare hands?
But if it's really tiger meat...

Yang Lizheng shivered suddenly, breaking out in a cold sweat.

"You want evidence, don't you?"

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Shen Qiqiao couldn't help but feel contemptuous in her heart. Of course, she quickly went to the bullock cart to get the evidence. Fortunately, she thought of it before she came.

She took out a small wooden box from the car, trotted it to Yang Lizheng's hand, and whispered in his ear: "Master Lizheng, what's inside... cough cough, I won't talk about it, you can see for yourself !"


Yang Lizheng glanced suspiciously at the mysterious Shen Qiqiao, noticing that her little face was a little red and hot, and immediately became more curious about what was in this wooden box?
He opened it carefully.

In the wooden box lay a long cylinder, about one and a half palms long, thick as a thumb, and dark grayish-brown.

Yang Lizheng's face changed suddenly, he stared at the things in the wooden box in shock, and stretched out his hand to press it lightly.

It feels rough to the touch, slightly sticky, slightly soft, and it seems that it has just been made.

Yang Lizheng's whole body is not feeling well, his old face is slightly red: "This is... a tiger penis? A real tiger penis, it seems that it hasn't been dried yet."

"Yeah, I just made it yesterday, and it hasn't dried completely after hanging it all night, so I sent it to Master Lizheng in a hurry!"

"What? Send... to me?"

Yang Li was blinking his old eyes, he couldn't believe it, this... such a baby who strengthens the yang and nourishes the essence, just give it away just like that?We don't seem to know each other well?
But I have to say, this tiger whip really tempted him.

Even though he is already in his sixties, he is old-hearted, and he still wants to be in love with his concubine, that little lady who is 20 years younger than him.

This tiger penis is a good thing for aphrodisiac!

Yang Lizheng stared at it until his eyes went straight, he wished he could swallow it alive in one gulp!
Shen Qiqiao saw Yang Lizheng's facial expression in her eyes, and thought: There is a way!

As long as he pleases Lizheng, the next thing will be much easier, especially if Lizheng can be entrusted to come forward, he can find someone faster.

"Master Lizheng, I don't know about this, can you prove what I said?"

Shen Qiqiao blinked her big harmless eyes and asked with a smile.

Yang Lizheng's eyes were narrowed into slits, what is there to be dissatisfied with?
Laughing again and again: "Yes, yes, this thing can't be wrong. This little brother is really amazing. He can fight against the king of the mountain with his own strength. He is really a hero!"

 Collection, ticket, all kinds of requests~

(End of this chapter)

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