Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 273 Discussing Technology

Chapter 273 Discussing Technology

The bullock cart quickly left the town and headed towards Yangjiacun.

Luo Qingyun didn't know the way, so he asked Ye Han to point him out. Ye Han thought it was troublesome, and he really wanted to ask Luo Qingyun something, so he got out of the car and sat on the car board with him.

Shen Qiqiao might be because of Luo Qingyun's driving. The car was a little bumpy and she felt uncomfortable. Just now when Ye Han was there, she barely supported it. When Ye Han went outside, she couldn't hold it anymore and fell asleep.

For people who suffer from motion sickness, lying down is more comfortable than sitting.

In the end, he fell asleep in such a daze. I don't know what the two men discussed outside?
When she woke up, it was Ye Han who woke her up.

"Qiaoer, Qiaoer? Wake up, why do you look so bad?"

When the bullock cart came to the entrance of Yangjiacun, Luo Qingyun got out of the car first, and Ye Han then called Qiaoer and waited for her to get out of the car, but waited for there was no movement inside, and immediately opened the curtain nervously.

Seeing the person inside lying in the carriage, with her eyes closed tightly, her little face turned slightly pale, Ye Han became nervous, and reached out to touch her forehead, but she didn't have a fever.

"Don't worry, it's just motion sickness, it will be fine in a while!"

Luo Qingyun glanced at Shen Qiqiao, and then said indifferently.

Ye Han glanced at him, and said in a muffled voice: "Driving skills are really bad, I'll come next time!" Ye Han really felt sorry for torturing his little sweetheart like this.

"It's gotta be, I know you have good skills, so come here in the future!"

Luo Qingyun was quite depressed. He was not too tired to drive the couple for you, but instead of saying hello, he was blamed instead. This man really forgets his brother when he has a woman. Damn it!
However, when he mentioned the word "technique", he emphasized the sound very much, and even squinted at Ye Han, his eyes were rather beating and provocative.

The corner of Ye Han's mouth twitched, he rolled his eyes back, and then said quite confidently: "Nonsense, with your three-legged cat skills, can you compare with me?"

Luo Qingyun: "..."

Shen Qiqiao was woken up by the noise of the two, she opened her eyes in a daze, and after a glance, she said, "Ye Han, are we here yet?"

"It's here!" Ye Han quickly withdrew his arrogant and beating expression, and became quite gentle, "How is it, is there any discomfort? How about you lie down in the car and rest for a while?"

Shen Qiqiao shook her head, and said, "No, I'm going to take a look."

Once a person falls in love with someone, he will be very interested in everything about that person, and he doesn't want to miss a single bit. Shen Qiqiao is like this now, and doesn't want to miss every bit of Ye Han.

Ye Han understood her intentions, and felt warm in his heart. At the same time, he was also worried that it would be bad if he ran into tigers and wolves if she stayed here, so he immediately said, "Okay, then I'll support you, and see if you're not ready." !"

Shen Qiqiao wanted to refuse, but when the other party stretched out his big hand and lightly encircled her slender waist, she felt a tingling sensation from head to toe, making it difficult for her to break free.

The three of them entered Yang's Village, and some villagers saw that it was Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao again, and they brought a stranger along with them, and some people went in to report with a bluff.

"It's not good, the well-recognized broom star in Xiaocha Village is here again, everyone be careful!"

Ye Han is a bastard, needless to say, Shen Xiaoru must have spread the word. She was bullied by Ye Han that day, and she probably has a lot of resentment in her heart.

I could have taught this little girl a lesson by the way, but since I came here to do business for Ye Han, it was inconvenient for me to often have trouble with people from Yangjia Village.

(End of this chapter)

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