Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 268 Fighting poison with poison, do you dare to try?

Chapter 268 Fighting poison with poison, do you dare to try?
Luo Qingyun was quite speechless, he had provoked someone, so he just wanted to take a good nap, why did disaster come, no, a piece of torn clothes flew in?
Damn, it was worn by a beggar!

Luo Qingyun wants to go crazy, he has a cleanliness freak!
"Ye Han, what kind of nerves are you, a thousand-killer?"

"See a doctor, otherwise you won't wake up!"


Luo Qingyun wanted to vomit blood, he was clearly awake, didn't you see me half-closed my eyes, aren't you blind?
Then he caught a glimpse of Shen Qiqiao who was following from behind, his eyes lit up immediately, and he saw the bend - he was cooperating with this guy because he was afraid that his wife would be abducted!
Well, looking at him now, it's right to be on guard. It's not easy to find someone you like, so you should pay close attention.

But, you can't be gentle, so rough, do you want to die, or do you want to die, or do you want to die?

Luo Qingyun squinted at him, then straightened his clothes, fastened the regular clothes on his chest, waved his sleeves, and sat upright: "Stretch out your hand, feel the pulse!"

Ye Han despised him in his heart, but he still reached out to feel his pulse.

Shen Qiqiao stood on the sidelines a little nervously waiting for the result. As for Ye Han's little action just now, she was used to it, and she was no longer surprised by it.

After a while, Luo Qingyun let go, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Shen Qiqiao's heart skipped a beat, secretly thinking that something was wrong, could it be... developing in a bad direction?

Sure enough, I only heard him say: "Your poison seems to have deepened."

"You...you're talking nonsense. It's been less than half a month since the last visit. Why did it change so quickly?"

Luo Qingyun stretched out a finger and shook it, telling Shen Qiqiao to shut up: "Don't you have to blame him for this matter? It's okay to be jealous and angry, and this toxin will work... Oh, Ye Han, what are you doing? Don't hit people indiscriminately, my medicine hall will be demolished by you!"

Shen Qiqiao watched the two fight, jump up and down, quite speechless, and finally shouted: "Stop! Seeing a doctor, what a fight?"

"Tell me, is there any way to solve it?"

Ye Han withdrew his hand and sat back on his seat with a serious face.

Luo Qingyun also regained his composure, and said word by word: "Your poison has really deepened slightly. If you continue like this, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen. Once the poison develops, it will definitely... be hopeless!"


The bag of needles and threads that Shen Qiqiao was holding fell directly to the ground.

"My master is wandering outside, and I don't know when he will come back. Otherwise, he will be able to cure this poison with his ingenious method of rejuvenation... But don't be discouraged. Anyway, I have inherited half of the master's knowledge. I guess there is a way. , I just don’t know, Ye Han, do you dare to give it a try?”

Shen Qiqiao looked at them nervously, but Ye Han put on an understatement: "What method?"

"Fight poison with poison! Ye Han, I have been pondering the toxins in your body for the past few days, and after repeated deliberation, I just came up with this method.

It's just that this method is more dangerous, and I don't want to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.But now seeing that your toxin invasion speed is accelerating and accidents may happen at any time, I wonder if I should take a risk? "



The two voices appeared almost simultaneously.

Ye Han looked at the little sweetheart next to him in surprise, wondering why she opposed him?

"No, fight poison with poison, are you going to use the most poisonous poison in the world to conquer the fetal poison in his body?"

"Yes, this is the only way!"

"No, I resolutely don't agree. What if something happens to Ye Han?"

(End of this chapter)

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