Chapter 216
Seeing her funny howling, Shen Qiqiao laughed, shook the branch in her hand and poked her again: "Are you still playing dead?"

Knowing that she had been found out, Mrs. Zheng gritted her teeth angrily, and said angrily, "You little bitch! You did it on purpose, you came to trick me on purpose!"

Shen Mu interjected: "It's you, a bad woman, who came to cheat people first, and even wanted to send my sister to jail, you deserve it!"

"you you you you……"

Zheng was so angry that he couldn't speak, and a ball of cotton was blocked in Ganji's throat, which was quite uncomfortable!

At this time, there was another colic in her abdomen, and she cried out, "It hurts me to death, it hurts me to death, I'm going to die, folks in the village, if I die, it must be Shen Qiqiao, that bastard." Harmful!"

"Mr. Zheng, your mouth is too vicious. There is no way for good or bad. You can only invite yourself. You deserve it!"

Aunt Chen scolded angrily, she couldn't get used to Zheng's vicious tongue, her son was a student, yet he could speak a few words of a gentleman.

"Let's call a doctor for them. If anything happens, it's a homicide case."

Although Zhang Daniu was not ashamed of what Zheng's and Zhang's did, he was from the same village, and he didn't want anything to happen to them, nor did he want Shen Qiqiao's family to suffer a lawsuit because of it.

"Give me the money!" When Mrs. Zheng heard that she wanted to see a doctor for them, she immediately became energetic and yelled, "We were beaten up like this by this girl, no matter what, we need a hundred taels of silver, otherwise this matter will never end! "

Shen Qiqiao scorned: "100 taels of silver? Why don't you grab it? With your current appearance, I reckon you can jump home after lying down for a while!"

"Oh hello, I'm in pain, I can't do it, I'm going to die!"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zheng yelled twice, closed her eyes, and continued to pretend to be dead.

Shen Qiqiao laughed angrily at her rascal, everyone said that people are shameless and invincible, indeed they are invincible!

"Mother-in-law, Shen Qiqiao, you have such vicious thoughts at such a young age, ah, it hurts me to death..."

Li Dazhu was also crying, patting the ground with his palms and almost rolling back and forth, but he knew he couldn't roll, otherwise, wouldn't it prove that they were all right, so how could they extort money?

Ye Hanhan glanced at Li Dazhu and the others, and said calmly: "Need to see a doctor? Yes, I happen to know a doctor, I'll take you there!"

Mrs. Zhang shrank her neck in fright, rolled her eyes and said, "You take us there? You won't be us halfway, will you?"

Zheng muttered: "It's possible!"

When Lin Acai heard this, she fainted from shock.

"It's useless!"

Ye Leng snorted, too lazy to pay attention to these people, feeling that just looking at them would lower his IQ, so he picked up Shen Qiqiao's little hand and was about to leave.


Seeing that Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao were about to leave, Mrs. Qian rolled her eyes to stop them: "What's the matter, do you want to slap your ass and leave after killing someone, and wait for us to wipe your ass? Don't even think about it." ! Murder pays for life, wait a while for the official to come, you can wait to go to jail!"

"Dead?" Shen Qiqiao smiled, "That's fine, let the government officials come, and the autopsy will confirm that he is dead. We dare to act bravely, and we will never drag anyone down!"

"Qiao'er is right! Of course, if someone really wants us to go to jail, that's fine too. You guys, who would think? I'll take a knife and stab him to death first!"

Ye Han stepped forward, holding a gleaming sickle at some point in his hand, and yelled at the few people lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

(End of this chapter)

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