Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 208 It's making noise again!

Chapter 208 It's making noise again!

"Dingling, bang bang", several servants immediately grabbed their swords and sticks, and threw their heads and faces at Ye Han's door.

But how could these people be Ye Han's opponents?

Hearing the screams of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", all these servants were knocked down by Ye Han, and they piled up on the ground, crying for their father and mother in pain.

Chen Xiangxiang was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe that Ye Han was so courageous that he even dared to beat people from the Su family?

The Su family is one of the most wealthy families in Fenglin County. Not only is it rich, but they also know a lot of people in official circles. To have an enmity with such a family is definitely out of your mind and wants to die!

"Oh, bastard, you are finished, you offend our Su family, you are dead! You will die badly!"

"Break him to ashes!"

The servants who were beaten up by Ye Han rolled around on the ground, speaking vicious words.

Seeing this scene, Shen Qiqiao blinked her big eyes, and just wanted to say "Okay, okay".It's time to beat up these bastards who pretend to be powerful. They don't even know the most basic humility. It's really weird to be a slave and still have a sense of superiority.

Some villagers were worried that those who really offended the Su family would not be able to get anything good, so they hurriedly talked to Ye Han: "Ye Jialang, enough is enough, if this fight continues, it will kill people, everyone just take a step back. "

"We will never stop with this bastard! Let me tell you, you don't want to do the work of picking tea this year. We'd rather go to the people in the next village!"

As soon as the steward's nephew finished speaking, all the villagers were dumbfounded, and they were all at a loss, not knowing what to do?
Chen Xiangxiang immediately jumped up, pointed at Ye Han and said, "Let me just say, this man is the broom star of our village, we don't want to have a good life with him! Everyone must unite and drive this ugly monster out of the village!"


Many villagers are simple and honest. Most of them still couldn't say that they had received such great kindness from Ye Han before, not to mention helping get rid of tigers in the mountains to relieve safety hazards, and even treating guests to eat tiger meat.

But the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, so it is inevitable that there will be some crooked melons and cracked dates.

For example, a horse-faced woman squeezed out of the crowd, with one hand on her hips and one hand holding an orchid finger, chattering endlessly: "Oh, yes, this kind of broom star should get out of the village, so as not to bring bad luck to our village!
Tell me, how many troubles did this broom star cause by staying in the village?Drought, locust plague, and a tiger came down the mountain not long ago, tsk, I think that tiger is coming for him!
Thanks to him knowing the remedy, otherwise he would be worse than a beast!But even so, it can't change the fact that he is a broom star, so get out as soon as possible! "

Mrs. Zhang's words were not innocuous. They directly dismissed Ye Han's contribution to killing the tiger to nothing, and even pointed out that it was because of his existence that the tiger brought disaster to the village.

Some people in the crowd showed strange expressions, their eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking, but it is certain that Zhang's words still made some people shake their minds and became hostile to Ye Han again.

Mrs. Zheng has suffered from Ye Han's big losses before, and now she doesn't forget to add insult to injury: "Yes, yes, this broom star is really abominable, forcibly cutting off the livelihood of our entire village!

Let me tell you, now it is March and April, and there is no money for picking tea. What should we eat and drink?This broom star is going to punish the big guy to death, this heart is really vicious! "

"Yes, yes, Ye Jialang really went too far this time."

Some villagers were moved by the persuasion, and they shook their heads repeatedly, thinking that Ye Han had ruined their jobs.

(End of this chapter)

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