Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 257 Who dares to act wild, bite me hard!

Chapter 257 Who dares to act wild, bite me hard!
Shen Qiqiao didn't know what happened in front of her house, she was happily eating a sumptuous lunch at the moment.

But Ye Han's heart was as thin as a hair, his deep eyes were slightly restrained, and he glanced in the direction of the courtyard entrance.

"Ye Han, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about building a house!"

Ye Han withdrew his gaze and changed the subject, not wanting a few scumbags to ruin the good mood of little sweetheart.

As soon as Shen Qiqiao mentioned the house, she got excited, she rested her chin and thought: "That's right, it's time to make plans, time waits for no one.

Let’s talk about choosing a site, designing a house, finding workers to build it, polishing and painting, and then moving in piles of furniture. There are so many things that don’t take time. If you don’t do construction, you will have to wait until next year. . "

Ye Han put down his chopsticks: "After dinner, let's go and have a look? There are a lot of vacant land in the east and west halves of Xiaocha Village, and you can always find a good one!"

"Well, that's what I thought too!"

"Wang Wang!"

Beside, the puppy barked twice.

Shen Qiqiao casually threw a piece of fat and thin pork belly to the puppy.

The puppy whined twice, shook its tail at Shen Qiqiao, and then jumped up to bite the pork belly, making a satisfying sound.

If Mrs. Qian or Mrs. Sun saw this scene, they would definitely beat their chests with anger. What the hell, this prodigal bitch, such a big piece of pork belly, just let a dog eat it like this?

What a waste of luxury!

After lunch, Shen Qiqiao wanted to wash the pots and dishes, but Ye Han took the first step: "I'll do it!"

Shen Qiqiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, was this guy too gentle and too hardworking, being pampered by him like this, Shen Qiqiao was really worried that she would become a slob waiting to die!

"Ye Han, you've been busy all morning, let me do it!"

"How can it be done? You are so skinny now, and you have no meat on your body. If you work again, won't you become skin and bones? As I said, I want to raise you up for nothing!"

Shen Qiqiao looked at him speechlessly: "Plump in vain? Then I will become a big fat man, and you want it too?"

"Yes, Fatty is good, it feels sensual to the touch!" Ye Han suddenly looked back cunningly, "Besides, no matter what you become, I want it!"

Shen Qiqiao gave him a sidelong glance, and pouted dissatisfiedly: "Dead people, full of gaudy nonsense, they are all the same, God knows how many girls you have talked to?"Men's words are the most unreliable! '

Ye Han was depressed, calling out his grievances, the conscience of heaven and earth, he really only said this to Shen Qiqiao!

With a bang, Ye Han finished packing the dishes, and suddenly came to Shen Qiqiao, looking down at her: "Qiaoer!"

"Well... what do you want to do?"

Shen Qiqiao felt her little heart thumping, a little nervous and a little scared, and looked at Ye Han cautiously.

"You're right, are you sincere? It's not by words, but by actions! Qiaoer, you will understand one day..." Ye Han paused, then leaned into her ear with a smile, "I will use actions to prove whether I am reliable!"

There was nothing wrong with the logic of this statement, but why did Shen Qiqiao feel the creeps?
After tidying up, the two went out.

The younger brothers and sisters wanted to follow, but they had to stay at home because they had to take care of the tea leaves that were drying.

The puppy also wanted to follow, but Shen Qiqiao was worried about her younger siblings, so she gave the puppy an order: "Anyone who dares to come to my house to behave wildly, bite, bite hard, don't be polite!"

(End of this chapter)

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