Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 205 Hurry up, get up!

Chapter 205 Hurry up, get up!
"it is good!"

Ye Han responded, picked up Shen Mu and strode to the room. Shen Mu was grabbed by Ye Han and screamed, but he couldn't break free, so he could only climb onto the bed obediently.

Shen Qiqiao was busy for a while, after coaxing Xiaolan to sleep, she got up and went to the space.

She visits the space almost every day, because every time she comes in, she will gain something new.

But tonight, Shen Qiqiao found that this space was finalized.

A towering tree with a height of more than three meters is located in the center of the space, surrounded by fertile land with a radius of [-] meters, and on a part of the land close to the big tree, there are crystal clear dewdrops, which are the dew falling from the leaves.

Seeing the dew, Shen Qiqiao sneaked up to lick it.

There was very little dew, but it was mellow and sweet in the mouth, cooling and moisturizing her throat, which made her feel like she couldn't put it down, but turned around and licked all the dew on the side.

She smacked her mouth, trying to savor the taste of dew, but her mouth was flat and tasteless.

A little disappointed, but Shen Qiqiao was still very happy. The space was fixed and no longer expanded. Does that mean that she can start planting the crops and medicinal materials she needs?
Hehehe, it seems that the time has come for her to make a fortune!

She left the space full of joy, at this time it was midnight, when sleepiness came, Shen Qiqiao yawned and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Shen Qiqiao was woken up by a loud noise.

Thinking that something happened again, she hurriedly put on her clothes and got out of bed, but when she opened the window, she saw that the villagers in the village were yelling one by one.

"Hurry up, oh, you mother-in-law, you need to be more nimble. Steward Su only needs [-] people to pick tea. If you go too late, you won't have your share. This is a lot of money of twenty yuan a day, and you can eat it!"

Outside, a farmer was urging his wife to sign up for picking tea on the tea mountain.

Followed by several little girls in their teens, all of them are sallow and thin, but their eyes are sparkling with little stars.

Anyone who is sensible knows that one month from today, the financial conditions of the family will be better, and they will be able to eat a few full meals, and if conditions permit, they can even eat some meat.

Because people from the Su Family Tea Shop came and wanted to hire a group of tea girls to go up the mountain to pick tea.

It is said that this year the tea trees are growing well and the output is large, so more manpower is needed. At the same time, in order to stimulate the work efficiency of the tea pickers, the daily wages have also been increased, from twelve coins a day last year to fifteen coins this time.

Many people were moved, so there were as many women signing up for tea picking this time as there were temple fairs.

Among the crowd, Shen Qiqiao saw that Chen Xiangxiang was also there, including Qian Shi.

Anyway, Mrs. Li is a very lazy person, she will not do such a tiring job.

As for Chen Xiangxiang, she is very delicate, and she doesn't bother to do this kind of work. The reason why she is going is because she wants to meet First Young Master Su, have a chance encounter with him, and maybe even sit in the position of Su's aunt.

Shen Qiqiao yawned to wake herself up from drowsiness, and looked at the villagers who were going to the market indifferently.

To be honest, she has no interest in picking tea, but... who made her think otherwise?


"Ye Han, Muer, Xiaolan! Hurry up, get up for me!"

Shen Qiqiao's voice was very sharp and high-pitched. With this shout, the broken house trembled. After a while, Ye Han hurriedly ran and put on his clothes and came out: "Qiaoer, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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