Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 265 Tea sells well?

Chapter 265 Tea sells well?

"This... is the new tea that was newly launched recently?"

Shen Qiqiao looked at the tea leaves in the wooden box, smelling the faint tea fragrance, she was quite speechless.

"Exactly, I just sold it from the Sujia Tea Shop not long ago. Because the output is small, but the tea is really delicious, so the price continues to rise. If the Sujia Tea Shop does not replenish the stock, it is estimated that the price will continue. It's going up."

The proprietress was very proud of the tea leaves, and at the same time looked at the tea leaves with some reluctance. If it wasn't for the purpose of trapping these two customers, she wouldn't have brought out this box of tea leaves.

The corners of Shen Qiqiao's mouth twitched, feeling incredible: "This tea is so expensive, and there are people who want it?"

The proprietress smiled: "Why not? There are several wealthy families in our small town. Of course, the most important thing is that the tea leaves flow to the county town, where there are more rich people. The tea leaves are worth nearly two hundred words."

Shen Qiqiao blinked in surprise.

The proprietress continued to introduce: "Jincheng is a tea town, and almost half of the tea in the Dagan Dynasty comes from Jincheng, and the best tea is also in Jincheng.

In addition, Jincheng is close to the border, and there are a lot of merchants on weekdays. The most important thing for those merchants is money! "

Listening to her introduction, Shen Qiqiao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Where is she now, is it close to Jincheng in the south and bordering the border?

She remembered that there was the Silk Road in ancient China, and of course it started from Chang'an, but she didn't know what country Jincheng used to be?
Shen Qiqiao felt that it was necessary for her to get a map of the Great Qian Dynasty and study it carefully.

Thinking of this, she felt a little embarrassed. She didn't even understand the basic situation here.

The proprietress introduced a lot, and finally asked with a smile: "This tea is precious. To be honest, I also see that we are destined to form a good relationship, so..."

"Since the proprietress wants to form a good relationship, it seems vulgar to talk about money. If the proprietress is willing to make these clothes for free, we can also take them home and make them ourselves. As for the tea, since it is a treasure, we don't want to win people's love. .”

Ye Han was eloquent, and the proprietress was taken aback when she heard it.

His reasoning can be heard, but the proprietress didn't know how to respond for a while.

Shen Qiqiao also didn't want to waste money, if she could make clothes for free, that would be fine, making money is not easy, if you can save it, you will save it.

As for the tea, she wanted to complain, it was clearly fried by them themselves, and it was given to her as a gift, isn't this intentional to offend others?
The proprietress is not stupid. She knows that no matter how expensive the tea is, it won’t go up too much. Once the Su Family Tea Shop sees that the tea is sold, it will definitely continue to sell it. She is not a person who likes tea, so it is useless to keep it. , it is better to send Zuo favors.

But Ye Han said that, if she forcefully sent it out, she would look too contemptuous of herself, after thinking about it, the proprietress agreed: "You can make four clothes for the girl, and the rest will still need to be paid by the girl. "

"Is that so..."

Shen Qiqiao thought for a while, originally wanted to say that she would make four sets of clothes for her younger siblings, and do the rest by herself, but on second thought, what if she couldn't do it herself, wouldn't it be a waste of fabric?
Besides, she is busy growing vegetables and medicines to make tea, how can she have time to make clothes?
So, Shen Qiqiao agreed, reported the sizes of her siblings, and asked the Yi Niang to measure herself and Ye Han, and then went to pay.

(End of this chapter)

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