Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 237 Chen Xiangxiang Wants to Seduce First Young Master Su!

Chapter 237 Chen Xiangxiang Wants to Seduce First Young Master Su!

Qian Shi is very precious to this daughter, seeing her daughter being reprimanded, her heart aches so much that she immediately goes up and grabs Chen Xiangxiang and brings her to her side.

"Mother, why are you talking about Xiangxiang like that? Can you blame her for these things? If you want to blame it, then blame Shen Qiqiao's bastard. One side hooked up with Young Master Su, and the other side hooked up with ugly monsters. It's really infuriating!"

"That's right, Shen Qiqiao didn't even have any flower buds, so she could hook up with you, and look at you, what a beautiful girl, but even a capable man can't catch it, you What's the use of saying you? If you stay at home, you will lose money!"

Mrs. Li snorted coldly. As the head mother of this big family, she has a lot of power to speak.

"Mr. Qian, your girl is not young anymore, she is fourteen this year, right? After a while, I will find a matchmaker to talk to her about marriage, and I will choose a good family for her."

As soon as Chen Xiangxiang heard that she was going to sell her, would it still be worth it?Immediately burst into tears: "Mother, grandma wants to sell me! Grandma, you can't be so cruel, I am your granddaughter after all, and I have worked so hard to take care of you all these years, you can't betray me!"

Mrs. Li glanced coldly, and said: "Who sold you? This is to find you a good husband's family, so that you can rely on! You little heartless!"

That's what I said, but as long as you are not stupid, you will know the meaning of selling.

"Mother, I don't want to marry. Even if I want to marry, I must marry Young Master Su!"

"Hmph, Young Master Su? Just rely on you? You're a loser with no skills, didn't you go to find Young Master Su this morning? You were still wearing bright red and green, but did he look at you? Tsk, man, just You should have self-knowledge, if you don't have that ability, don't miss him too much!"

Mrs. Qian couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily: "Mother, Xiangxiang is your own granddaughter, we are now grasshoppers on the same rope, and we will lose everything. You shouldn't be talking sarcasticly now, but Think about how to help Xiangxiang!"

Mrs. Li squinted at Mrs. Qian with contempt and disdain in her eyes, thinking that only this uneducated daughter-in-law who pretended to be an educated person could give birth to a silly granddaughter who wanted to climb into the young master's bed without the young lady's life.

Li Shi was very dissatisfied, but after all, it was her own family. Speaking of which, if this girl could really climb up the big tree of Su Shi, it would indeed be beneficial to her old Shen family.

Mrs. Qian saw that Mrs. Li didn't say a word, but her eyes were moving, so she continued to add fire: "Mother, think about it, the only girl in our family who can marry now is Xiangxiang, as long as Xiangxiang marry Entering the wealthy family, our family is like chickens and dogs ascending to heaven!"

"Who is the chicken and who is the dog? You are the dog!"

Mrs. Li was so angry that she jumped up and down and cursed. As expected, there are as many daughters as there are mothers, and they are two idiots!

Qian Shi knew that she had said something wrong, so she smiled embarrassingly and said nothing.

Chen Xiangxiang was most afraid of this grandma, so she also hid behind Qian and watched secretly.

"Okay, why do they all look like dead children? Don't they just want to hook up with that Young Master Su? Xiangxiang, do you know why you can't catch Su Shi's eyes? That's because you don't know how to act like a baby... "

Li began to act as a lecturer and instructor, instilling in Chen Xiangxiang how to manipulate men.

Chen Xiangxiang and Qian's listened carefully, making oh-oh sounds from time to time, and Chen Xiangxiang showed joy after a while: "Nai, you are so amazing, you are worthy of being my grandma!"

"Huh, that's right, I've lived a long time, and I've eaten more salt than you have walked. I don't understand this devious way? Xiangxiang, grandma has entrusted you with all her unique skills , if you can't do it this time, then grandma can only find a husband's family!"

"Okay, grandma, Xiangxiang will definitely succeed this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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